Update for Sunday, September 8th
Dear Church family and friends,
Just as people are getting back into the groove of life after the summer, all content from our facebook, website and YouTube channels will take a pause for three weeks as the people that operate them are away. Those signed up for our regular e-mails need not worry though, as these have been taken over by a kind volunteer! If you haven’t signed up for these yet, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org. The same e-mail address can be used for any questions you may have about IBC Giessen, including access to the livestreams to our services. Recorded sermons will not be published until the end of September.
You can, however, find the sermon from today’ service here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F8mj5VdS-4
Young Adults’ Bible Study (YABS) will continue to meet during this time in their smaller groups dotted around Giessen. Everyone meets up at 7pm, but at different people’s places. To find out which one is nearest you, or which one is the English speaking group, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
The ladies should not forget to register for the creative King’s Daughters event by this Wednesday (11th)! On Saturday 14th at 11am, the women will meet for fellowship, worship and crafting on the theme of Lydia and her story taken from the Book of Acts. To be part of the group, who will gather in the Student Kitchen of the FTH, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
A quick reminder to the men: there will be no Men’s Breakfast this month. It’s not a decision that we wanted to make, but we look forward to seeing you all at the end of October!
We would like to invite you to a talk which will be held at the FTH on Wednesday 18th September at 7pm. Mike Revis will be delving into the topic of sharing the gospel with Muslims in an event titled “From Mecca to Mainz – Understanding Islam, Muslims and our role as Christians in these uncertain times”. Definitely a pertinent topic, it will surely be a very interesting evening.
A new Bible Study will be starting the week after that, on 25th September at 7pm. As last time, it will be online only, but this time on the book of Galatians. Please write to the e-mail address given above if you are interested in taking part, and for a link to the meeting.
God bless you in these upcoming weeks – we’ll be back at the end of the month!
Update for Monday, September 2nd
Dear Church family and friends,
We return this week to animals being used to illustrate a point in a sermon. Earlier this year, Simon talked of squirrels, but this Sunday just gone Lucas used a story about our amphibian friends the frogs to highlight how we should face difficulties in our lives, living in the hope that our salvation brings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBeek3RVRdo
This Week in Church…
Tomorrow evening at 6:30pm, all of the YABS groups will meet at the FTH Student Kitchen for a Big YABS meeting! A perfect time to get to know the groups, as well as YABS as a whole; if you are a young adult looking for an evening of worship, God’s Word, fellowship and food then this is the place for you! All contributions to the dinner are very welcome. For more information, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
We referred to him at the top of this announcement, but, incidentally, it’s Simon’s turn to preach again this Sunday (8th)! Our service starts at 11am, with a livestream for those unable to make it to the FTH Chapel Room. To gain access to the livestream, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
A Couple of Dates for your Diaries…
The King’s Daughters will be getting crafty together on Saturday 14th at 11am, in the Student Kitchen of the FTH. Their make will be inspired by the story of Lydia from the Book of Acts, including her examples of faith and hospitality. While beverages and snacks will be provided, there is nothing stopping you from bringing your own favourite treat to share with the group. Women interested in attending should register by the Wednesday 11th September by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org .
A few days after that, everyone is invited to a talk given by Mike Revis, which will also be held in the FTH. “From Mecca to Mainz – Understanding Islam, Muslims and our role as Christians in these uncertain times” will focus on how we communicate and interact with those of the Islamic faith, while also remaining strong in our own. The part workshop, part talk will take place on 18th September at 7pm.
May God bless you in this week!
Update for Monday, August 26th
Dear Church family and friends,
“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13.
A well know Bible verse, well-timed for teacher, pupil and parent alike at the beginning of the new school year. Whether that was deliberate or not is up for debate, but it did form part of Pastor Johannes’ latest sermon in his series on Philippians this Sunday. To hear more, just click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXHl-hfsCck
This Week in Church…
YABS will meet up in their smaller groups on Tuesday evening. Everyone starts at 7pm, but in different places around Giessen – there’s even an English speaking group! For more information on where the groups are located, and what they will be getting up to, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
From one sermon series to another, this coming Sunday Lucas will continue his exploration of the book of Habakkuk in our service at 11am. To catch up on what he has said so far, you can check out this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLevqjirL-fLMFGUn-3y4bCNaYgadTV4KQ. As this is also the first Sunday of the month, we will be celebrating the Lord’s Table together. If you are joining from our livestream – a link to which will be given to you on writing to office@ibc.giessen.org – you may wish to gather the elements for yourself before getting online.
A Date for your Diaries…
While there may not be a Mid-Week Bible Study until the end of September, we would like to make you aware of an event to be held on a Wednesday evening at 7pm in the FTH facilities – although it is in a few weeks’ time! On 18th September, Michael Revis will be holding a talk entitled “From Mecca to Mainz”, focussing on how we as Christians can communicate effectively with Muslims. Surely an interesting topic, let’s come to it with an open heart and mind.
While you have your planners at hand, we’d like to remind the men that there will be no monthly Breakfast in September. The FTH will be using the Kitchen for an event of their own on that day. The women, however, can look forward to their next King’s Daughters session on 14th September – more information to follow!
May God bless you in this week!
Update for Monday, August 19th
Dear Church family and friends,
Job is a good example of someone who gets knocked down, but just keeps going. We’re told the reason is that his love for God spurs him on – but perhaps it’s his fear of God instead. To hear what Pastor Buddy has to say on this, just click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–IgkEfYOnM
This Week in Church…
YABS will meet up in their smaller groups on Tuesday evening. Everyone starts at 7pm, but in different places around Giessen – there’s even an English speaking group! For more information on where the groups are located, and what they will be getting up to, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
As a reminder, there is no Mid-Week Bible Study for the next couple of weeks. We’ll get you the information on when it resumes as soon as we get it ourselves!
The men will be gathering for their breakfast this coming Saturday (24th) at 9:30am, in the Student Kitchen at the FTH. We are aware that there may still be a few still on holiday or not in Giessen for other reasons, but we’d still be really happy to see any gentlemen still in the area! Please write to office@ibc-giessen.org if you are planning on attending, and tell us what you will be bringing to the breakfast buffet!
Pastor Johannes will be continuing his Philippians series this Sunday. To catch up on the series so far, you can take a look at this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLevqjirL-fLNtkB-dugOHTsLq-QDJqz2C. Otherwise we warmly invite you to our service on Sunday morning at 11am in the Chapel Room at the FTH! Should you be away, ill, or unable to make it for any other reason, you can join via our livestream. To gain access to it, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
May God bless you in this week!
Update for Monday, August 5th
Dear Church family and friends,
Sat by the pool, at the beach, or on a picnic blanket somewhere outside, there’s a certain type of media that you consume. Whether it’s reading a book or listening to a podcast or audiobook, the less involved it is the better: nothing that requires too much brain power. Nothing that confronts you with something or makes you feel uncomfortable. Definitely something that allows you to escape or take the information on board easily. While Pastor Buddy’s sermon from yesterday doesn’t fit into those categories, it is nevertheless good to listen to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hjnWMyrB9I
This Week in Church…
YABS returns to normal this week by meeting up in their smaller groups on Tuesday evening. Everyone starts at 7pm, but in different places around Giessen – there’s even an English speaking group! For more information on where the groups are located, and what they will be getting up to, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
On Wednesday evening, also at 7pm, the Mid-Week Bible Study will be gathering together virtually for the last time before a break. They will be looking at the book of Amos, as well as praying together.
To finish the week we will have our regular service at 11am on Sunday morning in the Chapel Room at the FTH. If you are away, ill, or unable to make it for any other reason, you are invited to join the online congregation via our livestream.
For links to access either the Mid-Week Bible Study or livestream of our Sunday service, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
May God bless you in this week!
Update for Monday, August 5th
Dear Church family and friends,
There’s quite a lot going on at IBC Giessen this week, so we’ll skip a long introduction and start in our usual way with the recording of Pastor Buddy’s sermon from this Sunday – the next instalment of the ‘Verse of the Year’ series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQRkhzYcn3o
This Week in Church…
It’s Big YABS time again this Tuesday! At 6:30pm all groups of the Young Adults’ Bible Study will gather together for a buffet dinner in the Student Kitchen of the FTH. All contributions are welcome! If you’ve been thinking about visiting YABS for a while, but have never taken the plunge, this is a good opportunity to do so. There will be singing, God’s Word and praying, as well as fellowship with everyone. Should you have any further questions, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Mid-Week Bible Study is also at 7pm, but on Wednesday evening via Zoom. This week’s session will be the second to last one, before taking a break from the 21st August. At some point in September the Bible Study will start again and we will provide you that information when we have it. Until then, you can be part of this week’s session on Amos by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link, and grabbing your Bible.
On Saturday (10th) afternoon, the King’s Daughters will be taking a trip to the Marburg Botanical Gardens. If you are a woman and interested in joining them, they will meet at the FTH at 1pm and drive there together. Entrance to the Gardens is 5€, or 3€ for students. Please let them know if you plan on being part of the group by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org by Thursday (8th) at the latest.
Last week we had reminded you of the Baptism Service that would be taking place this coming Sunday, after the regular Church service at the FTH. We are sorry to inform you that this has been cancelled on two grounds: no-one came forward to be baptised, and there is an issue with the water at the Wissmarer See! The morning service however, will still take place at 11am. If you are away, ill, or unable to make it for any other reason, you are invited to join the online congregation via our livestream – a link can be obtained by getting in contact with office@ibc-giessen.org .
May God bless you in this week!
Update for Monday, July 29th
Dear Church family and friends,
A good plan has a clear goal and a methodical approach. It can foresee potential obstacles, and has ways of avoiding them even before they’ve taken place. It knows what it needs for success, as well as what would hinder any progress at all. On seeing the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ in the Bible, do we view what we are reading as the details of God’s master plan, or is it a set of rules and regulations? One such passage is Habakkuk 2 : 6 – 20, Lucas’ text for his sermon yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=872S35CGZr8
This Week in Church…
Tuesday at 7pm is when the various YABS groups meet in various places around Giessen. If you consider yourself a young adult and would like to know who meets where, you can find that information by writing to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Mid-Week Bible Study is also at 7pm, but on Wednesday evening via Zoom. You are more than welcome to join for the first time, even if you haven’t been able to attend previous sessions on this study of Amos: just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link
As this coming Sunday is the first one in August, we will be celebrating the Lord’s Table as part of our service at 11am. If you are away, ill, or unable to make it for any other reason, you are invited to gather some juice and bread for yourselves and join us via the livestream. You can get a link to the livestream by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.
The Weekend after that…
…is an important one as yet again there are two IBC events happening; the first, again, being a King’s Daughters excursion on the Saturday.
On Saturday (10th), the ladies will meet at the FTH at 1pm, before driving off together to the Botanical Gardens in Marburg. There, they will spend the afternoon in each other’s company and enjoy the wide variety of God’s creation. Entry to the garden is 5€, or 3€ for students. If you plan on being part of the group, please register by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org by Thursday 8th August.
Since its first announcement, perhaps our planned Baptism service at the Wissmarer See on Sunday 11th has been a little overlooked. The service would take place at 2pm, after our morning service at the FTH – so allowing time for us to travel from one to the other. As it stands though, we do not have anyone interested in being baptised! If you have been thinking about publicly declaring your faith through water baptism, perhaps now is a good moment? Please get in touch with Pastor Buddy via office@ibc-giessen.org should that apply to you.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, July 22nd
Dear Church family and friends,
There are some events in the Bible which feel all too relatable: Jesus becoming frustrated at the fruitless fig tree being one of them. Hungry, he went to look for food, only to find the fig tree void of anything to eat, yet abundant in leaves. Inanimate objects can be irritating, and no matter how much we mash computer keyboards, switch something on/off again, or just give it a shake, we can neither truly fix it nor destroy it. Our attitude toward whatever the ‘thing’ is, however, can be changed by what we think of it, but again that does not guarantee its destruction – and that is where our similarities with Jesus end. To hear what happens to the fig tree and how faith is a powerful force; please listen to Pastor Buddy’s sermon from Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmaaob73GA8
This Week in Church…
Tuesday at 7pm is when the various YABS groups meet in various places around Giessen. If you consider yourself a young adult and would like to know who meets where, you can find that information by writing to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Mid-Week Bible Study is also at 7pm, but on Wednesday evening via Zoom. You are more than welcome to join for the first time, even if you haven’t been able to attend previous sessions on this study of Amos. A link to the meeting is available via office@ibc-giessen.org.
It doesn’t feel all that long ago that there was last a Men’s Breakfast, but here we are again at the fourth Saturday of the month! The men will be meeting at the usual time of 9:30am this coming Saturday (27th) in the FTH Student Kitchen for a time of food, fellowship and hearing God’s Word. So that we can have an idea of how many gentlemen plan on turning up, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org to tell us that you are coming. All food contributions to the breakfast are greatly appreciated!
Lucas will be continuing his sermon series on Habakkuk during our service on Sunday at 11am. If you are travelling, ill, or for some other reason unable to be part of our congregation at the FTH, then you are more than welcome to watch via our livestream. To join in online, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, July 15th
Dear Church family and friends,
Whether you get to enjoy six weeks holidays or not, yesterday’s BBQ definitely marked the beginning of summer! We are so thankful to everyone who brought salads, sides and desserts to share – there was more than plenty for everyone! – and we praise God that the weather was perfect for the occasion.
With the heat, we need to make sure that we drink enough; Pastor Buddy reminded us in his sermon during the service what we are biologically made of, and how significant that truly is in our walk with Christ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1vwGkBNCfw
This Week in Church…
Tuesday at 7pm is when the various YABS groups meet in various places around Giessen. If you consider yourself a young adult and would like to know who meets where, you can find that information by writing to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Mid-Week Bible Study, on-the-other-hand, takes place online via zoom: just write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link. This takes place on Wednesday evening, also at 7pm, and will focus on the book of Amos.
After a small hiatus, on Friday evening (19th) we will be having a Worship Night! Please join us in the Chapel Room at 7pm for an extended time of worship, prayer and a small input.
Then, to round off the week, we will have our service on Sunday morning at 11am. If you are travelling, ill, or for some other reason unable to be part of our congregation at the FTH, then you are more than welcome to watch via our livestream: access to it can be gained by sending an e-mail to office@ibc-giessen.org.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, July 8th
Dear Church family and friends,
What can fear make you do? Run, be brave, flinch, stand completely still, shout or go quiet. It can also make you obedient, as Pastor Buddy explained in the newest instalment of his sermon series on our verse of the year. To listen again, just click this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edyjFlgyGpY
This Week in Church…
YABS split off into their different groups for this Tuesday’s meeting. These smaller units meet across Giessen, but all at the same time of 7pm. To find out who meets where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
On Wednesday evening, Mid-Week Bible Study continues its study of the book of Amos. This meeting is held online – you can get a link to it by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org – and starts at 7pm.
The King’s Daughters will be having their picnic at the FTH this Saturday (13th), starting at 12:30pm. All women interested in going should register by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org. This picnic lunch is a bring-and-share style meal, so please bring a contribution! During the devotional time, there will be an input on the subject of modesty.
On Sunday, not only will we have our regular Church service at 11am in the Chapel Room of the FTH – with a livestream link being sent to those who contact office@ibc-giessen.org – but we will also be having our long-awaited BBQ! If you haven’t done so already, please get in touch with us via the a-aforementioned e-mail address so that we may order enough sausages, bread rolls and get enough for everyone to drink. Don’t forget to bring along your favourite side, salad or dessert too!
Worship Night
A rather spontaneous addition to our calendar is a Worship Night which will take place on the 19th July – a week this Friday – at 7pm in the FTH. Please join us for an extended time of worship, singing and prayer!
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, July 1st
Dear Church family and friends,
Much like beauty, importance too is in the eye of the beholder. Who do we consider important? Royalty, top politicians, millionaires, those in positions of power – in whatever form that may be. Each person will have a different idea of who is more important and has more authority. Similar could be said of how differently people may understand Jesus and his place in their lives. To hear more about this important person and the healings that he performed, you can listen back to Pastor Buddy’s sermon from Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDJh0flIGJA
This Week in Church…
It’s Big YABS time again this week! At 6:30pm in the Student Kitchen at the FTH, all the YABS groups will come together for fellowship, food and worship. To find out more about this, or to confirm that you wish to join them, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
On Wednesday evening, Mid-Week Bible Study takes place. To get involved with the study on the book of Amos, you are warmly invited to the online meeting at 7pm. Just write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
As this Sunday is the first in the month, we will be sharing the Lord’s Table with one another. As usual, our service will take place at 11am in the Chapel Room at the FTH, where we will gather to pray, sing and listen to God’s Word together. A livestream is available for those unable to make it – link available at office@ibc-giessen.org – and those joining it may like to prepare some bread and juice for themselves in order to share in this act of love and obedience to the Lord.
A big weekend…
The BBQ is just around the corner, but the day beforehand (Saturday 13th) the ladies will be meeting together for a picnic at the FTH. This King’s Daughters event is open to all the IBC women and is also a good opportunity to invite friends along. The topic this time is ‘modesty’ and what the Word of God says about the virtue. If you would like to attend, you are warmly invited to bring a dish to share as well as your own cutlery and crockery to avoid waste. Just let the team know by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org
On the Sunday (14th) it’s time for the long-awaited Church BBQ. Don’t forget to get in touch with us at office@ibc-giessen.org and tell us how many will be in your party! The Church will be providing the grilled goods, and we would like to know how much to purchase. If you would be so kind to contribute salads, sides or desserts to share your contributions will be greatly appreciated.
You may be aware that several countries are in various stages of election campaigning. Each has its own system, but they all seem to involve big change to their respective nations. In the UK, voters will have their say on Thursday 4th; in France they vote in several rounds with the next one taking place in a similar time frame. We know that this world is in a state of upheaval – life simply is not easy for anyone – but we can also pray that the elections pass peacefully, even in countries where that might be taken for granted.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, June 24th
Dear Church family and friends,
Language is funny sometimes – particularly the pronunciation of certain words. It’s interesting too, how much the natural world influences our phrases and descriptions: ‘to badger someone’ means to remind someone, perhaps repeatedly until it’s irritating; ‘to beaver away’ at something means that you are working very hard; then, of course, there’s the German ‘Hamsterkaufen’ which means that a shopper has bought a large amount of an item in order to have plenty available to them.
We appear to have ‘gone down a rabbit hole’ – to explore a distraction in great detail – with this introduction. Let’s get back on track with the sermon Simon delivered on Sunday, where he invited us to consider the squirrels…: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twd-R6LB9e8
This Week in Church…
YABS continues to meet in their smaller groups on Tuesday, studying the book of Acts in different parts of Giessen. All groups meet at 7pm and one of them is English speaking. To find out more, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
On Wednesday evening, Mid-Week Bible Study takes place. To get involved with the study on the book of Amos, you are warmly invited to the online meeting at 7pm. Just write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
Sunday will be not only the last Sunday in June, but also the month’s last day at all! Half of the year completed already! Of course, we will have our traditional service at 11am in the Chapel Room at the FTH with all those unable to attend watching via the livestream. If you would like to join the online congregation, you may do so by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
Don’t forget…
… to register at office@ibc-giessen.org if you are planning on sticking around after our service on Sunday 14th July for our Church BBQ. The Church will provide the meat and would like to buy an appropriate amount with as minimal waste as possible. Those attending will need to bring anything else they may wish to see at a family BBQ, whether it’s a dessert, a salad or other side dish.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, June 17th
Dear Church family and friends,
Distractions. They’re everywhere: most commonly nowadays they are on your mobile phone, but each generation must have its own. Whether we are choosing to be distracted or trying to fill up ‘empty time’, it’s what you are distracting yourself with which can cause the most harm. In the next part of his series on Philippians, Pastor Johannes explored this on Sunday morning. To listen again, please click this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlVyXQllkEM
This Week in Church…
YABS continues to meet in their smaller groups on Tuesday, studying the book of Acts in different parts of Giessen. All groups meet at 7pm and one of them is English speaking. To find out more, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Mid-Week Bible Study is back this week! To get involve with the study on the book of Amos, you are warmly invited to the online meeting at 7pm: just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
As it is the fourth Saturday in the month at the end of the week, the men will be gathering together for breakfast at 9:30am in the Student Kitchen at the FTH. We encourage all the gentlemen who would like to attend to register beforehand and tell us what they will bring with them, as well as if they are inviting any friends. If that’s you then get in touch with us at office@ibc-giessen.org.
Simon will be preaching on Sunday morning during our service at 11am. To hear what God has given him to say, you can either join us in-person in the Chapel Room at the FTH, or you can watch along on our livestream. You can gain access by asking for a link at office@ibc-giessen.org.
… still seems a long way away – but it’s either supposedly here already, or very close…
Either way, our BBQ on 14th July isn’t that far off at all. Only 3 weeks (4 if you include the Sunday the BBQ is on)! The Church will provide meat and meat substitutes to go on the grill, but we’re counting on you to bring sides and desserts. There will be a sign-up sheet at Church next week; however, we do understand that you may not have decided what your contribution will be yet. If you are certain that you will be there though, please either put your name down somewhere on that list, or writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.
Another date for the diary is the 11th August. We will be holding a Baptismal Service at a local swimming and camping area and it would be brilliant to see as many familiar faces there as possible. Afterward, there will be time for fellowship and food. We will give more details closer to the date!
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, June 10th
Dear Church family and friends,
You’d be forgiven for thinking that we’ve become stuck in some sort of time loop: the weather seems to be getting cooler rather than warmer, with the sky filled with autumnal clouds as opposed to being clear and blue. Additionally, Pastor Buddy preached on Matthew 21 : 12 – 24 yesterday morning, a passage known to describe part of the events leading up to the first Easter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAurj9D2iZE.
This Week in Church…
YABS returns to their smaller groups this week, studying the book of Acts in different parts of Giessen. All groups meet at 7pm and one of them is English speaking. To find out more, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Unfortunately, there will be no Mid-Week Bible Study on Wednesday evening this week.
On Sunday we will meet for our regular service at 11am in the Chapel Room at the FTH. Should you not be able to attend, but would still like to be part of the congregation, you are more than welcome to join our livestream – just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
Coming up…
… next weekend (22nd) is the Men’s Breakfast! There will only be eggs, bacon and other breakfast goodies if you bring them, gentlemen – so make plans to be at the FTH for 9:30am a week on Saturday. Please register at office@ibc-giessen.org first! Otherwise we’ll think no-one’s going to turn up…
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, June 3rd
Dear Church family and friends,
Call it a coincidence, but not only is it six weeks until the school holidays – which, in turn, are six weeks long – but Pastor Buddy also preached the sixth sermon of the “Verse of the Year” series this Sunday just gone (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLevqjirL-fLOlRy06JxEHowdSiXS0_gxD). While the audio of the livestream, and therefore the recording of the video were significantly better this time around, this week’s video has been affected by a small technical issue which means that there is silence for the first minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2oMKy7r5Sg
This Week in Church…
It’s Big YABS time again! Young Adult Bible Study (YABS) will meet as one larger group on Tuesday evening at 6:30pm at the Student Kitchen in the FTH. Bring your favourite dish to the buffet and expect an evening of fellowship, God’s Word and worship. For more information, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Mid-Week Bible Study on Wednesday evening is for everyone: younger, older, first-time at the study or a long-standing participant! This meeting takes place online at 7pm and will continue its delve into the book of Amos. To take part, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link
Friday (7th) is the deadline for the ladies’ event! If you are a woman who would like to participate in the King’s Daughters bike ride on Saturday (8th), please register your interest by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org . The group will meet at the FTH at 3pm, before heading off on their journey toward an ice-cream parlour, exploring the theme of travel in the Bible along the way. Don’t worry if you don’t have a bicycle, one can be organised for you!
Then we’re at the end of another week, with our service taking place at 11am on Sunday morning. If you cannot make it, you are more than welcome to join us as part of our online congregation, just ask for a link at office@ibc-giessen.org
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, May 27th
Dear Church family and friends,
Once again our livestream on Sunday morning was plagued by technical difficulties. Nevertheless, our guys at the sound system persevered and found a solution – of sorts. The sound quality of the recording is not the best, but it is audible: you might just want to turn your speakers up… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLXU6cqkUI0
This Week in Church…
Young Adult Bible Study (YABS) continues on Tuesday evening at 7pm in various places around Giessen. There are three groups in total, including an English-speaking one. To find out who meets where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
The study of the book of Amos continues in Mid-Week Bible Study on Wednesday evening, also at 7pm. As this is an online only meeting, you will need a link to access it, and you can get one by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org.
We’re heading to the halfway point in the calendar with June starting on Saturday! That means that Sunday will be the first in the month, so we’d like to invite you to join us at the Lord’s Table, which will be celebrate in our service at 11am. Should you not be able to get to the FTH, you are more than welcome to prepare the elements beforehand and join us online, just write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
Coming Up…
… is some physical activity for the ladies! On Saturday 8th June at 3pm, the women of King’s Daughters will be exploring the topic of travel in the Bible by going on a bike ride. It will be about an hour’s worth of cycling with a sweet treat at the end. Don’t worry if you don’t have a bicycle, one can be arranged for you! Again, the organisers would be thankful if any woman wishing to join the tour would register beforehand, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
In the last announcement we mentioned two events comping up this summer. Well, now we have some dates. The Church BBQ will be held after the service on Sunday 14th July, whereas the Baptism service will take place after the service on Sunday 11th August.
Lastly, we’d like to make you aware of the Bank Holiday on Thursday. ‘Fronleichnam’ or ‘Corpus Christi’ is a Catholic holiday which reminds us that Jesus was human too, by focussing on the body that was left behind. Shops, schools and many places of work will be closed.
May you, along with those experiencing warfare, hardship and desperation, know of God’s peace this week.
Update for Monday, May 20th
Dear Church family and friends,
Way back when, a long held misbelief is that if you missed a television programme then you were never going to get the opportunity to watch it. Not quite true. A re-run might be scheduled at a certain time – not like the ‘on-demand’ world of today – but it was re-run. Indeed, many popular programmes go into syndication and seem to be repeated for years on end.
That might seem like a very random opening paragraph to this week’s Church announcement. What do cartoons have to do with anything anyway? Pastor Buddy made reference to The Flintstones during his sermon on Sunday – and linked it to Pentecost. Catch-up, watch the repeat, view the upload, or however else you may wish to name it, by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O9qtDqMqjE
This Week in Church…
Young Adult Bible Study (YABS) continues on Tuesday evening at 7pm in various places around Giessen. There are three groups in total, including an English-speaking one. To find out who meets where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Mid-Week Bible Study takes place via zoom on Wednesday evening, also at 7pm. Here, the topic of study is the book of Amos. As this is an online only meeting, you will need a link to access it, which you can get by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.
On Saturday (25th) at 9:30am the gentlemen are invited to Men’s Breakfast! This is a ‘bring and share’-style gathering and we would be really appreciative if you could write to us in advance to say that you plan on attending and what you will bring with you. Newcomers are of course welcome! Just write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
Then it’s Sunday again. The last one in May! You can either join us in the building for our service at 11am, or, if you are unwell or elsewhere, watch via our livestream – please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org should you need a link.
Coming Up…
After May comes June, and, for some, that is already the beginning of summer. Whether you share that opinion or not is not particularly important – it’s enough to know that summer is coming, and with it, we will have a Church BBQ as well as a Baptism Service. We’ll let you know the details as and when we get them!
May God bless you this week!
Update for Monday, May 13th
Dear Church family and friends,
Always expect the unexpected.
Rather than Acts 1 being the basis for Pastor Buddy’s sermon on the topic of Ascension Day – preached during our Sunday service yesterday – Psalm 68 was his Bible passage of choice. To learn how the Psalm is also relevant to the events 40 days after that first Easter, just click this link. You may wish to turn the volume up on your speakers before doing so, though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTrvwxg1-QQ
This Week in Church…
On Tuesday evening YABS returns to meeting in its smaller groups. There are three in total – two German- and one English-speaking – but all meet at the same time: 7pm. If you would like to know where they meet, and what they are currently studying, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Mid-Week Bible Study takes place via zoom on Wednesday evening, also at 7pm. Here, the topic of study is the book of Amos. To take part, all you need to do is grab your computer, e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link and then ‘turn up’ with your Bible.
With Jesus returned to His Father’s side, the Holy Spirit is sent down to dwell in and among us. Pastor Buddy will preach on this from John 16 on Sunday 19th May, which is also known as Pentecost Sunday. Our service starts at the regular time of 11am, both in the Chapel Room at the FTH and online. Please write to office@ibc-giessen.org for access to our livestream.
This week we are reminded of the importance of “God’s Word in conversations with neighbours and family members who do not yet know God”. Surely there is someone, or are people, in our lives who need to know what Jesus Christ did for them. Perhaps they are on the very edge of making a decision to follow Jesus. Pray that God makes Himself known in their lives!
May God bless you this week!
Update for Monday, May 6th
Dear Church family and friends,
Another week in May and there’s another Bank Holiday. Forty days on from Easter, we now reach Ascension Day, when Jesus returned to heaven to be with His Father. At IBC Giessen we do not have a special service for this event, but we do know that for many people it’s a time of reflection and a time for personal study. Maybe you would like to listen to last week’s sermon again – or for the first time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEBQQ5JJhT4 – or any of the playlists that we posted last week.
This Week in Church…
It’s Big YABS time again on Tuesday evening! What this means is that all the Young Adult groups meet together in the Student Kitchen at 6:30pm to share food, fellowship, praise and the Bible. All contributions to the buffet are highly welcomed. If you have been thinking about going to YABS for a while, but have never made that step, this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. For more information, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
After last week’s break, the Mid-Week Bible Study returns to the book of Amos this Wednesday at 7pm. The group will be meeting online, so you will need a Bible and a link, which you can get by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org.
There will indeed be a King’s Daughters event this coming Saturday – but it’s fully booked! Please do not turn up or try to register a place now, as the deadline has passed and their capacity is full. The next King’s Daughters meeting will take place in June, so keep an eye out for more information on that!
Last, and by certainly no means least, we will all gather together on Sunday morning at 11am for our Church service. If you are unable to make it because you are ill or travelling over the long weekend, we would be happy to see you on our livestream – please write to office@ibc-giessen.org if you plan on joining us online.
As Sunday 12th May is also Mother’s Day, it would be pertinent to remember all mothers, mothers-to-be and those who wish to be mothers in our prayers.
Have a blessed week, and a peaceful long weekend with plenty of opportunity to enjoy God’s presence!
Update for Monday, April 29th
Dear Church family and friends,
Here at IBC Giessen, we have several sermon series running concurrently. First, there’s of course the verse of the year, which is explored each first Sunday of the month (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUuJ4w6Cw64&list=PLevqjirL-fLOlRy06JxEHowdSiXS0_gxD). Then there’s the Philippians sermon series given by Pastor Johannes, which is nearing the end (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9YIz3ujblI&list=PLevqjirL-fLNtkB-dugOHTsLq-QDJqz2C).
Yesterday’s preaching warranted the creation of another playlist – one concerning Habakkuk, the topic chosen by Lucas. For yesterday’s sermon, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igL3-FrAAUs. The first entry in the playlist can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMwEyERKhI0&list=PLevqjirL-fLMFGUn-3y4bCNaYgadTV4KQ.
This Week in Church…
Our Young Adults will be meeting in their respective groups on Tuesday evening at 7:30pm! YABS is so popular that the decision was made some while ago to split in several smaller groups, each with their own characteristic, and have once a month a bigger meeting. To find out who meets where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Mid-Week Bible Study will continue their look at Amos next Wednesday, because of the holiday that takes place this week (1st May).
On Sunday, we’ll be adding another instalment to the ‘Verse of the Year’ Playlist, as Pastor Buddy takes to the pulpit with the first sermon in the new month – which, as previously mentioned, is dedicated to our verse of the year. During the service there will also be a chance to share The Lord’s Table with one another. If you can’t make it to the Chapel Room at the FTH for 11am, then you can join our livestream. For access to the livestream, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
Last Opportunity…
… to register for the next King’s Daughters event! While the next meeting is on Saturday 11th May at 3pm, the team would like anyone interested in attending to make themselves known by the end of Wednesday 1st May. They’ve already had a lot of women get in contact, and they would like to know a final number. So, please get in touch if you are a lady and would like to enjoy an afternoon of information and culture from Israel! If you are in the WhatsApp group already, then you can reply there – if not, please use office@ibc-giessen.org.
As this Wednesday is “Worker’s Day” in Germany – and therefore a day off of work or school for the majority of us – maybe we could use this opportunity to pray for those who work in our Church. We can also pray for those looking for employment, or those who are encountering issues in their workplace.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, April 22nd
Dear Church family and friends,
Pastor Buddy’s sermon title from Sunday raises questions: is it possible to show meekness in a ‘great’ way? Surely that defeats the point? To find out what he meant, you can listen to the sermon, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIwkCRLD_4Q
This Week in Church…
It’s back to normal for our Young Adults on Tuesday evening. They will be meeting at 7:30pm in their respective groups dotted around Giessen. For more information on where they meet please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Amos is the book being studied during our Mid-Week Bible Study. Wednesday at 7pm is the date and time for this online meet-up. For a link to the Bible Study, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.
Saturday morning at 9:30am our men will be meeting for their monthly breakfast. If you are a gentleman and would like to bring some friends along for the feast, then please write to office@ibc-giessen.org telling us how many will come with you and what you will be contributing to the meal.
Then it’s Sunday morning again, when, at 11am we will have our weekly service in the Chapel Room at the FTH. If you are unable to make it for whatever reason, then you are more than welcome to be part of our online congregation: just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link to join in.
Advance notice…
… is being made of the next King’s Daughters event, which will take place on Saturday 11th May at 3pm. This will be a special event where the women attending will go on an ‘excursion’ to Israel. A chance to learn more about the culture, history and current events, it is most certainly going to be something that you don’t want to miss out on. If you would like to attend, the organisers would like to know in advance, so if you are a lady and are interested, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
May you know of His love and blessings this week!
Update for Monday, April 15th
Dear Church family and friends,
Out of curiosity, Zacchaeus climbed a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus. The Saviour himself had other plans which Pastor Buddy outlined in his sermon on Sunday. You can listen again, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzHVJUqvzY0
This Week in Church…
Tomorrow (Tuesday) evening, there will be a ‘Big YABS’ gathering at 6:30pm in the Student Kitchen of the FTH. What with it being in a kitchen you can expect there to be food, but there will also be a chance to pray together, listen to God’s Word and sing His praises. If you are a young adult and have never joined the group, then this is the perfect introduction. If you’d like some more information, or want to ask whether there’s anything you can bring for the joint meal, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Amos is the book being studied during our Mid-Week Bible Study. Wednesday at 7pm is the date and time for this online meet-up, and all you need to do is get a link from office@ibc-giessen.org and grab your Bible.
On Sunday morning at 11am we will have our weekly service. There will be a translation of the service into German should you need it. If you would like to take advantage of that offer, please bring your smartphone and a set of headphones, as there will be a QR code for you to scan before the sermon starts. You might also wish to make yourself known to someone when you enter the Chapel Room. If you are unable to attend in-person, then you are more than welcome to join us on our livestream, just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for access.
Next week…
… is the next Men’s breakfast. Be sure to pencil Saturday 27th April 9:30am into your diaries if you are a gentleman looking for food and fellowship!
May you know of His love and blessings this week!
Update for Monday, April 8th
Dear Church family and friends,
From the many colours of Easter, to the many colours of Joseph’s coat: in Sunday’s sermon, continuing the series on our verse of the year, Pastor Buddy used the example of Jacob’s favourite son as someone who feared God: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV9tXA8OVr8
This Week in Church…
To our knowledge there is no YABS this week. Next week (16th), however, the Young Adults will be meeting together in the Kitchen at the FTH for their regular ‘Big YABS’ session, where they share food, fellowship and His Word. For more information, yabs@ibc-giessen.org is the address to contact.
On Wednesday at 7pm our Mid-Week Bible Study will take place online. The group will continue their study of the book of Amos, but you need not have attended every session, or at all – newcomers and returnees are always welcome! Just write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
Something that we had overseen in our last announcement is that the King’s Daughters have another event coming soon – in fact it’s this Saturday (13th)! Meeting at 3pm at the FTH, the women will be looking at the theme of brokenness through the medium of Kintsugi. Perhaps you may have seen pictures of pottery repaired using golden lacquer? That is a form of Japanese art, called Kintsugi. All women planning to attend on Saturday will be able to have a go, but please register before Wednesday so that enough materials can be gathered. To register, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
To round off the week, we will have our Sunday service starting at 11am. A livestream is available for those unable to attend for whatever reason, with a link available at request via office@ibc-giessen.org.
May you know of His love and blessings this week!
Update for Tuesday, April 2nd
Dear Church family and friends,
From the darkness and solemnity of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdsFbt_SrTM), to the light-filled, hopeful sight of the empty tomb on Sunday morning, Easter is the very definition of ‘dramatic contrasts’. In the role of Pontius Pilate, Pastor Buddy detailed the governor’s dilemma and eventual complete change in behaviour and belief. To listen to this monologue, taken from our Easter Sunday service, please click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0veW2ecTIM
This Week in Church…
It’s a little late to invite you to Young Adults’ Bible Study (YABS) this week, seeing as this announcement will go out after the meeting – but if you would like to join a group next week, or would like to get to know more about YABS, then yabs@ibc-giessen.org is the address to contact.
After last week’s pause, Mid-Week Bible Study is back this Wednesday evening at 7pm, online. The group will continue their study of the book of Amos, but you need not have attended every session, or at all – newcomers and returnees are always welcome! Please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
As this coming Sunday (7th) is the first of the month, we will be celebrating the Lord’s Table. Not just an element of our Maundy Thursday service, we remember His sacrifice for us often because we are both commanded to and privileged to do so. Our service on Sunday takes place at the usual time of 11am and will be livestreamed for those unable to attend. If you need access to the livestream, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, March 25th
Dear Church family and friends,
The command to follow Jesus appears many times in the Bible, and that appeal is not just meant for those in the Saviour’s time but for us too. One such story of people doing so can be found in Matthew 20 verses 29-34 – the subject of Pastor Buddy’s sermon this Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rvbMGv5HtI.
But where are we to follow Him to, and for how long? Why should we follow Him at all? These questions are all answered in Holy or Passion Week, culminating in Christ’s death on the cross and return to life three days later. He took our place to die, so that we might live in fellowship with the God who created us. His appearance to his disciples in the days after his death shows that His death was not the end of the story.
This Week in Church…
On Tuesday, the Young Adults’ Bible Study will be meeting in their respective groups at 7pm in various locations around Giessen. If you would like more information, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org .
There will not be a Mid-Week Bible Study on Wednesday.
In its place, we will have a service on Thursday (28th) evening to commemorate the life and death of Christ. The Maundy Thursday service will take place in the Chapel Room at the FTH at 7pm. It will of course be livestreamed, and you can get a link to that by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.
At IBC Giessen, we don’t have a Good Friday Service… but we do have an Easter Sunday breakfast! There’s room at the table for everyone who would like to join us in celebrating Jesus’ victory over the grave at 9am on Sunday morning – we would ask you to tell us that you are coming beforehand, though. That way the Church can provide enough bread rolls for everyone. Contributions to the spread are very much appreciated! To register, tell us what you’ll be bringing, or for some inspiration as to what you might like to prepare, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
Our morning meal will be finished in time for our 11am Resurrection Sunday service – link to the livestream is available via the e-mail address above – after which there will be an Easter Egg Hunt for the children. We are looking to the congregation to provide small individually wrapped Easter chocolates and sweets for this activity. The adults will need to find Philipp first, before the children can go searching for their treats!
Please be aware of the time change on Sunday (31st) morning! The clocks will go forward by an hour.
Elsewhere in Giessen…
As mentioned, traditionally we don’t have a Good Friday service. However, if you wish to do something to mark the day, how about a trip to the cinema? Popular Netflix series “The Chosen” is a re-telling of Jesus’ life story. To celebrate the beginning of series 4, for the first two episodes are being shown in 50 different cinemas around Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In Giessen, the episodes will be shown, in German only, in Kinopolis at 11:30am. For more information, please click this link: https://www.kinopolis.de/kg/events/detail/the-chosen-staffel-4-episode-1-2/4811
We pray that you have a peaceful, blessed week, and are able to make time to attend one of our events reflecting on these important milestones in our faith.
Update for Monday, March 18th
Dear Church family and friends,
Lent isn’t a countdown to Easter in the way that Advent is to Christmas. Yet it does feel like we’ve blinked and now we’re one week away from Palm Sunday. That’s not the main event though, what happens a week later is…
Again, we’re rushing ahead of ourselves; this past Sunday we had a guest preacher in the form of Kirill Swiderski. You can listen to his sermon on Romans 1:16 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYpur4ct2Ak
This Week in Church…
On Tuesday, the Young Adults’ Bible Study will be meeting in their respective groups at 7pm in various locations around Giessen. If you would like more information, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org .
On Wednesday at 7pm, Pastor Buddy will continue our study of the book of Amos. Everybody’s welcome! For a link to the Zoom meeting, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.
If you are a man, the place to be on Saturday (23rd) at 9:30am is the Student Kitchen at the FTH! There, a hearty breakfast will be served and great fellowship can be enjoyed. To secure your spot, please write an e-mail to office@ibc-giessen.org telling us how many people you are bringing with you and what you will contribute to the breakfast buffet.
The day after, Sunday 24th, we will have our regular Sunday service starting at 11am in the Chapel Room of the FTH. If you are unable to make it because you are ill or elsewhere, then we have a livestream that you can watch – just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for access.
To circle back to what was mentioned in the beginning – we would like to remind you of our Easter Breakfast on Sunday 31st March at 9am. We look forward to celebrating Jesus’ resurrection with you, so please do tell us if you plan on attending! You don’t have to have a decision on what you will contribute to the morning feast, but if you do know already, we would gladly hear of that too: just send an e-mail to office@ibc-giessen.org and we will add you to the list!
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, March 11th
Dear Church family and friends,
Taking a break from his Philippians series, Pastor Johannes preached on Ephesians 2, verses 14 to 16, in a sequence of sermons that will lead us up to Easter. To listen to what he had to say, and find out how flags are involved, you can follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a6XLFSF3Dc
On the subject of Easter, we are aware that something in the last Church announcement was incorrect. Easter Sunday is on 31st March 2024, and not 1st April. The rest of the information, however, remains true: 9am is the Easter breakfast – sign-up sheets are at the back of the Church!
This Week in Church…
It’s ‘back to normal’ on Tuesday for YABS this week. The Young Adults will be meeting in their respective groups at 7pm in various locations around Giessen. If you would like more information, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org .
On Wednesday at 7pm, Pastor Buddy will continue our study of the book of Amos. You will need your Bible and a link to the Zoom meeting – obtainable by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org – to take part.
This Sunday a guest preacher, Kirill Swiderski, will be giving us the Word of God during our 11am service! Don’t worry if you can’t make it, we will have our livestream and we will include a link to the recording of the sermon in next week’s Church update. For access to the livestream, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, March 4th
Dear Church family and friends,
It’s a big week at IBC Giessen with lots to announce, so it might be a bit of a longer update!
What’s not been big – or in this case ‘loud’ – is the sound on the recording of Pastor Buddy’s sermon from Sunday (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nCYWXNuE9I). We can assure you that the audio is there, albeit a bit reverb-y, but it is very quiet. Don’t forget to turn the volume back down on your computer/tablet/phone once you’ve finished listening!
This Week in Church…
As it is the first Tuesday of the month all of the YABS groups will be meeting together at the earlier time of 6:30pm in the Student Kitchen. They will be starting with a bring-and-share buffet, and ask that everyone planning on attending contribute something. Guests and first-timers are always welcome – just e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org for more information.
On Wednesday at 7pm, Pastor Buddy will continue our study of the book of Amos. You will need your Bible and a link to the Zoom meeting to take part. You can get the access link by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.
King’s Daughters is our women’s ministry which holds different events on the second Saturday of each month. This month, they will be taking advantage of the (hopefully) nice weather on Saturday (9th) afternoon, meeting at the FTH at 2pm before setting off on a walk and reflecting on the events of the first Easter, and what impact they have on our lives today. If you have any questions about this, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
Pastor Johannes has a special request for his sermon this coming Sunday (10th). Do you have a flag of your home country? It does not have to be a fully textile, or big, flag – it might be a print out – but a recognisable flag of your home nation. Please bring it with you! To see how these will be incorporated into his preaching, you are invited to join us at 11am at the FTH, or online. A link to the livestream can be made available to you by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org.
An extended note on Easter…
With only a few weeks to go until Easter, we thought we would share a few more details of our plans:
Our traditional Maundy Thursday service will take place on Thursday 28th March at 7pm. It is a time of solemn reflection and thanksgiving for the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. We will share the Lord’s Table together and hear a devotional as well as sing a few songs. The service should last around an hour.
A list is already out for the Easter Breakfast at 9am on Sunday 1st April! Be sure to at least note down your intention to attend, even if you’re not sure what to bring to the feast. We are looking forward to both plenty of food and plenty of people! Our service will start at the usual time of 11am, but there is something special for the kids at the conclusion of the service – an Easter egg hunt! All contributions of individually wrapped Easter chocolates and candies are greatly appreciated!
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, February 26th
Dear Church family and friends,
Pastor Buddy continued preaching on Matthew 20 this past Sunday, but told us that he would be concluding this mini-series on Maundy Thursday with the most important verse, verse 28. What a cliff-hanger! To listen to his sermon, just follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_3arc3Klmk
This Week in Church…
YABS will meet in their respective groups at 7pm on Tuesday (tomorrow) evening. For more information on who meets where and what they’ll be getting up to, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
On Wednesday at 7pm, our Amos Mid-Week Bible Study continues online, just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link. Everyone is welcome!
Thursday is the last day of February, which means that Sunday is the first Sunday of March! As part of our service at 11am we will be taking part in the Lord’s Table. So, if you are watching online – you can get a link to the livestream by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org – you might want to get the elements prepared beforehand.
Next month…
The women have another King’s Daughters event on Saturday 9th March. This time meeting at 2pm at the FTH, the group will be heading out into the fresh air and going on a walk and reflecting on the events of that first Easter.
Regarding Easter, this is the perfect opportunity to remind you of our Maundy Thursday service which will take place at 7pm on 28th March, as well as our Easter Sunday Breakfast at 9am three days later. We look forward to seeing you there!
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, February 19th
Dear Church family and friends,
As the conflict in Ukraine and Russia passes another year, we would like to lift this up to the Lord in prayer – as well as that in Israel and Gaza. We pray for an end to the atrocities; for the healing of those nations, and for God Almighty to bring peace where it is needed most.
In his sermon on Sunday, Pastor Buddy looked at the story of two brothers seeking confirmation from Jesus about their position when they get to heaven. To listen again, just follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgBeYEh8TiY
This Week in Church…
Tomorrow (Tuesday) evening, YABS meets in their respective groups at 7pm. For more information on who meets where and what they’ll be getting up to, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
On Wednesday at 7pm, our Amos Mid-Week Bible Study continues online, and you can get a link to the meeting by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org . Everyone is welcome!
It is Breakfast time for the men this coming Saturday (24th). A time for food, fellowship and God’s Word, the gentlemen meet at 9:30am every 4th Saturday of the month in the Student Kitchen. To join in, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org and tell us how many people you’ll bring with you as well as what food you will contribute to the breakfast.
Last Sunday’s experiment with the translation app yielded some good results. There are some things that need ironing out, so it is good that we will be testing again this Sunday (25th). If you would like to use the app, please bring your smartphone and some headphones with you, and there will be a QR on the screen just before the sermon, which is the only part of our service which will be translated. The service itself will start at the usual time of 11am. We are still offering a livestream for those unable to attend – office@ibc-giessen.org is your address for a link – but please bear in mind that no translation will occur online.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, February 12th
Dear Church family and friends,
Anyone watch the game last night? Well we know that Pastor Johannes did, as he mentions it at the beginning of his sermon. In fact, his latest instalment of his series on Philippians around the notes a coach might give to the players on his team: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txRBibWC3aI
This Week in Church…
On Tuesday evening, YABS will be meeting in their separate groups dotted around Giessen. Everyone starts at 7pm, so if you’d like to find out who meets closest to you, then please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Our Amos Mid-Week Bible Study continues on Wednesday at 7pm online. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time, or whether you’ve been to every session, just write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link and grab your Bible.
We will have our first trial Sunday for a new translation app during this week’s service. To use it, you will need to download the Linkbox app and then scan a QR-code or use an event code. We are offering a translation of the sermon only, and it will only work for those in the building at the time of the service (11am). Those attending online will have to make do with just the English version.
After the service, at 1pm, the music ministry will be meeting together to eat, organise and pray together. We are always on the lookout for more musicians – so if you’ve been thinking about getting involved, this is a very good opportunity to do so! For more information about this, or the translation app, or to get a link to the livestream, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
It feels like Christmas has barely passed and we already started announcing the Maundy Thursday service and Easter Sunday breakfast this past Sunday! This week marks the beginning of Lent, when people give up bad habits or certain luxuries until Easter Sunday. While it is a noble thing, it has no meaning if our eyes are not then turning to Jesus and all that He did for us through His death on the cross. We pray that in these 40 days, everyone can experience Jesus, and truly get to know the impact of Jesus’ sacrifice in their lives.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, February 5th
Dear Church family and friends,
Semesters coming to an end, timetable changes, Business Meetings – and is it just us, or are the birds beginning to come out to explore the world again after their winter in hibernation? A change of season is definitely in the air!
Unfortunately we are unable to provide a recording of Pastor Buddy’s sermon from Sunday as sound issues rendered the recording difficult to listen to.
This Week in Church…
…it’s Big YABS for our Young Adult’s Bible Study. On Tuesday evening all groups will meet at their regular time of 7pm, but together as one large group at the student kitchen of the FTH. There will be a ‘bring and share’ buffet – but only if people contribute food and drink to it! For more information, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Our Amos Mid-Week Bible Study continues on Wednesday at 7pm online. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time, or whether you’ve been to every session, just grab your Bible and click the link – which you can get by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org.
The next King’s Daughter meeting takes place on Saturday 10th, at 10am! Again, the earlier start doesn’t mean that breakfast is part of the programme, but snacks can be brought to share with the other women if wished. In their meeting, the ladies will be writing letters to their younger selves, detailing the many ways in which God has shown them His love through the years. If you are a lady and are interested in joining in, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org , and we will look forward to seeing you at the student kitchen at the FTH on Saturday morning.
Sunday sees not only our service which starts at 11am – write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link to the livestream in case you cannot make it – but also our Business Meeting which begins after the service ends (around 1pm). We are not opening the vote online this year, as ensuring the vote’s anonymity in this way is complicated – as well as its validity, as only members are allowed to participate in votes. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3,…
A little while ago we began to research solutions to a request given by many: translating the sermon into German. We are pleased to offer a new trial run on 18th and 25th February via an app. If this is something that you feel would be a benefit to you, please bring your smartphone and a set of headphones with you on those Sundays.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, January 29th
Dear Church family and friends,
As January draws to a close, we do begin to wonder whether the New Year has really brought about any change. We start to reflect again on the state of the world, and it is these very questions which Lucas used to introduce his sermon on Sunday. Using Habakkuk as his reference text, Lucas explains that we are not the first ones to have such thoughts – and that God does answer our queries. You can listen (again), here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMwEyERKhI0
This Week in Church…
Our Young Adult’s Bible Study will meet on Tuesday evening at 7pm. To find out what they’ll be getting up to, and where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Wednesday at 7pm sees the second online session of the Mid-Week Bible Study. They will be going deeper into the book of Amos, as well as praying together. There’s no need to have been at last week’s meeting, so if you’d like to participate, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
As Sunday’s service is the first one February, the Lord’s Table will be part of our service at 11am. Should you need a gluten free option, please ask. If you plan on watching our livestream, write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link, and then get some bread and juice ready before the service begins.
The weekend after…
… is the second Saturday of the month, so the King’s Daughters will be meeting! As it is so close to Valentine’s Day, the topic will be “Love Letters from God” – which sounds very intriguing. Again, this will take place at 10am at the FTH. More information to come in next week’s announcement!
The day after – Sunday 11th February – we will be having a Business Meeting after our service. Everyone is invited to attend and listen in to what is said, but only members of the Church will be allowed to vote. If you would like more information on becoming a member, would like to see the proposed budget, or have any further questions about the Business Meeting, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, January 22nd
Dear Church family and friends,
Well, that was a strange week. Schools started back up after Christmas, only to be closed because of the winter weather. It seemed a little like lockdown again… but without the changes to how we held a Church service! In case the snow and ice did impede travel for you on Sunday – or you were otherwise unable to attend – here is the recording of Pastor Buddy’s sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAStHn0yB5w .
This week…
It’s regular YABS on Tuesday at 7pm. You might ask what ‘regular’ YABS is – and the answer is several smaller Young Adult groups all gathering in various locations around Giessen to study God’s Word and share life together. If this sounds like something you’d like to be involved in, don’t hesitate to write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org and ask for more details.
Amos is the subject of Wednesday’s Mid-Week Bible Study – the first session of which takes place this Wednesday (24th). Whether the group splits into men’s and women’s Bible Study groups is dependent on how many people join in the first instance. This time of prayer and learning will take place on Zoom at 7pm.
After their pause in December, we know that the men are chomping at the bit for their next breakfast together. Don’t fret – it takes place this coming Saturday (27th) at 9:30am in the Student Kitchen. Gentlemen, make it your New Year’s Resolution to register, and then attend, this monthly morning feast!
To round off the week, we’ll have our Sunday morning service at the FTH. Please do join us either in-person or online at 11am.
Lastly, we would like to invite you to our Business Meeting which will be held after the service on Sunday 11th February. This invitation goes out to everyone, whether they are a member of the Church or not, however only members are able to vote on any points raised.
Should you be interested in becoming a member of IBC Giessen, please get in contact with either Pastor Buddy or Pastor Johannes, or write to office@ibc-giessen.org. This same e-mail address is the one to use should you require any Zoom links, or if you would like to tell us that you are a gentleman planning on going to the Men’s Breakfast.
Have a blessed week!
Update for Monday, January 15th
Dear Church family and friends,
Holding steadfast on his course through the book of Philippians, this Sunday Pastor Johannes made his way into chapter four of the book. You can listen back to what he had to say, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82ZcVn9K4jI
This week in Church…
Big YABS is taking place on Tuesday! This is when all the smaller groups from our Young Adult Bible Study come together as one and share the Word, praise and worship with one another. If you’ve been thinking about joining YABS, then this would be a good opportunity to do so. They will meet at 7pm on Tuesday evening at the Student Kitchen. If you would like to bring some food to share, then nobody will say no! For more information, you can write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
We will be hosting an event for the Allianzgebetswoche on Wednesday. Throughout the week several different churches within Giessen will be holding similar events, all of whom are also part of the Allianz organisation. Our particular evening is entitled “Pray and see Gebetsabend” and will be held in German, starting at 7:30pm. For more information on the Gebetswoche and what else is taking place where, take a look at this website: https://ev-allianz-giessen.de/allianz-gebetswoche-2024/
Then it’s Sunday again, when we have our regular service both at the FTH and online at 11am – you can get a link by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org. Should this snowy, icy weather continue, we will of course let you know via our usual channels – website/facebook/e-mail – if the service is still able to go ahead or whether we will need to cancel.
Next week in Church…
… sees the return of the Mid-Week Bible Study! Again, it will be online only via Zoom, on Wednesday evening at 7pm. Whether it splits into Men’s and Women’s Bible Study depends on how many attend. We will be taking a deeper dive into the book of Amos – if you’re interested, please get in touch with office@ibc-giessen.org for more information.
This day has become known as ‘Blue Monday’ – when the January blues catch up with people. That Christmas joy begins to wear off, and New Year’s Resolutions become hard work and not just good thoughts. There are those for who ‘blue’ is perhaps too light a word, and that feeling definitely isn’t just confined to one day. We would like to lift all those who suffer, or try to cope with, depression up to the Lord; that they may be comforted and encouraged – and find their worth in Him.
Be blessed!
Update for Monday, January 8th
Dear Church family and friends,
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Proverbs 1:7
… and we’re off on a new topic of the year! Every first Sunday of the month’s sermon will be dedicated to this short Bible verse, each focussing on a different aspect. To listen to yesterday’s introductory sermon, please click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUuJ4w6Cw64
This week in Church…
Some YABS groups might be meeting on Tuesday evening (tomorrow) at 7pm. To find out which ones, and where they’ll take place, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Ladies, your first King’s Daughters event of 2024 is here! Even though the event time is 10am, a sit-down breakfast is not planned – although you are more than welcome to bring along snacks if you wish – a time of togetherness reflecting on the last year is. Maybe you have a couple of Bible verses that have challenged you or guided you in 2023 that you would like to share. Otherwise, the plan is to get painting! Don’t worry if you don’t have any painting skills or materials, they will be provided – but feel free to bring acrylic paints and brushes with you on Saturday should you have them. Just let us know if you plan on joining in (office@ibc-giessen.org)!
To round up the week, we have our Church service on Sunday at 11am. As always, our livestream is there for people who need it: you can get a link by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.
Next week and beyond…
While we are still waiting for news on when the Mid-Week Bible Studies will start, we can tell you that next Wednesday (17th) IBC Giessen will be hosting an event for the Allianzgebetswoche. There will be several such events during the week, all taking part in Giessen in churches who are part of the Allianz organisation. Our particular evening is entitled “Pray and see Gebetsabend” and will be held in German, starting at 7:30pm. For more information on the Gebetswoche and what else is taking place where, take a look at this website: https://ev-allianz-giessen.de/allianz-gebetswoche-2024/
Men’s Breakfast will definitely be returning this year, with the kick-off being on 27th January. Gentleman, consider this advance notice to save the date!
Be blessed!
Update for Thursday, January 4th
Dear Church family and friends,
Whether you are already back at work or still at home, there’s no doubt that at some point we all would have done the same thing over the last week or so – or if we haven’t yet done so, we will in the upcoming days: looking at our calendars and diaries and wondering how all the appointments we need to make and the events we need to attend will fit into this year.
Here at IBC Giessen, we have a similar issue. We can tell you that a service happened on Sunday, which marked the New Year – you can listen to the sermon here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAJarjTuFZY – and we can tell you that there will be a service this coming Sunday (7th) at 11am, in which we will celebrate the Lord’s Table. In case you are still out and about – or worse, you’ve started the year ill – then you are of course more than welcome to join us on our livestream.
As yet there is no start date for our regular Bible Studies, but we can let you know of a few things coming up relatively soon.
Firstly, the King’s Daughters will be having a craft-based event on Saturday 13th January. While the time is yet to be confirmed, ladies, hold that day free! Not to be left out, the Men’s Breakfast takes place in its regular pattern of the 4th Saturday of the month at 9:30am, with the first gathering taking place on Saturday 27th January.
With our Business Meeting coming up, we wanted to give people the opportunity to contribute to the agenda, as well as have a chance to look over the proposed budget and ask questions, or suggest changes. The meeting itself will take place after a service in early February – so you have plenty of time to have a think. For a copy of the proposed budget, a link to the livestream of our service this coming Sunday or more information on anything related to IBC Giessen, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.
We also pray that you have had a wonderful end to 2023, and have had a re-energised start into the New Year! Be blessed!
Older information and online sermons are available in our archive: Update Archive