Updates of 2023

Update for Thursday, December 28th

Dear Church family and friends,

As it is technically still Christmas, this Church announcement arrives later and remains quite short.

On Sunday evening we celebrated the birth of the Lord Jesus together in our Christmas Eve evening service. If you weren’t able to make it – and you have 15 minutes to spare – you can listen to Pastor Buddy’s sermonette here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rsi4eVs7Fw .

In the New Year there will be lots of details of groups re-starting and events taking place, until then though, we need to get to New Year’s Eve and even New Year’s Day.
New Year’s Eve falls on a Sunday this year – this coming Sunday to be precise. While there will be no special service to mark the changing of the year, we will gather at our regular service time of 11am on Sunday morning for a time of reflection, worship and prayer. Should you still be away from Giessen, visiting family or friends, you are more than welcome to be part of our online congregation by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org. If you are unwell, you can also watch via our livestream – and we will pray that you return to full health soon!

Have a blessed last week of 2023!            

Update for Saturday, December 23rd

Dear Church family and friends,

Just a quick reminder that there will be no service tomorrow morning, but there will be one tomorrow evening instead. We invite you to join us at 5pm at the FTH to celebrate the birth of Jesus in song, lighting of candles and a small sermonette. You are more than welcome to join us afterward and enjoy a finger food buffet. If you are able to contribute anything to the spread, then we would be grateful for any items that do not need cooking or re-heating before we partake in the meal.

Should you be away from Giessen, visiting family and friends, but would still like to attend the service, you may do so by watching our livestream. Just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

We wish you a Merry Christmas – may you know His peace and His love in this season of joy!

Update for Monday, December 18th

Dear Church family and friends,

It’s always interesting to think of a situation from a different point of view. Yes, Mary rode a donkey to Bethlehem, ultimately to give birth to Jesus in a stable, to then be placed in a manger – but what would that have meant for the animals affected? We got the answer to that in the donkey’s narration of the Children’s Nativity.
What about the songs we sing? Even the ones performed in the Christmas Cantata yesterday offered different perspectives and highlighted different areas of the Christmas story. As did Pastor Buddy, who fully embodied the role of a shepherd watching his flock by night, to give an account on what it might have been like for them:


During yesterday’s service, we also lit the Third Advent Candle. The fourth and last candle will be lit during our Christmas Eve service. This coming Sunday is both the Fourth Advent Sunday and Christmas Eve – at IBC Giessen will be holding one service, at 5pm in the evening. Should you not be able to make that, you are more than welcome to join us via our livestream – all you need to do is write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link. After the service, all attendees are warmly invited to share some time in fellowship with one another around a finger food buffet; if you could contribute to that meal with dishes that don’t require re-heating, than that would be greatly appreciated.

Next Monday is Christmas Day! As celebrations will still be underway, please do not expect the next Church e-mail to arrive until Wednesday or Thursday at the earliest. There will be one, as we will be reminding you of our service on New Year’s Eve.

Have a happy, safe and blessed Christmas!

Update for Monday, December 11th

Dear Church family and friends,

What an amazing performance the children put on yesterday for their Nativity play “Willkommen im Stall”! A huge thank you goes out to all involved, and we hope that you enjoyed your well-deserved Birthday Party for Jesus afterward!

Unfortunately we cannot share a video of the children due to protection and privacy rules. Neither are we able to share a recording of the Pastor Buddy’s sermon, but this is due to bandwidth issues leaving both the livestream and its recording audibly and visually inconsistent.

Es ist wieder Weihnachten…

… was the closing song the children sung and is a complete ear worm. It’s by Thomas Klein and can be found on YouTube if you wish to have a song stuck in your head for the rest of the week…

…until Sunday’s Cantata performance replaces it! During Sunday’s (17th) service at 11am, the choir will take to the stage to show us what they’ve been working on. It will be followed by Pastor Buddy’s sermon on a special shepherd. After the service we invite you to stay with us for tea, coffee, dessert, cake and any other easy snack that you’d like to bring. Stay around for a chat! As always, the service will be livestreamed for those unable to attend, just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

While the Mid-Week Meet-Up/Bible Study has stopped for Christmas, YABS will be meeting this week. On Tuesday evening at 7pm the different groups of YABS will be meeting around Giessen. To find out where and what they’ll be doing, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

During the Christmas season…

On Christmas Eve, there will not be a morning service, but an evening service held at 5pm in the FTH. We will reflect on and celebrate the birth of Jesus in song, with a small sermonette given by Pastor Buddy. If you have been visiting our Church during the Advent season, you may be aware that we are not allowed to use real candles in the Chapel Room where we meet. Therefore, the room will be bedecked with festive lights, and for a particular portion of the service we ask that you bring a flashlight with you, or perhaps make sure you can power the one built into your mobile phone. Once the service is finished, we invite you to spend some time with us and come together as a Church family to continue the celebration. If you can bring some finger foods to contribute to a buffet, that would be great.

On New Year’s Eve, we will have our regular service at 11am.

As the end of the year draws closer, many people are under a lot of stress to finish things off, close chapters or wrap up projects both professionally and privately. It is all the more important then that we show each other a little more patience and keep praying for loved ones going through hard times which might not seem so easy to draw to a conclusion.

We should also hold up in prayer those who are living and suffering through conflict – particularly those in Israel and in Ukraine.

Have a blessed week!

Update for Monday, December 4th

Dear Church family and friends,

Advent and Christmas has a sense of familiarity to it.
Before the birth of Jesus, the world was watching and waiting for a Saviour. They had their ideas of how it might happen and when – but no-one really knew those details. Now, we wait for His return. Yet still we cannot say for certain when, where and how it will come about.
The same, but different, was the basis of Johannes’ sermon on Sunday. To catch it again, or listen for the first time, just click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTA8PC0S6fw

This week in Church…

It’s the first Tuesday of the month, so that means that the Young Adult Bible Study should be meeting as one larger group in the Student Kitchen at the FTH. However, at the time of writing this announcement, this is not confirmed information. If you would like to attend YABS on Tuesday evening, your best option is to write an e-mail to yabs@ibc-giessen.org and find out what’s going on.

Mid-Week Bible Study/Meet-Up will hold its last session for the year on Wednesday at 7pm. The topic of prayer will conclude, but don’t feel that you have to have been at every session – or even since the beginning – to join in now. All late comers are welcome! To attend you will need a Zoom link, which you can get by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

To kick off the weekend, the ladies will have a Christmas Brunch in the Student Kitchen of the FTH at 10am on Saturday morning (9th). Preparations for this event are now in high gear, so if you are a woman and would like a place reserved for you, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org. All contributions to the buffet are welcome, though you might want to check beforehand just in case what you would like to bring is already covered.
One potential attendee is severally allergic to citrus fruits (e.g. oranges/lemons/grapefruits): it is kindly requested that these are not brought to the brunch.

It’s the children’s time to shine on Sunday morning! They’ve been practising their nativity for weeks now, and are looking forward to performing “Willkommen im Stall” during the service at 11am. Afterward, there will be the annual “Birthday Party for Jesus” with fun, games and food for all children – regardless of whether they took part in the Nativity or were part of the audience. Should you be unable to attend the service, you can watch online, but first you will need to e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for access to the livestream.

Advent and Christmas at IBC Giessen…

…continues with the traditional performance of the Christmas Choir on Sunday 17th. A re-telling of the Christmas story through song and spoken word, it is a highlight each year. In recent times we have continued the festivities with an extended time of fellowship after the service. Do you feel able to bring a cake, or some Christmas themed snacks – preferably ones that don’t require cooking or re-heating in an oven?

Christmas Eve takes place on a Sunday this year, and as such we will only be having an evening service, starting at 5pm.

By now, mentioning the weather is beginning to get boring. However, with the prolonged colder temperatures and the fresh layers of snow, winter has definitely arrived – and while the snow is pretty, people’s safety is at risk. Should we come to the decision that a service or event that we planned on holding will be cancelled due to inclement weather we will let you know as soon as possible. A notice will be posted on our facebook page, our website, as well as an e-mail sent. We’ll try to cover all bases!

Have a blessed week!

Update for Monday, November 27th

Dear Church family and friends,

While it is a shame that there isn’t a link to the recording of Sunday’s sermon this week, it just makes more space for us to keep you informed on everything else that’s going on at IBC Giessen.

This week in Church…

Young Adult Bible Study will be meeting in their smaller groups dotted around Giessen on Tuesday evening. Each group is a little different, but all study the same thing at the same time – 7pm. If you’d like more information as to what they’re looking at and where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

The second to last session in our Mid-Week Bible Study on prayer takes place this Wednesday at 7pm. Not a problem if you’ve not been able to make it until now – everyone is welcome to join in. All you need is your Bible, you, and the link to the Zoom meeting. Simply e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for the last item in that list.

Although it’s not held at the FTH, there will still be a Worship Night going on in Giessen on Friday 1st. Held in conjunction with IBC Giessen, the EFG (Baptisten) in Marburgerstrasse will be having an evening of song, prayer and praise starting at 7:30pm.

On Sunday we finally get to light the first candle on the Advent Wreath. Let’s start the countdown to Christmas together at 11am in the FTH. Don’t worry if you’re not able to get there, it will be livestreamed!  You can get a link to the livestream by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

December is just around the corner…

We’ve already mentioned the Worship Night – which was the first event scheduled for December in the IBC calendar – but there’s more to come!

The ladies can look forward to brunch together on Saturday 9th December at 10am. The student kitchen gets decked out in festive decorations and the spread of food is always so mouth-watering… There’s been a sign-up sheet at the back of Church for a couple of weeks now; if you are a woman and keep on forgetting to put your name down, or have spontaneously decided that you’d like to attend, then just drop an e-mail to office@ibc-giessen.org.

The day after will be a Sunday, and it’s a date that the children should remember. On the 10th December, it won’t just be the performance of the Nativity, but also the day they’re all invited to a Birthday Party for Jesus. Lots of fun, songs, games, crafts and stories!

The week after all that – on the 17th December – the Christmas Choir will be performing. This is always a highlight of Christmas at IBC. It’s a performance of several different songs threaded together by a story, and it takes place in the regular service, which is then followed by an extended time of fellowship with Christmas snacks and goodies. If you’d like to bake a cake, or prepare some simple snacks that don’t need to be re-heated, you are more than welcome to do so!

You might have noticed that it has started snowing. There’s no doubt that it looks pretty, but it also presents challenges. As people take longer journeys in the next weeks, we can pray that their travels aren’t disrupted by the weather. Similarly, we can pray for all those who commute in some way or another to work or school, that the way may be safe and that they can reach their destination. We should also not forget those who have to make the outdoors their home, or at least their resting place. As the winter nights draw in may they be offered, and feel able to accept, help.

Lastly, of course, we need to keep places in which conflict or political unrest in our prayers.

Have a blessed week!

Update for Monday, November 22nd

Dear Church family and friends,

Who likes to be called crazy? No-one. But some of the things that we do may seem crazy to others, as Johannes observed at the very beginning of his sermon on Sunday. To find out where he went with that thought, you can listen again here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWpNqs8Do7M

This week in Church…

Young Adult Bible Study will be meeting in their smaller groups dotted around Giessen on Tuesday evening. Each group is a little different, but all study the same thing at the same time – 7pm. If you’d like more information as to what they’re looking at and where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

On Wednesday evening our Mid-Week Bible Study on prayer continues. They too meet at 7pm, but hold their session via Zoom. For a link to the meeting, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.

On Saturday (25th), the men will be meeting for their last breakfast of the year. It was wrongly announced in Sunday’s service that the last meeting had been and gone: just as a reminder, the Men’s Breakfast takes place every 4th Saturday of the month at 9:30am. So, that’s this coming Saturday! Gentlemen, please write to office@ibc-giesssen.org if you wish to attend, and tell us what you’ll be bringing with you!

Sunday, however, is the last Sunday before the Advent season starts! Daniel will be bringing us God’s Word during our service at 11am. If you can’t make it, then you are more than welcome to join in online. Our livestream can be accessed via a link, which you can get by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.


In a change to prior advertisement, the Worship Night that was due to take place at the FTH on 1st December has now been re-located to, and is in collaboration with, the EFG in Marburgerstrasse. Starting at 7:30pm, you can expect an evening of sung worship, prayer and praise.

As Pastor Buddy and Kathy enjoy Thanksgiving, we continue to pray for them and their family – as well as their safe return to us soon. We pray to for all those who are visiting families in the upcoming weeks, whether those visits are close to Giessen or further away. Family is family, and they can be both difficult and wonderful simultaneously.

Have a blessed week!

Update for Monday, November 13th

Dear Church family and friends,

With the weather the way that it is, you’d be excused for wanting to get cosy and hide indoors. We have the perfect thing to do while you’re sheltering from the cold and the rain – listening to the sermon that Kennedy gave on Sunday:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeDKvMCbaes

This week in Church…

Young Adult Bible Study will be meeting in their smaller groups dotted around Giessen on Tuesday evening. Each group is a little different, but all study the same thing at the same time – 7pm. If you’d like more information as to what they’re looking at and where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

On Wednesday evening our Mid-Week Bible Study on prayer continues. They too meet at 7pm, but hold their session via Zoom.

Sunday’s sermon will be delivered by Pastor Johannes, who will be continuing his Philippians series. Our service starts at 11am at the FTH, but if you can’t make it, you are more than welcome to watch along on the livestream.

For links to the livestreams or online meetings, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org


We’d like to remind you that there are a couple of performances that will be happening at the IBC Giessen this advent season. Both the Children’s Nativity and the Christmas Cantata have started rehearsing at 10am – an hour before Sunday service begins – and we are really looking forward to seeing and hearing the results. If you’d like to get involved with either of these, then please get in touch with office@ibc-giessen.org. The Christmas Cantata (choir) is open to everyone, whereas the Nativity is for children over the age of 4.

During the week, as you come to the Lord in private times of prayer, don’t forget to keep lifting up Israel and Ukraine to the Throne of Grace. The news may look bleak – on so many topics, not just those relating to conflict – but He longs to hear from us. He knows us and everything we are going through, but He wills us to make the connection with Him.

Have a blessed week!

Update for Monday, November 6th

Dear Church family and friends,

Yesterday’s Pot-Luck was, as always, a joy. Lots of food, lots of people, and lots of reasons to be thankful! We would like to thank everyone who brought a dish, but we are particularly grateful for all those who helped put the buffet together, as well as those who stuck around for the big clear-up!

While we can’t re-create the tasty food for you in this announcement if were not able to attend, we can offer you a recording of the sermon instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfphmm5XP7g

This week in Church…

Young Adult Bible Study will be holding their monthly Big YABS meeting. On Tuesday evening at 7pm all the smaller groups of YABS will meet together for a larger meeting at the FTH Student Kitchen. There they will have a time of study, prayer, food and fellowship. It’s the perfect time to introduce yourself if you’ve been thinking about joining YABS. For more information, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

On Wednesday evening our Mid-Week Bible Study on prayer continues. They too meet at 7pm, but hold their session via Zoom. You can be part of the group by clicking this link by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org and asking for a link to the meeting.

The King‘s Daughters group are planning a hike this coming Saturday (11th). If you are a lady and would like to join, please be at the FTH by 1pm. There, the group will re-organise itself so as to take fewer cars up toward Kloster Schiffenberg where the hike, pray and study time will take place. Don’t forget to wrap up warm, bring some rain resistant clothes and bring a thermos cup with you! For more information, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.

Then it’s Sunday again, with our regular service at 11am. Kennedy will be looking how beneficial and essential God’s Word is to our lives, using Psalm 1 as his basis. If you cannot make it to the FTH in time, then you are more than welcome to join our livestream – just write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

Getting prepared…

We’d like to remind you that there are a couple of performances that will be happening at the IBC Giessen this advent season. Both the Children’s Nativity and the Christmas Cantata have started rehearsing at 10am – an hour before Sunday service begins – and we are really looking forward to seeing and hearing the results. If you’d like to get involved with either of these, then please get in touch with office@ibc-giessen.org. The Christmas Cantata (choir) is open to everyone, whereas the Nativity is for children over the age of 4.

In some cultures, November is a month of remembrance. Keeping in mind all those who have sacrificed themselves for our freedom. In other cultures, this month is one where we are urged to be thankful for all that we have. Perhaps the two concepts are closer to one another than we think. We can be thankful for those who put their lives on the line for our safety. We can live in gratitude that we can have life’s necessities because there is peace. Similarly, we should continue to pray for places where those things are not currently part of day-to-day life.

Have a blessed week!

Update for Friday, November 3rd

Dear Church family and friends,

Remember, remember the 5th of November…

… because that’s when our Pot-Luck is – and it’s only a couple of days away!
We look forward to this time of food and fellowship after the service, and we’d love to see a full room on Sunday. So come along, there’s room for everyone and plenty of plates to go round!

If you’d like to bring something to share, then please remember that there is limited oven space for re-heating. Regardless of what you bring – or if you bring nothing – please could you register with us by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org. That way we can set a place just for you!

See you on Sunday!

Update for Monday, October 30th

Dear Church family and friends,

Why do you go to Church on Sunday? Is it something you look forward to, or a place you go to just to please someone else’s wishes? We see again that sometimes our intentions and attitudes are perhaps not those that God hopes for…
Larry Norman set himself the large task of convincing Sunday’s congregation that going to Church – and moreover hearing the Bible – is a slice of heaven on earth. To listen to his line of thinking, and see how he got on, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7vW5AgdBps.

This Week in Church…

Young Adult Bible Study (YABS) will be meeting on Tuesday at 7pm. To find out more about the group and where they meet, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org

The Mid-Week Meet-Up on Wednesday evening at 7pm via Zoom. During these sessions the group will be looking at prayer, and its presence in The Bible. As it is such a vital element of our faith, there will of course be a time of prayer as well as study. To get a link to the meeting, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org

After our service on Sunday, we will be having a Pot-Luck lunch! Sadly, those watching the livestream won’t be able to join us for the meal afterward – but we are looking forward to seeing lots of familiar faces! Of course, such a large gathering requires lots of works – and lots of tables! Johannes is therefore looking for members of a set-up team on Saturday afternoon/evening, as well as people to muscle in with clean up once we’re finished on Sunday. Is that you? Then either get in touch with Johannes or write to office@ibc-giessen.org. That e-mail address is also the one to use to tell us what dish you plan on bringing with you; or asking for the livestream link, should you need it .

The beginning of November means that Christmas is coming soon…

… but before we get to December, there’s one more King’s Daughters event coming up. On Saturday 11th November, the ladies plan on doing some hiking! Meeting at the FTH at 1pm, the group will travel on to a parking lot near the Kloster Schiffenberg, where they’ll enjoy an afternoon of walking, reading the Bible and fellowship. Contact Sung or office@ibc-giessen.org if you are a lady and that piques your interest!

The Women will be enjoying their annual Christmas Brunch on the second weekend of Advent this year. On Saturday 9th December at 10am, the Student kitchen at the FTH will once again be decorated beautifully, and the room filled with the smell of Christmassy breakfast food, as well as the sounds of singing and chatting. If you’re a woman, you won’t want to miss it! To sign up, there will be a sheet of paper at Church, just as you enter the room on Sunday morning… or write to office@ibc-giessen.org, whichever’s easier!

New for this year is the Children’s Nativity that will take place during the service on Sunday 10th December. Do you have a child who is at least 4 years old who would like to take part? Rehearsals are at 10am every Sunday until show day. For more information please talk to Jule or Caro as soon as possible – or as usual, write to office@ibc-giessen.org and we will forward the message on.

Our Christmas choir is still looking for singers! Get in touch with Simone (simone.mueller@bot2.bio.uni-giessen.de) and she will give you all the relevant information. The performance will be on 17th December (3rd Advent Sunday) 2023 during the service.

That’s a lot of information! The festive season does that though, doesn’t it? If it’s not the organising of your family’s celebrations, it’s attending parties, concerts or other events – and then trying to wrap things up nicely at your place of work! It can all get a bit overwhelming. We hope and pray that you can find God’s peace and guidance in these times and maybe our Sunday services can be a rest-point in otherwise chaotic and hectic week.

Let’s not forget to set aside some time to pray, too – especially for the ongoing situation in Israel.

Have a blessed week!

Update for Monday, October 23rd

Dear Church family and friends,

We could all do with a Herbstferien (autumn holiday) following the technical difficulties that we experienced on Sunday; but that particular privilege seems to be only for the children – and those blessed enough to have time off – to enjoy. The result of these issues is that there is no recording of the sermon that Johannes had given.

This Week in Church…

Young Adult Bible Study (YABS) will be meeting on Tuesday at 7pm. To find out more about the group and where they meet, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org

The Mid-Week Meet-Up on Wednesday evening at 7pm via Zoom. Last week, a new Bible study topic was introduced which will go through until 2nd December. Don’t feel that you have to have attended since the start, though – Johannes, Lucas and the rest of the group look forward to seeing you there to join the discussion on prayer at any time.

Gentlemen, it’s your turn for breakfast again this coming Saturday (28th) at 9:30am in the Student kitchen at the FTH. So get yourselves organised and e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org telling us you are going to be there – and what you will bring with you!

On Sunday morning we will be welcoming Larry Norman back to IBC Giessen. He will be bringing God’s Word to us during the service, which will start at the regular time of 11am. If you are unable to get to the FTH for that time, you are more than welcome to join in via the livestream.

For links to our Zoom meetings or livestreams, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.

Keep in mind…

… that the clocks go back an hour on Sunday morning. Supposedly, this change allows us to enjoy more daylight hours as the colder, darker months approach. It’s most immediate effect, however, is that we all get an extra hour on Sunday morning. Remember: service starts at 11am!

We will be having a pot-luck on 5th November! A big Church meal like this is only successful if everyone works together: so we’re looking for helpers. Could you spare some time on Saturday 4th, setting things up, or perhaps you’re available to pitch in with the clear up afterward on Sunday? Either way, get in contact with Johannes, or e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org. Please also use that e-mail address to tell us what dish you will be bringing with you!

Our Christmas choir is still looking for singers! Get in touch with Simone (simone.mueller@bot2.bio.uni-giessen.de) and she will give you all the relevant information. The performance will be on 17th December (3rd Advent Sunday) 2023 during the service.

Let us continue to bring the situations in Israel and Ukraine to the Throne of Grace.

May our faithful, loving Father bless you this week.

Update for Monday, October 16th

Dear Church family and friends,

When one thinks of Church usually one thinks of a preacher standing at a pulpit or lectern giving a sermon, like Pastor Buddy did on Sunday (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jFvwM3VY0g). In IBC Giessen a lot of Church also seems to take place in the kitchen, as we will see in this update…

This Week in Church…

As it’s the beginning of the semester, YABS are meeting as one big group on Tuesday evening at 7pm. There will be food, chat, singing and Bible in the Student Kitchen of the FTH. For more information, or if you’re new and would like to register an interest in attending, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org

The Mid-Week Meet-Up on Wednesday evening at 7pm via Zoom.

Sunday morning at 11am we will be holding our regular worship service. If you are unable to get to the FTH for that time, you are more than welcome to join in via the livestream.

For links to either of the last two events, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.

Very soon at IBC Giessen…

If you have been paying particular attention to the announcements during this Sunday’s service, you may have noticed that the date for the Men’s Breakfast has changed to keep in line with the “4th Saturday of the month” rule. Previously announced was the 21st; the 28th October at 9:30am in the Student Kitchen is correct. So gentlemen, get planning – who will turn up with what?

After the success of the King’s Daughters gathering last weekend, they are now aiming for a regular meeting on the second Saturday of every month. Ladies, there will be more information on the November event in the next updates!

On the subject of November – and another event being held in the Student Kitchen – we are pleased to invite everyone in the Church family to our next Pot-Luck! It will be held after the service on 5th November, which is in a little over two weeks’ time. To make it extra special and slightly more stress-free, Johannes is looking for some willing volunteers to help set-up the day before, as well as help with clean-up once it’s all finished on Sunday. If you can get stuck in with that, please get in contact with Johannes. Otherwise, we look forward to your contributions to what is always a very magnificent feast!

If you would like to attend any of these events, please write to us at office@ibc-giessen.org with the event name in the subject line and, if applicable, what you are planning on bringing with you in the main text of the e-mail.

Christmas is coming…

… and Simone is still looking for choir members. The repertoire has been chosen and the performance date has been set: (3rd Advent Sunday) 17th December 2023. It’s not too late to let Simone know you would like to join by writing to her at simone.mueller@bot2.bio.uni-giessen.de.

May our faithful, loving Father bless you this week.

Update for Monday, October 9th

Dear Church family and friends,

It’s Monday evening, time for another Church update!

If you missed Pastor Buddy’s sermon from Sunday, then here is your chance to listen to it. For those who regularly catch-up on our YouTube channel, or watch via the livestream, you may notice that the angle of the camera has changed: this is because it’s a new camera! As a result, the quality of image and audio have both improved enormously!


This Week in Church…

YABS meets on Tuesday evening at 7pm. To find out who’s meeting where, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org

The Mid-Week Meet-Up on Wednesday evening at 7pm via Zoom.

On Saturday (14th) at 2pm, there will be a ‘King’s Daughters’ event for the IBC Ladies. The first in a series of women’s events, the group will be focussing on inspiring female figures in the Bible, as well as spending time in prayer together, singing, and having fellowship with one another along with tea, coffee and cake. If you are a woman and would like to join the group at the FTH student kitchen for the afternoon, then please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org. Contributions of cakes and snacks are always welcome, as well as anyone who would like to get involved with organising future meet-ups.  

Sunday morning at 11am we will be holding our regular worship service. If you are unable to get to the FTH for that time, you are more than welcome to join in via the livestream:

Christmas is coming…

… and we’d love to have a Christmas Choir again this year! With a performance date of the 3rd Advent Sunday (17th December 2023), we are looking for singers to lend their voices. Please let Simone know as soon as possible if you would like to join in, so that she can get planning!.

For a while now, one of the prayer requests on the presentation during our services has been for Israel and the Gaza Strip. With the outbreak of heavier attacks and renewed violent conflict, our pleas to God for peace in this area have never been more urgent or more necessary. We must continue to pray for all countries in which war is being waged; in which people are trying to assert their power by military or aggressive. Similarly, we must always be assured that God is always more powerful and that He always intends for peace to reign.  

If you have any questions about what’s going on at IBC Giessen, need links to Zoom meetings, or have any prayer/praise items or suggestions as to how we can improve communication, don’t be afraid to write to us at office@ibc-giessen.org.

Have a blessed week!

Update for Monday, October 2nd

Dear Church family and friends,

Yesterday morning Christoph did it – he mentioned Christmas. Now we’re in October, we should start considering planning for the end of the year, even if it does still seem some way away. It’s always there before you know it! Before Christmas is mentioned again in this update though, we would like to remind you of the Bank Holiday that takes place tomorrow, Tuesday 3rd October. It too is a time for reflection and remembering what was – two different halves of Germany – as well as being thankful and looking at what is, and what might be in the future. It feels particularly relevant considering that there are some elections coming up this Sunday (8th).

Perhaps you have some time during the week to listen (again) to Lucas’ sermon from yesterday’s service. Here’s the link to do so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHYiEDqp3DY

This Week in Church…

YABS meets on Tuesday evening at 7pm. To find out who’s meeting where, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org

The Mid-Week Meet-Up on Wednesday evening at 7pm via Zoom. To get a link to the meeting, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.

Sunday morning at 11am we will be holding our regular worship service. If you are unable to get to the FTH for that time, you are more than welcome to join in via the livestream.

Next week in Church…

On Saturday 14th, there will be a ‘King’s Daughters’ event for the IBC Ladies. It will be a time of tea, coffee, cake and getting to know one another. If you are a woman and would like to enjoy a time of fellowship and fun with other ladies, then this is the event for you!

Christmas is coming…

… and we’d love to have a Christmas Choir again this year! With a performance date of the 3rd Advent Sunday (17th December 2023), we are looking for singers to lend their voices. Please let Simone know as soon as possible if you would like to join in, so that she can get planning!

If you have any questions about what’s going on at IBC Giessen, would like a link to Sunday’s livestream, or more information on joining the Christmas choir, then the address to write to is office@ibc-giessen.org.

Have a blessed week!

Update for Monday, September 25th

Dear Church family and friends,

It’s been a bit quiet here, hasn’t it? The writers of these updates went on holiday for a few weeks and have come back with new ideas of how we may keep people informed. What changes need to be made to our website and Facebook pages aren’t quite set-in-stone yet, so please bear with us as we figure it out.

We will, however keep on posting the links to the recorded sermons, starting with yesterday’s sermon and that of the 10th September. Both videos are of Johannes continuing his Philippians series:

10th September (Philippians 3: 1-7): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pj2CmKGjFc

24th September (Philippians 3: 7-11): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsCUcLl-Kls

Our YABS and Mid-Week Meet-Ups have been, and will be, going on as normal on their respective evenings (Tuesday and Wednesday) at 7pm. To find out more about YABS, get in touch via yabs@ibc-giessen.org. For a link to Wednesday’s Mid-Week Meet-Up, a link to this coming Sunday’s service livestream, or any other information on IBC Giessen, please write to us at office@ibc-giessen.org. That’s also the address to write to if you would like to be put on our mailing list!

Be blessed!

Update for Monday, September 4th

Dear Church family and friends,

A lot of information needs to be processed when you get back to work after some time off. It doesn’t matter how long you may have been away, something would have changed or happened that you hadn’t predicted or even wanted. There might be a new employee, or a colleague that’s left without you knowing. A project of yours might have been worked upon, or the something has developed and either you need to work on it in a different way or not at all. Of course, there’s more to life than work: ‘surprise’ appointments or paperwork that needs to be filled in; things in your living space that have ceased working whilst you were elsewhere; goings-on in the lives of those you love – there’s quite a lot to take on board to get back ‘up-to-speed’!

Perhaps these aren’t changes but ‘movements’. The two can look suspiciously similar. In his sermon on Sunday, Daniel talked of the God who moves but never changes. If you would like to listen again, just click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gT2UTcQsz4.

Don’t worry if you lose track of what’s happening at Church, there’s no need to worry – we write and send these announcements to keep you orientated! Over the next couple of weeks you might see a few changes as there will be a guest writer, but they will still keep you up-to-date. In the meantime, we would love to see you at Young Adult Bible Study (YABS), who are having another ‘Big YABS’ on Tuesday at 7pm, and at the Prayer Meeting that takes place at 7:30am on Wednesday morning: both at the FTH. For more on YABS, or to tell them you are planning on attending and bringing a dish to share, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org. Should you have any other questions, comments or requests on any other IBC-related subject, then you can put them in writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.  

We pray that God can keep you rested and clear-thinking when re-entry into ‘normal life’ seems to overwhelm you. Lean on Him who gives comfort, wisdom and inspiration. Be blessed!

Update for Friday, September 1st

Dear Church family and friends,

And so the summer holidays end in the same way (weather-wise) as they begun: wet and autumnal. Regardless, we hope that it has been a good time of rest, re-energising and refreshing. As pencils are sharpened and plans are made, we pray for all those – whether they are teaching or learning – to have a wonderful start to the new term and a successful school year.

There are a couple of days to go until Monday morning, and on Sunday at 11am we can offer you a moment’s pause and reflection in your preparation for the upcoming week. As it is the first Sunday of the month, we will also be sharing the elements of the Lord’s Table – truly a moment to re-centre and re-focus. If you are unable to make it to the FTH on Sunday morning, you might like to pour yourself a small glass of juice and find some bread, so that you can partake with us via our livestream. You’ll also need a link, so you will need to write to office@ibc-giessen.org.  

‘Back to school season’ may not apply to you, but there is still the feeling of ‘newness’ around this time of year. Some might see it as a return to schedule or routine, yet it is also another point in the year that provides an opportunity for change in a person’s life. No two school years are ever the same; and neither are two calendar years. Even if you have no relation to a school setting, may we invite you to take up the offer – to let God do something different?

Be blessed!

Update for Monday, August 28th

Dear Church family and friends,

A little longer than some other sermons we have uploaded – but still certainly worth watching/listening to – we present to you the link for Kennedy’s sermon from Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPSWcMA6b-Y . So in this busy time of readying ourselves for a new season – although autumn doesn’t technically start until the end of September – grab your Bible and listen to what God has put on Kennedy’s heart for us.

While many are returning to routines or sorting the last bits before school life starts again, we are remaining steadfast in our own schedule. Tuesday evening at 7pm there will be YABS, which will take place in their smaller groups again. To find out more, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org directly; the following morning, Wednesday, at 7:30am there will be a Prayer Meeting in the FTH facilities.  

Have a great week!

Update for Friday, August 25th

Dear Church family and friends,

There’s a common misconception about the word ‘surrender’. The implication is that in surrendering one is weak, and has been forced into surrendering. It might be true that there may be no other option but to surrender – but it is certainly a choice that one makes, and it is not ‘giving up’. It is not defeat, as nobody has lost. Neither is it a hopeless case. One surrenders because there is hope that something better might take its place.

Certainly many teachers and pupils are now surrendering to the fact that the new school year is only a week away. What alternative is there? Ignoring the situation and being completely unprepared come Monday 4th, or doing what needs to be done. The start of term will come either way – it’s a matter of how you approach it.

Why all this talk of surrendering? You may have guessed it: it’s the topic of the sermon this coming Sunday (27th). Kennedy will be looking at what it is to surrender in a Christian’s life, using the story of Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-23) as his basis. You can join us at 11am either online or at the FTH to hear what he has to say. For a link to the livestream, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.

The day before though, the men will have their monthly breakfast. Starting at 9:30am in the student kitchen, they’ll be eating and meeting together over lots of eggs and other breakfast foods. If you’re a gentleman and would like to be included in the gathering on Saturday 26th, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org to secure your place, and tell us what you’ll be bringing to the feast.

Making the decision to surrender requires a lot of strength, support and prayer – all of which you can get at IBC Giessen this Sunday!
Be blessed!

Update for Monday, August 21st

Dear Church family and friends,

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

When faced with difficult circumstances, the above Bible passage might cause more confusion than comfort. In his sermon on Sunday though, Simon explained how it can strengthen us and reassure us in those dark times. With God, we are ‘Safe until the end’. If you need to hear it again, or even for the first time, we have uploaded his sermon to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlenNMWiHq0.

While we experience difficulties it can be useful to share with others and be with people, rather than shutting ourselves away. At IBC Giessen, there are several ways of doing this throughout this week:

On Tuesday evening at 7pm, for example, the Young Adult Bible Study (YABS) will be having their next ‘Big YABS’ get-together, which involves a pot-luck style dinner, worship and His Word. This is a great opportunity to get to know everyone who goes to YABS as all the groups will be meeting at once in one place, the student kitchen/hang-out area in the FTH. If you would like to join in, then you can e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org and tell them.

Food will also be shared among the men on Saturday morning at 9:30am, also in the student kitchen. Here, the guys can chat with one another and enjoy an input. If you are a man and plan being there to help eat what’s served, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org telling us that you would like to attend, as well as what you plan on bringing.

Before or after breakfast on Wednesday morning – depending on when you wake up – there is a Prayer Meeting that takes place in the FTH Prayer Room at 7:30am. An opportunity to commune with others and with God, doing the most important thing: praying. In prayer we can have time with God to talk and listen to Him, as well as support others. He is always listening, but devoting time to prayer can be tricky. Meeting together as a group can be intimidating, yet it can also be a good way of encouraging one another and holding each other accountable in our relationship with God.

Our Mid-Week Meet-Ups on Zoom continue this week at the same time as Mid-Week Bible Study did: 7pm. There might be a Bible Study element, or a short input, but there will definitely be a time of sharing and prayer. The focus is on being together, albeit virtually. Just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for the link if you would like to attend.

It is not for us to judge who suffers more than the other, neither should we try to compare hardships with one another. We are called to love one another, and to see the other in the present day – where they are now – and show them that there is someone by their side, and that that person is listening. We are praying for you, no matter what your struggle may be.

Be blessed!

Update for Friday, August 18th

Dear Church family and friends,

On Sunday at 11am we will kick off our end of summer season of guest preachers. Speakers from our Church, as well as one or two who will make a return, will bring us their insights into the Bible while Pastor Buddy takes a break. Simon is the first to step up to the lectern with his sermon entitled “Safe until the end” based on Romans 8:28. To hear what he has to say, please do join us either in person at the FTH, or online via our livestream – just write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

Two weeks until schools are back in session, but there’s one week until the next Men’s Breakfast, with the group having their next meal together on Saturday 26th August at 9:30am in the FTH student kitchen. If you are a man, and food and fellowship piques your interest, then please sign-up at office@ibc-giessen.org, telling us what you will be bringing to the feast.

Keep cool, well-hydrated and safe on this very warm weekend! Be blessed!

Update for Monday, August 14th

Dear Church family and friends,

You go into the supermarket searching for a specific product, to find one in a very similar packaging, but with a different name. When you start to use it, you realise that it is precisely the thing you were looking for – but the company has changed the name, presumably to reflect an improved recipe or refreshed concept. It is ultimately the same thing, but with a different name – and that’s what ‘Mid-Week Meet Ups’ on Wednesdays at 7pm are. It is the same day, time and place as ‘Mid-Week Bible Study’, but it might not strictly always be a Bible Study. The name change indicates that what takes place could be different each week: you might be meeting up to pray together, or someone might share something they’ve recently encountered – and indeed there may be a Bible Study – but nothing as structured as ‘Mid-Week Bible Study’. If you are interested in being part of this week’s Meet Up, just click write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link. Meetings will be held online only.

Another slight change at IBC Giessen will be the preacher for the remaining summer Sundays. Pastor Buddy is having a well-earned change of scenery, and will be leaving it to several others to bring us the Word of God on Sunday mornings. His last sermon with us can be listened to again on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRfWpwmVVp0.

That’s all there is for schedule changes! Young Adult Bible Study (YABS) continues to meet in various places around Giessen on Tuesday evening at 7pm – your point of contact for that is yabs@ibc-giessen.org – and Wednesday morning Prayer Meeting will remain at 7:30am in the Prayer Room at the FTH. Lastly, and by no means least, there will a breakfast for the men of the Church at 9:30am on Saturday 26th August. For more information on that, or anything else mentioned in this update, feel free to write to office@ibc-giessen.org.

We pray that you have had a great start to the week! Be blessed!

Update for Friday, August 11th

Dear Church family and friends,

We won’t keep you long, but we still wanted to tell you that our Church service will take place at the usual time of 11am on Sunday morning. Our livestream will also be up and running for those unable to make it, just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

Enjoy the return of summer! Be blessed!

Update for Monday, August 7th

Dear Church family and friends,

Whatever the weather would have decided to do yesterday, three people were going to get wet anyway: Pastor Buddy and the two from our congregation getting baptised. It hadn’t rained during our morning service – we were inside anyway, but that’s beside the point (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdKfDtYfG5w) – and during the actual Baptism service in Wißmarer See, the rain also held off. In fact, some brave children even used the opportunity to go swimming after the service, getting out in time for the heavy downpour!

This Wednesday at 7pm, we will dive into the last session of our Mid-Week Bible Study on the book of Philippians. Don’t worry if you’ve missed the rest of it, you are more than welcome to join us on Zoom for what will also be the last Mid-Week Bible Study for a little while. We will of course give you more details on when the next series starts as soon as we get them. As always, you can get a link to the meeting by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

Both Young Adults’ Bible Study and Wednesday morning Prayer Meeting remain on course this week at their usual times of Tuesday evenings at 7pm in different locations around Giessen – e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org to find out precisely where – and Wednesday at 7:30am respectively.

Making a splash at the end of the week is our next, long-awaited, Worship Night! On Friday night at 7pm, we will be meeting for an extending time of singing and prayer. It will be relaxed in style, with perhaps a small input, rather than a sermon that is usually found in a Church service. If you have questions on this, anything else included in this announcement, or would like to ask about something else related to IBC Giessen, then office@ibc-giessen.org is the address to write to.

Whether you’re treading water or powering through with a solid front-crawl this week, or if you are in need of the still or quiet waters described in Psalm 23, we pray that you can peacefully allow God to take control and be blessed by His perfect timing.

Update for Friday, August 4th

Dear Church family and friends,

In all the excitement surrounding the busy-ness of this week, we seemed to have over-looked that we will also be celebrating the Lord’s Table this Sunday (6th). At IBC Giessen we traditionally break bread and drink from the cup on the first Sunday of the month, but our focus, especially in these announcements, has been on the Baptism Service that takes place in the afternoon on the same day. Only our morning service will be livestreamed – please write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link – but afternoon service will not. If you are not able to make it to the FTH for 11am, you can gather the elements at home beforehand and take them at the same time we do.

The Baptism service will not take place at the FTH, rather at the Wißmarer See in Wettenberg, where there is a very large lake we can use. We aim to start the service at 2:30pm, but it depends on how quickly we can make the journey from the FTH. If you have been a resident in Gießen for any period of time, it will not surprise you to hear that there are a few roadworks and blocked streets on the most direct route. If you would like some directions of how best to get there, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org. This address may also be used if you wish to attend but have no means of transport.

After the service we would like to continue the celebrations and have a time of fellowship together, so don’t forget to bring some snacks – sweet or savoury – to share.  

Neither of these events is more important than the other: they are both asked of us in the Bible as an act of remembrance, re-committal, and outward sign of our faith in the Saviour who died and rose again for us. It is as much a part of our worship as singing and praying together is – and there will be an extended opportunity to do both of those things in our Worship Night this coming Friday (11th) at 7pm.

Don’t forget that tomorrow afternoon the Adonia Juniors will be performing their production of ‘David wird König’ in Burgerhaus Wieseck. Entry is free and be sure to take your seat for 4pm!

Of course, we don’t do all this just because we are told to – if you have heard the Good News, then you would be more than willing to respond in an outpouring of joy, love and praise, too! At the same time, it is always appropriate to remind ourselves of just how life-changing the Gospel is and reflect upon how we live in light of Christ’s redeeming work on the cross. Don’t waste the opportunity – come and join us on Sunday!

Update for Monday, July 31st

Dear Church family and friends,

There’s no sign of us slowing down for summer this week…

Following last week’s short-noticed cancellation, Mid-Week Bible Study is back in action this Wednesday (2nd) at 7pm. This will be the second to last session in the series on the book of Philippians, but it isn’t too late to join! Just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a Zoom link and grab your Bible.

Young Adults’ Bible Study will also be taking place as usual this week, on Tuesday evening at 7pm. For more information on what they’ll be doing where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.  To find out more about anything else going on at IBC Giessen – including the Prayer Meeting that takes place at the FTH at 7:30am on Wednesday morning – office@ibc-giessen.org is the address you need.

Then there’s the weekend – but before we get there, you can remind yourselves of Pastor Buddy’s sermon from the last Sunday in July, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt8FOWUSSXk.

This coming Saturday (5th), a trip to the Burgerhaus in Wieseck is required if you would like to watch the musical being put on by the Adonia Juniors. ‘David wird König’ starts at 4pm and entrance is free!

Then, on Sunday (6th), it is celebration time as one of our congregation publicly declares their faith in the Lord – otherwise known as Baptism. Anyone who has visited IBC Giessen will be aware that we do not have our own Baptism pool, so we need to go elsewhere. After the morning service, we will be meeting up at the Wissmarer See for this extra service. To make it a real celebration, it would be great if anyone joining us would bring some snacks and cakes for afterwards!

While the weather may not feel like it, it is August tomorrow (Tuesday) – and we are looking forward to all that this month has in store for us!
Have a great start to the new month!

Update for Friday, July 28th

Dear Church family and friends,

August is just a couple of days away, so it is a good time to remind you of some events that will be happening very soon:
Burgerhaus Wieseck will be hosting the Adonia Juniors in their performance of ‘David wird König’ on Saturday 5th. Entry is free, with a start time of 4pm. The day after that, on Sunday 6th, we will be having a Baptismal service in addition to our morning service at the FTH. For the later service, we will be heading out to the Wissmarer See. If you would like to be baptised or have any questions regarding baptism and the service, please get in touch with Pastor Buddy or e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.

Lastly, in two weeks’ time – Friday 11th August – there will be a Worship Night at 7pm in the Chapel Room of the FTH. It’ll be a brilliant time of lifting our voices together in praise and worship to the God who blesses us daily!

As for this Sunday, we will meet as usual at 11am both in-person and online via our zoom livestream (e-mail above address for a link). In the second instalment of his delve into Matthew 19:30 – 20:16, Pastor Buddy will be looking at what role envy plays in the text, as well as our day-to-day lives.

We are looking to make some more progress on our photo wall. If you don’t know what that is, when you arrive at IBC Giessen on a Sunday morning, on your right leaning against the window is a display with people’s portraits pegged to a line that goes across a board – but it is by no means complete! Miri will be around with her camera after the service this week, so if you would like to be part of the photo wall make sure to find her and have your photo taken!

August is full of routine changes – you might be covering someone’s workload while they are on holiday; you might be getting things ready to go on vacation yourself, or you may now be seeing the consequences of the schools finished for the (academic) year. May God give you strength as you navigate your way around these differences, and peace if it threatens to become overwhelming.

Have a blessed last few days of July!  

Update for Wednesday, July 26th

Dear Church family and friends,

We are very sorry to give such short notice, but we have to cancel this week’s Mid-Week Bible Study.  This is due to an internet outage, and is a situation beyond our control.

With the expectation that everything should be resolved by next week, you could use this evening to read Philippians 4:14-18 in preparation.

Apologies for the short notice – have a blessed evening!

Update for Monday, July 24th

Dear Church family and friends,

Pastor Buddy references a piece of recent history in this week’s sermon, in that it is a passage that he had already preached on last year, albeit from a different perspective (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9o-AaYHhc0). This newest look at Matthew 19:30 – 20 : 16 is also a two-part series, so be sure to be part of the congregation this Sunday (30th) to hear its conclusion.
Our video from this week (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07yq4QjTD9M) has a few audio blips and is a touch on the quiet side – please remember to turn your speakers back down again once you’ve finished listening!

There is another Big YABS this week! It will take place on the usual Young Adults’ Bible Study day and time of Tuesday at 7pm. If you would like to join in, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org. They will share a buffet dinner together, so all contributions to that are welcome – as are any newcomers or friends.

Wednesday starts with a Morning Prayer Meeting at 7:30am in the Prayer Room of the FTH, and finishes with Mid-Week Bible Study at 7pm in the evening via Zoom. For more information on either of those groups, or a link to the Bible Study, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.

We pray that you have a blessed last full week of July!

Update for Saturday, July 22nd

Dear Church family and friends,

It would be wrong to complain about the weather. While it isn’t particularly fair that the temperature has cooled and the rain has started just in time for the children’s summer holidays, at least we have had some relief from the hotter, drier weather. We will continue to pray for the same for those in southern Europe, where the heat has been more extreme and life has become more difficult because of it.

On Sunday, Pastor Buddy will start another two-part series, this time preaching from the book of Matthew. If you would like to hear what he has to say, do join us for our service at 11am in the FTH or online. You can get a link to our livestream by writing to the e-mail address below.

In two weeks, it will be another busy weekend. The Adonia Juniors will perform their “David wird König” musical in Wieseck on Saturday 5th August, and on Sunday 6th we will have our Baptism service. If you have an interest in being baptised, or would like to find out more about the concept of baptism, please talk to Pastor Buddy or write to office@ibc-giessen.org.

Have a blessed weekend!

Update for Monday, July 17th

Dear Church family and friends,

Projects – life seems to be full of them. Some are never-ending, like cooking and cleaning, and others are over before you know it. There are mundane projects, such as ironing or filing your taxes, and there are fun projects that seem special because they are so different to what you do in day-to-day life. In this last week before the summer holidays, schools have ‘project days’ which give the children the opportunity to do and learn something other than normal subjects: learning things beyond an academic level.

Here at IBC Giessen we have our own – slower paced – project. You may have noticed that the YouTube channel we have been directing you to has changed: we now have our own! Here, we have also created a playlist of the Philippians series Pastor Johannes has been preaching (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLevqjirL-fLNtkB-dugOHTsLq-QDJqz2C) which includes his most recent sermon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75M5izp4dSs). There will be more changes to come across our website and other platforms, but it will take a while. We’ll keep you informed!

Starting at the end of the week for this week’s Church announcement – the men have their own project to work on this coming Saturday (22nd July): to meet together, share life and eat as much breakfast food as possible. This will take place at 9:30am in the student kitchen, and if you’re a gentleman willing to help with this task, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org telling us what work material (food) you will bring with you.

That e-mail address is also the one to write to if you would like any information on Wednesday morning’s Prayer Meeting – which takes place at 7:30am in the Prayer Room at the FTH – or if you would like to join us in the evening (7pm) via Zoom. Any questions about baptism or anything else regarding Church life at the IBC can also be directed to that address too.

On Tuesday (tomorrow) evening the young adults will meet again in their smaller groups. To find out where they are meeting, and what they will be doing, yabs@ibc-giessen.org is your place to ask.

Whatever you are working on this week – whether you’ve only just begun or you are right in the thick of it – may it bring you joy and God glory. We will pray for your project’s success!

Update for Friday, July 14th

Dear Church family and friends,

Sometimes in these Church announcements we have to admit that things haven’t gone to plan. Not everything can go ‘our way’, and that’s fine. We dust ourselves down and trust that God has better knowledge of our lives than we do. The fact that Pastor Johannes is preaching this Sunday, though, has been on the calendar for a while – it just so happens to be that Pastor Buddy isn’t feeling that great. This, however, is a good reminder to pray for those who are not feeling well, whether it’s a longstanding illness or temporary, especially in these warmer days.

If you are feeling unwell, or are otherwise unable to make it at 11am on Sunday morning, then you are more than welcome to join our livestream.

Aside from that, we would like to again point out that there will a performance of ‘David wird König’ given by the Adonia Juniors on Saturday 5th August; and the day after we will be having a Baptism Service after our regular service. For more information on those two items, a link to Sunday’s livestream, or any other further questions, please get in touch with us via office@ibc-giessen.org.

Have a blessed weekend!

Update for Wednesday, July 12th

Good morning,

We are sorry to say that this evening’s Mid-Week Bible Study has been cancelled due to ill health. Please pray for Pastor Buddy and Kathy as they recover.

Stay safe, cool and hydrated, and have a great rest of the week. Be blessed!

Update for Monday, July 10th

Dear Church family and friends,

What a scorcher yesterday’s Church BBQ was! Even Pastor Buddy had to change into more weather-appropriate clothes before tucking in. You can see his original outfit – and listen to his sermon – here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvV47M1yEUA.

In spite of the heat there was a great turn-out, with plenty of delicious salads and desserts for everyone. Thanks, of course, go to the creators of all the culinary contributions, as well as Harri and Marcello for manning the barbecue. Thank you also to Kathy and her team of servers, sorters and cleaners who made sure that everything was set-up and tidied away efficiently. It just goes to show what we can achieve if we all work together!

Now that the Church BBQ’s finished, what’s next?

Well, there are all the weekly activities; Young Adults’ Bible Study on Tuesday at 7pm (yabs@ibc-giessen.org); Prayer Meeting at 7:30am on Wednesday, and Mid-Week Bible Study on Zoom on Wednesday evening at 7pm. For the link to the evening Bible Study, or more information on either of the Wednesday meet-ups, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org.

The men will have their next breakfast on Saturday 22nd July at 9:30am in the student kitchen – where the food was laid out yesterday after the service. If you are planning on coming, please register using the e-mail address above and include what you are bringing with you in your e-mail.

Going into August, there are three events that take place within a week-or-so of one another. The first isn’t organised by IBC Giessen, but we encourage you attend nevertheless: the Adonia musical ‘David wird König’. We have mentioned it in previous announcements, but now it’s getting closer (5th August), a reminder is always a good idea.

The day after that, on the 6th August, we will be having a Baptismal Service in the Wissmarer See after our regular service at 11am. If you have an interest in being baptised, or would like to know more about what baptism means, please talk to Pastor Buddy or get in contact with office@ibc-giessen.org.   

Five days after that, on Friday (11th August), our next Worship Night takes place! So don’t think that the Church BBQ was the last chance to have an extended fellowship together – if you’ve missed one event, there’s always another around the corner.

Be blessed!

Update for Friday, July 7th

Dear Church family and friends,

Thank you to everyone who has replied to e-mails or written their names on lists regarding our Church BBQ this Sunday. The weather looks like it will be perfect, which just makes us look forward to it even more. If you plan on coming and have only just decided what to bring with you, don’t forget to write to us! office@ibc-giessen.org is, as always, the address to write to.

Before we all eat together, we will join together in worship. Our service will take place at the usual time of 11am, and of course we have the livestream for those who cannot attend (write to the e-mail address above for a link!). For those attending both the service and BBQ, please bring your dishes and desserts to the student kitchen; there is limited fridge and cooling space, but we’ll see what we can do.

Don’t forget to come hungry – for both His Word and for the food to be served afterwards! See you on Sunday!

Update for Monday, July 3rd

Dear Church family and friends,

What a busy service it was yesterday – we even said a temporary goodbye to the family whose baby we dedicated to the Lord! But it was otherwise one full of joy and family.

Even in his sermon, Pastor Buddy had talked about family and specifically what makes Church a different, special, type of family (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nGxRJOlrQo). He made a rather good observation too: that sat in our seats on a Sunday morning there isn’t much room for fellowship – which is why we meet afterward, as well as during the week!

Tuesday evenings are for the young adults – although there is no strict age-range – to meet together, listen to His Word, pray for and encourage one another. They meet as several smaller groups dotted around Giessen, all starting at 7pm. To find out which one is closest to you, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

Wednesdays are for everybody, whether you are a morning person or an evening person. At 7:30am in the Prayer Room of the FTH, a group meets to do exactly what you might expect in that room: pray. A mid-week boost with others and with God – don’t we all need that?
In the evening, again at 7pm, there will be our regular Mid-Week Bible Study via zoom. This is a chance to go deeper in the Scriptures, learning and sharing with others on the way. If you would like to participate, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.  

Let’s not forget the Church BBQ that will happen after the service this coming Sunday (9th). Sausages, bread rolls and drinks are provided – we need you to do the rest! So that we have an idea of numbers, please could you write to the e-mail address above, telling us how many people you will be bringing with you, and, if you have an idea already, what you will contribute to the sides and desserts buffet?

‘Doing life together’ is what Church family is all about, and how are you supposed to do that if you don’t have the opportunity to connect with people? We look forward to seeing you at one of our weekly gatherings, as well as next Sunday at the service and barbecue!  

Update for Friday, June 30th

Dear Church family and friends,

Often when churches refer to a family service, they usually mean that the content of the service will be suitable for all ages with a sermon or message presented in a way that everyone understands. At IBC Giessen this week, we are having a family service in a much more literal sense: it’s all about families and family events!

As it is the first Sunday of the month, as a family of believers, we will be sharing in the Lord’s Table; Christ brought us together through the outpouring of His blood, which is something that we should remember and commemorate often. In addition to this, we will be dedicating a baby to the Lord, as well as witnessing a couple from our congregation re-commit themselves to one another in the renewing of their wedding vows. It will be a busy service, but one which reminds us of His joy and the blessings that He pours on us. If you can’t be at the FTH for 11am on Sunday morning, you can watch what’s going on via our livestream.

To celebrate all that will happen this Sunday the congregation is invited to bring cake and (sweet/savoury) snacks to share after the service. If you would like to contribute something to eat for the time of fellowship after the service, please tell us what would you like to bring by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org. The same goes for any side dishes, desserts or other items for our BBQ after the service on the 9th July (next Sunday). The same e-mail address can also be used to ask for a livestream link.

Family occasions are best marked in large numbers – so we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Sunday morning!

Update for Monday, June 26th

Dear Church family and friends,

Sharing is something that children are taught to do at a very young age, and it is also something that anyone who uses social media is encouraged to do with anything that has particularly caught their interest – like Pastor Buddy’s sermon from Sunday, which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fZ1dm4X6wY. Perhaps before social media became what we know it be, the concept of ‘sharing’ was instilled in our children with the understanding that in later life it would be a force of habit, a day-to-day occurrence that didn’t require much consideration.

In Church, we have many opportunities to meet and share both everyday life as well as special events. For the Young Adults, there’s Young Adult Bible Study (YABS) on Tuesday evening; and on Wednesday evening there’s Mid-Week Bible Study over zoom – you can get the link by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org. Both groups will be reading, discussing and learning from God’s Word – and both groups meet at 7pm on their respective days. To find out where YABS is meeting, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.    

While those two Bible Studies will also involve prayer, a dedicated Prayer Meeting takes place at 7:30am on Wednesday morning in the Prayer Room at the FTH. It’s a place to spend some time in God’s presence, sharing your praise or concerns with Him, as well as lifting each other up to Him.

Joy is also something that we can share! On Sunday (2nd) a couple at IBC Giessen will be celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary by renewing their marriage vows, and a different family will be dedicating their new baby, and their roles as parents, to the Lord. These are both causes for celebration – so how about bringing some food to share after the service? The Church will provide the drinks, so we need some willing bakers to provide some cakes and sweet treats.
As we mentioned in Friday’s announcement, on the 9th we will be having a Church BBQ. On that Sunday we will require salads, sides and desserts. If you would like to contribute to either of these gatherings, then e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org is the way to tell us.

Maybe sharing is special, then. It means that we can connect with others, encourage them and show an appreciation and respect for them as God’s beloved children. Not for clicks, likes or views, but to ‘do life’ as God intended together. Find ways to share your blessings with others this week – the likelihood is high that you will be blessed in return!   

Update for Friday, June 23rd

Dear Church family and friends,

Here at the IBC Giessen, we have had exclusive access to this weekend’s Jerusalem Gazette. Its feature article is the second part of Reporter Pastor Buddy’s account of the unbelievable happenings at Bethany (John 11). In his first instalment on the 11th June (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrGXaroCewo), he concluded by asking “can God bring good out of evil people?”. All will be revealed in his follow-up report on Sunday (25th) at 11am… If you can’t make it to the FTH, be sure to get a Zoom link from office@ibc-giessen.org to catch all the details.

Tomorrow (Saturday) morning’s Men’s Breakfast at 9:30am is cutting it fine time-wise in the events section, but if you are at a loose end tomorrow morning and would like some company while you enjoy the most important meal of the day, and are a gentleman,  then you are more than welcome.

After each of the first two Sunday services in July there’s a chance for everyone to bring and share food and fellowship together. On the 2nd, a couple from our Church family will be renewing their wedding vows during the service and would like to invite the congregation to drinks, cakes and snacks afterward. This is where you come in: without the Church family’s input there will be nothing to eat!
The same applies for the Church BBQ the week after (9th). There will be sausages, bread rolls and drinks – but the salads and sides are to come from those attending!

Your e-mail address to register to any of these events, as well as detail what you will be bringing is office@ibc-giessen.org

Those are the headlines for this weekend; for more information come along to Church on Sunday morning or keep your eyes on our website, facebook page and your e-mail inbox. Be blessed!

Update for Monday, June 19th

Dear Church family and friends,

At IBC Giessen we benefit from a large number of students who bring their musical talents, as well as their readiness to teach the children, operate the tech system or stand at the front on the stage and guide us through a service on Sunday morning. In fact, we even have some (former) students preach, like our Associate Pastor Johannes, who studied and graduated from the FTH. You can hear what he had to say on Philippians 2: 19-24 this last Sunday, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtM6ssVbyvw

Students have a unique opportunity in their lives to spread the gospel at their places of study to those who perhaps have never heard the Good News, or have never had it presented in a way that engages them. Out of the childhood home for the first time, most are open to listening and considering new ideas and ways of living – and the Hochschultage are designed to give those looking for orientation the roadmap to Jesus. Organised by the Hochschule SMD Giessen (Studenten Mission Deutschland), there are 4 days left of their week of talks, lunch bars and prayer meetings. To find out what’s going on or how you may help, please click here: https://hochschul-smd.org/giessen/ (German only). Otherwise, would you join us in prayer for listening ears and receptive hearts?

A large number of those who attend Young Adult’s Bible Study (YABS) are students, but, as the name suggests, that isn’t the group’s sole demographic. There is quite a broad definition of ‘Young Adult’ and in the group there is a good mix of those who have found a workplace in Giessen having finished their studies, as well as those still working on different qualifications from a variety of higher education institutes. As there are many who attend YABS, they meet in smaller groups dotted around Giessen – but there is always room for new people! If you would like to meet up with them tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 7pm, then yabs@ibc-giessen.org is the address you need to write to for more information.

On Wednesday at 7pm we will have our Mid-Week Bible Study for everyone. All you need is a Bible and the link to the Zoom meeting, which can be given to you if you write to office@ibc-giessen.org.  
For the morning people out there, there will be a Prayer Meeting in the Prayer Room at the FTH at 7:30am on the same day.

The more civilized time of 9:30am is when the Men’s Breakfast will start on Saturday morning – and there’s still enough time to send an e-mail to office@ibc-giessen.org if you will be there! They do seem to enjoy rather a lot of eggs, so choose wisely when considering what to bring with you and don’t forget to include it in your message.

Perhaps the students pose the rest of us a challenge this week: how can we reach the people at our places of work, school, hobby or other activity and tell them of the life-changing power of Jesus’ death and resurrection? How can we meet people where they are and show them that we, and they, are God’s beloved children? How can we bless others this week?

Update for Friday, June 16th

Dear Church family and friends,

Our summer preview from the other week seems to have undergone a few changes, so we hope that you haven’t packed your diaries and calendars too far away!

Before we start listing the changes though, let’s focus on what remains the same:
Tomorrow afternoon (Saturday 17th, 3pm) there will be a macramé (Makramee) afternoon for the ladies in the student kitchen at the FTH. Whether you have experience in this craft or are a complete beginner, the afternoon is designed to be a fun get-together to do some crafting! It’s not too late to register an interest in attending – just write to office@ibc-giessen.org – and while the event is free, if you are able to make a contribution toward the cost of the materials, we would be very grateful.

The Saturday after (24th) at 9:30am, it’s the men’s turn again with their monthly breakfast. Again, the gentlemen who wish to join should write an e-mail to office@ibc-giessen.org, but rather than a monetary contribution they should bring some food to share with the rest of the group.

Originally, the plan was to have a Worship Night next Friday, between the Women’s Craft Afternoon and Men’s Breakfast. This has now been moved to Friday 11th August. The Baptism service which was initially announced as taking place on the Sunday of that weekend has now been brought forward by a week to Sunday 6th August. The date of the Adonia-Juniors musical remains the same (5th August), and we would like to remind anyone who wishes to support that project financially to do so before 30th June, so that the concert may take place. For more information, please visit their website (German only) https://www.adonia.de/konzerte/david-wird-koenig.

Confused? Just keep an eye on these updates and we will keep you informed on all the things you need to know, including our main service which is consistently on the same day at the same time and in the same place: Sunday morning at 11am in the Chapel Room at the FTH. Should you not be able to attend for whatever reason, we invite you to our zoom livestream. If you’d like to join, you can get a link by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

Getting appointments and dates settled seems to have become more complicated in recent times. Perhaps we are all trying to do too many things after a few years of not being able to organise anything at all! We hope that your summer plans are taking shape nicely and that we will see you at some of our events! Be blessed!

Update for Monday, June 12th

Dear Church family and friends,

It’s mid-June and things are beginning to hot up – and we’re not just talking about the temperatures!

Tomorrow evening’s YABS will be a ‘Big YABS’ event in the student kitchen at the FTH. Here, all the groups will meet together for a pot-luck style buffet, fellowship, worship and reading His Word. If you’ve been sitting on the fence about joining YABS, this is the perfect opportunity to get to know the group. In case you are wondering, YABS stands for Young Adults’ Bible Study, so if you feel that you fit into that description, you are warmly invited to introduce yourself at 7pm on Tuesday! For further question, please get in touch with yabs@ibc-giessen.org

7:30am on Wednesday morning, our Prayer Meeting will take place in the Prayer Room at the FTH – and in the evening, at 7pm, our Mid-Week Bible Study will resume via Zoom. While they are nearing the end of the book of Philippians, it still isn’t too late to join, so grab your Bible and get the link by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org.

On Saturday its craft time for the ladies! They will be meeting at 3pm to create macramé (Makramee) rings together. If you are a woman, and a couple of hours doing something creative piques your interest, then you can register a place by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org. Don’t worry if you’ve never worked macramé (Makramee) before: this is your chance to learn!

Progress is being made on our Sunday service livestreams and we would like to thank our viewers for their continued patience. Having now figured out what the technology is attempting to do, we now need to work out how to make it do what we want it to… In good news, this week we can offer you a recording of Sunday’s sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrGXaroCewo.

Stay cool, hydrated and blessed this week!

Update for Friday, June 9th

Dear Church family and friends,

Enjoying your last long weekend until October? What better way to finish it than worshipping our living, loving God on Sunday morning at 11am? If you can make it to the FTH in Giessen, we would love to see you among the congregation, but if you are visiting friends or family that’s not a problem – that’s why we have a livestream, and you can watch it by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

Of course, weekends can be good or special for many reasons aside from its length. Next Saturday, for example, will be a highlight for the women meeting together for a creative afternoon in the student kitchen at the FTH. Starting at 3pm, all ladies are welcome to join in and make some macramé (Makrame) rings, even if you haven’t done it before! We ask that you register beforehand though, so that there is enough material for everyone – which you may make a financial contribution to if you are able. Tell us you’ll be there by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

However you are spending this weekend, we hope that it is a blessing to you, your family and friends. See you on Sunday!

Update for Monday, June 5th

Dear Church family and friends,

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try…”
So, our second attempt at using the new camera installed at the FTH wasn’t exactly an outstanding success either – although there was a slight improvement – and completely independently from that, something didn’t quite work out with the Zoom recording, which is why we are unable to provide you with Sunday’s sermon video this week. We’re not giving up though: we will try again next week!

Neither are we turning our backs on Zoom; this week’s Bible Study isn’t taking place due to the Bank Holiday on Thursday (Corpus Christi/Fronleichnam) and not because of our technology issues.

Something that was forgotten in our summer preview in Friday’s announcement is the Adonia-Juniors musical which takes place 5th August, at 4pm, in the Bürgerhalle Wieseck. Some may remember that, a few years ago, Adonia had prepared a musical on Isaac over the space of a week or so and then performed it. This time, it’s specifically children between the ages of 9 and 12 – and their musical is titled ‘David becomes King’ (‘David wird König’). While entry is free, they would greatly appreciate any donations that could be made before the 30th June as it takes 800€ to finance this project. For more information on how you can do that, please visit https://www.adonia.de/konzerte/david-wird-koenig  (German only).

Two of our regular meet-ups are happening this week: Young Adult’s Bible Study at 7pm on Tuesday (yabs@ibc-giessen.org) and the Prayer Meeting on Wednesday morning at 7:30am in the Prayer Room at the FTH.
As always, if you have any other questions, suggestions or comments about Church life at IBC Giessen, office@ibc-giessen.org is the best way to get in touch.

We wish you a blessed week!

Update for Friday, June 2nd

Dear Church family and friends,

When does summer begin? The weather has been wonderful for over a couple of weeks now but is the end of May really summer? Perhaps it’s when the first barbecues of the year happen: well, our Church BBQ takes place after the service on the 9th July – and that, along with August when we will be having our Baptism service, is definitely summer! More information about the BBQ will come in the next weeks, but for now, if you are interested in being baptised or would like to find out more about baptism, please talk to Pastor Buddy after Church on Sunday, or write to him via office@ibc-giessen.org.

There are events happening at IBC Giessen during June too. On Saturday 17th, for example the ladies will be meeting at 3pm for a crafty afternoon together making macramé (Makrame) rings. If you would like to attend but don’t have any idea how macramé is created – or perhaps you’ve no idea what it is! – there’s no need to be worried as Priska will guide you through the process. All that she asks is that each woman brings some enthusiasm and a small donation to go toward the cost of the material. So that we have a rough idea of numbers, we would appreciate it if you could register your intention to participate by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.
Men’s Breakfast will take place the week after, on the 24th – but not before our next Worship Night which is the evening before, on Friday 23rd. So there will be plenty of opportunities to meet up with others at the Church in the second half of June!

After the service this Sunday  (4th) there will be a chance to learn more about the sound system in the Chapel Room of the FTH for those who wish to join the sound team at IBC and serve our Church in that way. 

Starting at the usual time of 11am, this week we will be celebrating the Lord’s Table together as it is the first Sunday of the month. Those watching via the livestream may want to prepare some bread and juice beforehand, ready for this part of the service – you will also need a link, which you can attain by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org.

Whether you are looking forward to summer, or think that it’s already here, we hope that the weather remains kind to you – and that we see you at one or two of our events and services!

Update for Monday, May 29th

Dear Church family and friends,

Before we bring you back to reality with a crash by reminding you of what will be going on at IBC Giessen this week, you can catch-up on Pastor Buddy’s sermon from Sunday here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEyAnHEA6kc.

First up, there’s Young Adults’ Bible Study (YABS) tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 7pm. They will be meeting in smaller groups in a variety of different places around Giessen – you can find out precisely where by writing an e-mail to yabs@ibc-giessen.org

On Wednesday morning at 7:30am, our Morning Prayer group continues to convene in the Prayer Room at the FTH. Here, you can get away from the computer screen and any other pressing demands and focus entirely on your conversation with God. Perhaps when you pray you don’t really know what to say or cannot quite articulate it in the way you’d wish – while God understands those prayers anyway, there is comfort in knowing that others have the same or similar issues on their minds as you.

In the evening, at 7pm our Mid-Week Bible Study will continue online. Their study of Philippians has now reached the final chapter of the book – but that doesn’t mean that it’s too late to join! All you need to do is e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link and grab your Bible!

Don’t be too sad that the long weekend is already over – the next one will be here before you know it! Have a blessed week!

Update for Friday, May 26th

Dear Church family and friends,

What better way to start a long weekend than with a large breakfast with friends? That’s precisely what the men will be doing on Saturday morning at 9:30am in the Student Kitchen. Gentlemen, do tell us if you are coming and what you are bringing with you by writing to the following e-mail address: office@ibc-giessen.org

Daniel’s sermon from Sunday is available to listen to again – or for the first time, in case you missed it – by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GONiPPG5hyw

This Sunday, of course, is Pentecost. We will have a service at our usual time of 11am at the FTH – or via our livestream, which you can watch by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link. On Pentecost we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to guide us, encourage us and strengthen us. As believers, it is what we all have in common. We may have differing views on a variety of topics relating to the Church – but we all have the Holy Spirit within us and around us.

During this last weekend of May we hope that you have time to reflect on that thought, perhaps asking yourself what Pentecost means for you and your walk of faith. Be blessed!

Update for Monday, May 22nd

Dear Church family and friends,

Your eyes do not deceive you, there is no link to a playback of Sunday’s sermon in this update – but there will be a Bible Study on Wednesday at 7pm this week!

Tomorrow (Tuesday) evenings Young Adults’ Bible Study will be taking place at the usual time of 7pm, scattered around different parts of Giessen. To find out who meets where, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

office@ibc-giessen.org is your address should you have any questions about the Wednesday morning Prayer Meeting at 7:30am, need a link to Wednesday evening’s Bible Study; or, if you are a man looking to get involved with Men’s Breakfast on Saturday (27th) at 9:30am, it’s your place to register and tell us what you’ll be bringing to meal to share with others.

We look forward to seeing you throughout the week! Be blessed!   

Update for Friday, May 19th

Dear Church family and friends,

In our last update, we touched on Ascension Day, when Jesus returned to His Father in Heaven. This event starts another, much shorter, season of waiting. In ten days we will celebrate Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was sent to remain with and in us. Understood to be the birth of the Church, Pentecost brought people together in fellowship with one another and with God through the Spirit – the central concept of Church lived out in its creation.

That, however, is next Sunday. This Sunday at 11am, Daniel will be bringing us the Word of God, and we will meet together to listen, pray and worship. We look forward to seeing you at the FTH, or online! Please write to office@ibc-giessen.org if you would like a link to our livestream.

Should you have lost your way in your calendar because of the Bank Holidays, we would like to remind the gentlemen reading that next Saturday (27th) is the fourth Saturday in May, therefore a Men’s Breakfast will take place. Don’t forget to sign-up by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

After the success of the Ladies’ Kaffeetrinken, there will be another opportunity for the women to meet up next month – this time to do something crafty. We will give more information in the weeks to come, but for now jot down 17th June in your diaries!

Have a blessed weekend!  

Update for Monday, May 15th

Dear Church family and friends,

Fathers’ Day isn’t very far behind Mothers’ Day this year – in fact it’s this Thursday (in Germany)!  It also happens to be 40 days after Easter, so it is also Ascension Day – Christi Himmelfahrt – when Jesus returned to His Father in Heaven. Perhaps there is a link there…
With Thursday being a Bank Holiday, many like to add Friday as a day off and use the long weekend as an opportunity to travel and visit friends and family. This week there will be no Mid-Week Bible Study to allow for this.

Tomorrow’s (Tuesday) YABS will still be going ahead, as will Wednesday morning’s 7:30am Prayer Meeting at the FTH. To find out what YABS is up to and where, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org; for more information on Wednesday morning Prayer Meeting, you can write to office@ibc-giessen.org .

The long weekend might give you the chance to catch up with some things that you had missed or would like to re-new in your mind – one example could be Pastor Buddy’s sermon from Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwv8DcKvUdk .

Whatever it is that you have planned this upcoming week and weekend, we pray that those plans come to fruition and that they are a blessing to you. Have a great week!

Update for Friday, May 12th

Dear Church family and friends,

“I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” 2 Timothy 1: 5

Mother’s Day isn’t a Bank Holiday, but it is a day which is marked in lots of different ways. For some, it might be difficult, so they try to ignore it as best as possible. For others, it’s a time to be thankful for the love and lessons that our mothers have shown and taught us.

Pastor Buddy’s sermon on the above text will not be the only way IBC Giessen will mark the occasion, as the children of the Church will be giving out flowers to the mothers in the congregation too. Additionally, Sunday’s service will also include a Baby Dedication and a Welcome for a new family – so there will be a lot going on from 11am at the FTH facilities! If you can’t make it though, no worries, you can write to office@ibc-giessen.org and you will be sent a link to the livestream.

As part of our prayer time, we will be lifting up the work of the Pro-Life-Group Giessen-Marburg. They will be giving out roses with an encouraging, uplifting message on Seltersweg. If you wish to participate, their meeting point is the drei Schwätzer statues at the top of Plockstrasse at 3pm. For more information on this, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Update for Monday, May 8th

Dear Church family and friends,

Our new livestream set-up on Sunday has improved the picture and audio quality no end. True, there are some smaller issues that need solving – but there was a noticeable difference in quality all round. To see for yourself, this is the link to Pastor Buddy’s sermon taken from our livestream recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0l08afs49o.

The sun has set on Monday, which means that it’s nearly Tuesday and time for Young Adults’ Bible Study at 7pm. They will be meeting in their usual way tomorrow, in different groups dotted around Giessen. To find out who meets where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

Should you feel that you do not fall under the category of ‘young adult’, but do get up early and would like some company while you pray, then our Wednesday morning Prayer Meeting is for you. It starts at 7:30am and takes place in the Prayer Room of the FTH.

Our Mid-Week Bible Study is open for all to study the Word together from the comfort of their own homes via Zoom. If you’d like to join in, e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link, and be ready for 7pm!

Last, but by no means least, we have a Worship Night this week! There has been another change in start time – it will now start at 7pm – but the rest of the information remains the same: Friday evening in the Chapel Room where we meet on Sunday morning. We’d love to see you there!

office@ibc-giessen.org remains the e-mail address you need for any questions about Church life at IBC, so don’t be afraid to contact us should you need to.

We pray that you have a wonderful week!  

Update for Friday, May 5th

Dear Church family and friends,

If the weather remains nice and sunny as it has been for the last couple of days, perhaps the ladies might like to take their coffee and cake outside, directly in front of the student kitchen tomorrow afternoon (Saturday 6th May). That, of course, is for them to decide. Any women wishing to know what choice they make should be turn up with something tasty at 3pm.

The following day, on Sunday, we will have our regular service at 11am. As it is the first Sunday of the month we will also be celebrating Communion, so those joining via our livestream may wish to prepare the elements for themselves in advance. For a link, please e-mail  office@ibc-giessen.org.  

We hope that you have had a chance to enjoy the warmer temperatures this week and that you have had a chance to enjoy all that God has created and made new in this definite change of season!

Update for Monday, May 1st

Dear Church family and friends,

Well, that Bank Holiday went by quickly – it makes us look forward to the next one even more. Days off are not the only things coming up this May, though:

At the end of this week, all the ladies are invited to enjoy coffee, tea, desserts and cake together in the Student Kitchen. This ‘Kaffeetrinken’ will take place on Saturday 6th May at 3pm. It will take a similar format to the Christmas Brunch – with Sarah K sharing an input – but with a more spring-time feel.

Our next Worship Night is coming up too, on Friday 12th May at 6:30pm – a change in the previously announced time. It will be an evening of well-known and newer songs, something for everybody!

Of course, our Young Adults’ Bible Study (YABS), Wednesday Morning Prayer Meeting and Mid-Week Bible Study will be taking place during the week. YABS meets on Tuesday at 7pm, for information on where please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org. The Wednesday Morning Prayer Meeting’s start time has changed to 7:30am, but the place remains the same, in the Prayer Room at the FTH. Our Mid-Week Bible Study takes place on Wednesday at 7pm via Zoom only. For a link to the meeting, or if you have any questions about either of these events, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.

In the meantime, you can catch Pastor Buddy’s sermon from last Sunday here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWvy2b8S2ss

Have a blessed rest of the week!

Update for Friday, April 28th

Dear Church family and friends,

This week it’s the ladies’ turn to be reminded of something, but not yet for the final time. There’s just one week to go until the Ladies’ Kaffeetrinken on Saturday 6th May 2023 at 3pm – don’t forget to sign up (office@ibc-giessen.org) and prepare some goodies to bring along with you!

Everyone is invited to our service on Sunday, though. We will meet at 11am at the FTH facilities for worship, His Word and this week there will also be a Baby Dedication. Our livestream will, of course, be available for those unable to attend, and a link for that can be obtained by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org .

What with the Bank Holiday on Monday, we pray that you have a blessed long weekend!

Update for Monday, April 24th

Dear Church family and friends,

If you missed Johannes’ sermon on Sunday, don’t grumble you can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3tyxOCqZwI !

Young Adult Bible Study (YABS) returns to meeting in smaller groups around Giessen this week. All of them start at 7pm and follow the same Bible Study plan. To find out more details, please get in touch with yabs@ibc-giessen.org

Wednesdays, of course, start with an 8am meet-up in the Prayer Room at the FTH for prayer, and end with a 7pm Mid-Week Bible Study on the book of Philippians via Zoom. To take part, please write to the e-mail address below for a link.

As it is the last week of April, we would like to remind you that there is a Bank Holiday coming up. May starts with a day off, so the shops, schools and most offices will be closed. It is not a Church-related holiday, so there will be no service or special event held at IBC Giessen that day. We do have however, a few extra dates to add into your calendar for the month, the first of which being the Ladies’ Kaffeetrinken on Saturday 6th May at 3pm. The women will be meeting in the student kitchen at the FTH for a time of fellowship, prayer and encouragement – and of course coffee and cake! If you are a lady and would like to attend, we invite you to bake or make something tasty that can be shared with the rest of the group.

The following Friday, the 12th May, our next Worship Night will take place. We look forward to seeing lots of people gathered in the Chapel room – where we meet as a Church on Sundays – at 7pm that evening and lifting our voices together in worship.

A reliable way of contacting us for all questions, Zoom meeting link requests and event registrations is office@ibc-giessen.org, so just drop us an e-mail and we will reply as soon as we can.

For those returning to classrooms this week, in whatever capacity, we hope that you have had a wonderful Easter holiday and that re-entry into school- or work-life is not too much of an upheaval.
We pray that you all – regardless of whether you have had a 3 week break or not – have a blessed week!    

Update for Friday, April 21st

Dear Church family and friends,

Last call for the Men’s Breakfast tomorrow morning at 9:30am in the student kitchen!  The ladies have to wait a little longer for their Kaffeetrinken on the 6th May at the more friendly time of 3pm.

Other than that, we look forward to seeing you on Sunday at 11am. Those unable to make it can follow along on our livestream, by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

Have a blessed weekend!

Update for Monday, April 17th

Dear Church family and friends,

As in life so in Church: many parts make a whole. While we do meet all together during our service on a Sunday – you can listen again to this week’s sermon here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4SR2hf0JZ0 – we are comprised of different groups.

Firstly, there’s Young Adult Bible Study (YABS) who will be meeting as a larger group – ‘Big YABS’ – in the student kitchen at the FTH at 7pm on Tuesday. YABS itself is so large that they have had to divide themselves into smaller gatherings in different locations. This Tuesday, though, everyone will be sharing a meal, praying and having a time of fellowship together. If you’ve been thinking about joining YABS, this could be the perfect first time! For more information, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org

On Wednesday morning at 8am in the FTH Prayer Room, a group of people meet to share requests and concerns before putting before God. There’s no need to register – new faces are always welcome!

At 7pm on the same day, our mid-week Zoom Bible Study will be happening. You need not have joined us for any previous sessions, but it might be useful to have a glance through the book of Philippians before you take part on Wednesday evening. Even if you haven’t had the chance to, that’s ok! All you need is a Bible and a link to the meeting, which you can get by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org

The men will be meeting for their monthly breakfast this Saturday (22nd) at 9:30am. It’s another event that will take place in the student kitchen at the FTH, as they will need access to the oven and hob! How else will all those eggs be cooked so perfectly? If you are a man and would like to help with eating all the breakfast goods, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org and tell us how many people you will be bringing and what items you will contribute to the feast.

Usually, Women’s Christmas Brunch is the date that our ladies get excited about – but there’s something new coming very soon! Keep the Saturday 6th May at 3pm free in your diaries, as there will be a coffee time for you to enjoy, most likely in the student kitchen at the FTH…

Church is more than just what happens on Sunday – and as you can see, there’s plenty to choose from! Whatever you choose, we look forward to meeting you!

Update for Friday, April 14th

Dear Church family and friends,

A joint breakfast before a service sounds like a wonderful thing to do more often – but it involves a lot of work! We would like to take the opportunity to thank all those who made last week’s Easter Breakfast possible, whether you provided food; emptied the bins more times than you can count; wiped tables or vacuumed floors at the end. Without your help it simply would not have been the success that it was! Thank you!

This isn’t the last breakfast we’ll be having, though. In fact, the next Men’s Breakfast is next Saturday (22nd) at 9:30am in the same place we met for Easter breakfast. All you need to do is e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org to tell us that you are coming and what you plan on bringing with you.
The ladies are not being left out either: their next get together takes place on Saturday 6th May – further details to come!

As for this Sunday, we will be meeting at the regular time of 11am in the Chapel. No breakfast beforehand, but maybe you would like to stick around after the service for a while to catch up with other people attending? For those unable to make it, we of course have our livestream (e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link), which may well look different this time round. Please bear with us as there has been a change in technology at the FTH…

We look forward to spending Sunday morning with you however you wish to join us. Have a blessed weekend!

Update for Easter Monday, April 10th

Dear Church family and friends,

He is risen – He is risen indeed! That doesn’t just go for the Easter Sunday that we have just celebrated, but also for every day that we live. The empty tomb means that our Saviour lives and is a living hope. At Christmas we celebrate that He is ‘with us’ and at Easter we can add the word ‘always’ to the end of that sentence. Even death cannot stop Him! To listen to what Pastor Buddy had to say on what Easter means for our day-to-day lives, please click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0LD2ecsizk

This week at IBC Giessen, YABS will be continuing their study of the book Matthew in their groups on Tuesday evening at 7pm. You can find out who meets where by e-mailing yabs@ibc-giessen.org
Wednesdays at 8am provides an opportunity to gather together in the FTH Prayer Room and pray over a variety of different topics and concerns.
In the evening, the Mid-Week Bible Study will resume over on Zoom, this week we’ll be focussing on Epaphroditus who is found toward the end of the first half of the book of Philippians. To find out why he’s worth having a Bible Study session on, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link to the meeting and join us at 7pm on Wednesday.

We hope that you have had a wonderful Easter weekend, being with family, friends, or even enjoying a few moments of peace and reflection. If you are still lucky enough to have Easter holidays, or even some time off of work, we pray that you can enjoy the time away from the usual routine. Be blessed!

Update for Good Friday, April 7th

Dear Church family and friends,

There on that Beautiful Terrible Cross, the cruellest creation of Man, a King was sent to His death. A King who had not sought power or had an egotistic plan, but One who had His people in His heart and on His mind. We reflected on His death during our Maundy Thursday service, and you can watch the sermonette delivered by Pastor Buddy during that evening, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8Sf4JJNzUo

Eventually His body was removed from the cross and taken to a grave. A stone was rolled in front of it and sealed in place, to prevent His followers from entering and stealing their Lord’s body and claiming it as an act of God. Nevertheless, a show of the Lord’s power occurred, a miracle happened – the stone had rolled away and the tomb was found empty. He lives! Death had been defeated! Hallelujah!

Come and celebrate this with us on Sunday morning, starting with breakfast at 9am. If you haven’t put your name on the sign-up sheet, you still have a little time to tell us that you’re attending as well as how many you are bringing with you and what you are bringing to the table: just use the e-mail address below! There will of course, be a service starting at 11am, with (another) performance from the Easter choir. Our livestream will be up and running for this service, so if you are unable to make to the FTH, you can be part of our online congregation by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

For the first time this year, the Children’s Easter Egg hunt will be held after the service. If you have children, do stick around for the fun! So that the children have something to search for, we are still happily receiving donations of individually wrapped Easter eggs and treats. Don’t worry if you are a child looking to participate, but have left your Easter basket or bag at home: the Church will provide one for you.

We are looking forward to celebrating that Jesus’ victory over death, a promise fulfilled, with you on Sunday morning!

Update for Monday, April 3rd

Dear Church family and friends,

Some weeks just have a different feel to them than others.
That’s a sentiment that Jesus could agree with, particularly in the week leading up to his death. While He knew what would happen to Him, and why, that emotional build-up could not have escaped Him. As a human, there must have been a feeling of anticipation, but as the Son of God He remained obedient until the end.

The evening before He was crucified, Jesus took part in a Passover meal and told His disciples yet again what the immediate future would hold. This meal, the breaking of the bread and pouring of the wine are represented in what we know today as the Lord’s Table or Communion. We take part in it because Jesus’ command to His disciples to do so also applies to us. Usually at IBC Giessen, we include Communion as part of our service on the first Sunday of the month – or, as will be the case on Thursday 6th April, on Maundy Thursday (Gründonnerstag). There will be a service at 7pm in the evening to commemorate Christ’s death for us, with a special performance from the Easter choir. If you are unable to join us at the FTH, you may wish to gather some juice and bread wherever you may be and join us via the livestream – please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

On Good Friday (7th April) there will not be any form of service at the IBC Giessen, and our mid-week Bible Study on the book of Philippians will not be taking place either. Instead, perhaps you would like to listen to Pastor Buddy’s sermon from this Sunday (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlRHpbm1OL8), or consider the suggestion he makes at the end of it: reflect on Mark 10 verse 45, having substituted the word ‘many’ for ‘me’.

“Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as ransom for many [me]” Mark 10:45

In regards to YABS on Tuesday evening, at the time of writing it is unclear what will be happening. If you are interested with meeting with other Young Adults from our Church this week, we suggest that you e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org for more details.

Looking forward to Sunday already, we would like to remind you once more of our Easter Breakfast and the Children’s Easter Egg Hunt after the service. Don’t worry if you haven’t put your name on the list for Easter Breakfast! You can still e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org if you are planning on attending. If you have a specific dish you wish to bring then you can include that in your e-mail too, or you can ask whether there are any items missing from the list.
As for the Easter Egg Hunt, we are still accepting offers of individually wrapped Easter eggs and sweeties. Please bring them with you on Sunday!

We look forward to spending this Easter season with you – see you on Maundy Thursday at 7pm!

Update for Friday, March 31st

Dear Church family and friends,

Our expectations are often wrong – particularly when we expect things of ourselves, others, or God. It is a painful reminder that we cannot expect Godly things from human beings, and we cannot expect completely human things from God. Whilst God’s son Jesus was given to us as the intended King, he was born as a baby in a manger, rather than a palace, to anything but royal parents. Thirty-three years later his entrance in Jerusalem was not as regal as expected of a King. There were no outriders, no security, and no carriage: instead he entered on a lowly donkey. True, there were those present who recognised his position and gave him an appropriate welcome – even throwing palm leaves on the floor. Now known as “Palm Sunday”, it signifies the beginning of Holy Week, which is what we will be marking this Sunday at our usual time of 11am at the FTH facilities or online via Zoom (please write to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link).

While it is the first Sunday of the month we will not be sharing Communion with one another as this will take place on Maundy Thursday (Gründonnerstag – 6th April) in our evening service at 7pm. We do this to parallel the events of the Last Supper on the evening before Jesus Christ’s death. During this service we will reflect on and commemorate that cruel death on the cross with some songs and listening to God’s Word.

Three days later – on Sunday 9th April – the celebrations begin again! We will join together at 9am for an Easter Breakfast to rejoice that God’s promise has been fulfilled – Jesus died and rose again so that we may live! If you have not already done so, please sign up to attend and make note of what you plan on bringing. Afterward there will be a Resurrection Sunday service and an Easter Egg Hunt for the children. So that the children have something to search for, we are looking for donations of individually wrapped Easter sweets or chocolates.

Living in a post-Easter world we know what happened way back then; nevertheless it is important to be reminded and to look afresh at the events that occurred. To re-learn what Jesus suffered through, so that we may no more live separated from God. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday at 11am to start this season of reflection – and ultimately joy.

Update for Monday, March 27th

Dear Church family and friends,

Time flies: just a few weeks ago we were making puns about ‘March’-ing into a new month and now we are in its last full week. For those involved in education, that means there’s only one week until the holidays – for the rest of us, it is two weeks until Easter.

Our last Sunday service in March saw Johannes preaching on sanctification, with Philippians 2: 12-13 as his reference point. There is a recording of this sermon, should you have missed it, but you will need to turn up your volume very high to be able to hear it. The livestream on Sunday was itself very quiet, yet audible – unfortunately we have not been able to change this in editing. Don’t forget to turn your volume back down after listening! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhLgpya7zOE

For this week, we have our Bible Studies as usual, Young Adults’ Bible Study (YABS) on Tuesday at 7pm and Mid-Week Bible Study on Wednesday at 7pm via Zoom. For more information about where YABS are meeting, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org, and for a link to the Wednesday Zoom meeting, office@ibc-giessen.org is where you need to make your request.
For those who are morning people, there is a chance to be part of prayer gathering on Wednesday at 8am in the Prayer Room at the FTH facilities.

Over in the Campus für Christus HUB in Am Unteren Rain 2 – about a 10 minute walk from the FTH – an acoustic concert will be taking place, also on Wednesday evening. A relaxed evening with music and testimony, C-WERK hope to use this event to draw more people to Jesus, so it is perfect for inviting any friends or family who are interested in our faith. For more information, please click here (German only): https://www.cvents.eu/de/c-werk-unplugged-ganz-ohne-schnick-schnack-ganz-ohne-filter-ganz-echt-giessen-29032023/

Another busy week at IBC Giessen – and we’re yet to talk about Easter!
Have a blessed week!

Update for Friday, March 24th

Dear Church family and friends,

The dawn chorus has started its morning birdsong and the sun starts to glint through that space in the curtain that isn’t quite closed yet, and you wake up naturally. So used to the sun rising later, you think it’s about 9am – or perhaps even later than that – so, to your surprise, when you turn round and check your phone or alarm clock, it shows something much earlier.

Perhaps this is your reality on Sunday morning, when the clocks go forward an hour to accommodate the increase in daylight hours. Should you find yourself with more time than you were anticipating before our regular 11am service, perhaps you would like to catch up on Pastor Buddy’s sermon from last week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um3I5U9xSto.

However, if you are just that tired and you manage to sleep your way through the loud tweeting outside, cars going past your window, other people in your building stomping round getting ready for their day, and you don’t think you’ll make it to Church on time, you are more than welcome to join our livestream and be part of our Zoom congregation. Just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link. Please keep your microphone on mute throughout the service.

One last call for the gentlemen reading this who wish to attend the Men’s Breakfast! It takes place tomorrow (Saturday 25th) at 9:30am in the student kitchen – please bring some food to share.

C-Werk, the cultural branch of Campus für Christus is organising a small series of free acoustic concerts in different German cities, which aim to be a real, unfiltered reflection of the gospel. They are designed to be a great opportunity to bring friends, neighbours or relatives who are interested in putting their trust in Jesus, but still have questions or need further motivation.
This coming Wednesday (29th), Giessen will play host to Yulia and Timme in the Campus HUB at 7:30pm. You can find more information here: https://www.cvents.eu/de/c-werk-unplugged-ganz-ohne-schnick-schnack-ganz-ohne-filter-ganz-echt-giessen-29032023/.

Have a wonderful weekend – and don’t forget to programme or set your clocks to an hour earlier on Saturday evening, unless you know that they will do it by themselves very early on Sunday morning!

Update for Monday, March 20th

Dear Church family and friends,

During this first ‘official’ week of spring, we have our usual activities taking place:
YABS (Young Adult Bible Study) on Tuesday evening at 7pm; Wednesday morning prayer at the FTH at 8am, and Wednesday evening Mid-Week Bible Study online at 7pm.

For more information on where YABS will be meeting, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org. Otherwise, office@ibc-giessen.org is your contact for requesting a link to Wednesday evening’s Bible Study on the book of Philippians or any other questions you may have.

We pray that you are having a great start to the week, with plenty of opportunity to get ready for the clock change this coming Sunday!  

Update for Friday, March 17th

Dear Church family and friends,

Here at IBC Giessen we are part way through a project.
If you have stayed long enough in the Chapel after the service has ended, you will see a series of photos of different people right at the end of the presentation. These are the first results of Johannes’ plans for getting pictures of as many IBCG attendees as possible and presenting them, so we may better know and identify one another. We are looking to continue and gather more photos this Sunday, when Miri will be joining us and helping us to create the best photographs possible. All you need to do is ask, and your picture will be taken after the service.

Not sure what we’re talking about? Come and join us for our service at 11am on Sunday morning and stay and chat for a little while when it’s finished. If you’re joining us on our livestream – a Zoom link will be sent to you if you e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org – just stay logged on after the blessing.

Something else that takes place after the service is the rehearsal for the Easter Cantata. Simone will be leading a choir in a few seasonal songs in our upcoming Easter services – and it’s not too late to join them!

Gathering together on a Sunday morning provides an interesting snapshot of the variety in God’s creation – different ages, different backgrounds, and different life experiences. We look forward to welcoming yet more into the picture of our Church life.

Update for Monday, March 13th

Dear Church family and friends,

Keeping ourselves well-nourished is essential and, so they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. On Sunday, the list for our Easter Breakfast had its first appearance on the information tables at the back of the Church. Thankfully, some people have already put their names down for some of the suggested items – but we are looking for more! Even if you are unsure what you would like to bring, please put your name down to attend. The Breakfast will take place on Sunday 9th April at 9am.

The gentlemen will be having a ‘practise breakfast’ before then on Saturday 25th March at 9:30am. Here also the men planning to attend need to register their interest, but this time by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org with their name, whether they intend on bringing anyone with them, and what they plan on adding to the menu!

A balanced diet is also necessary, and as followers of Christ we know that we not only need physical food, but also spiritual input – and that comes from reading His Word and meditating on it. For that we offer Young Adults’ Bible Study (YABS) on Tuesday evenings at 7pm, Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 8am, and our Mid-Week Bible Study on Wednesday evenings at 7pm.
YABS meets in different groups who change their meeting point each week. For more information on who gathers where, please write an e-mail to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
Mid-Week Bible Study, on the other hand, takes place online only with Pastor Buddy leading us through the book of Philippians. For a link to the Zoom meeting, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org . The Prayer Meeting earlier on the same day, happens in the Prayer Room at the FTH facilities.

If you are not able to go to any of our gatherings during the week, we can suggest listening to Pastor Buddy’s sermon from Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwPQRVhlPi0

We pray that our Lord serves you up a good week this week!

Update for Friday, March 10th

Dear Church family and friends,

Winter appears to be wringing out the last drops of the season, making us doubt the onset of spring, for which there seems to be several potential starting dates. Some think that spring begins in March, others with the clock changes (26th March), and there are even a few that are of the opinion that Easter signals its beginning. What we do know though, is that the Easter holidays are just 3 weeks, and the occasion itself 4 weeks, away – and we are looking forward to it!

At IBC Giessen, we like to begin our Resurrection Sunday celebrations with a breakfast fellowship starting punctually at 9am. So that there’s a good spread of food, we make sure that a sign-up sheet is at Church in the Sundays leading up to the event. This way, everyone can put their name down for something – jam, cold meats, eggs, etc. – or even just write down their names so that we know how many to expect. Bringing items that need warming or cooking is also allowed, but we do ask that you arrive in plenty of time to organise that for yourself, bearing in mind that others might be of the same mind. This sign-up sheet will be making its debut this Sunday and can be found in the entrance area of the Chapel.

During the Easter Sunday service – which takes place directly after the breakfast – an Easter Choir will be performing. They are still looking for more singers! If you would like to get involved, please contact Simone (simone.mueller@bot2.bio.uni-giessen.de). Rehearsals are held after each Sunday service in the lead up to Easter.

All our services – both those remaining before Easter, and Resurrection Sunday itself – start at 11am at the FTH facilities and online. If you would like a link to this week’s livestream, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.

It might still seem like a long wait, but we know that it will be worth it. So we wait prayerfully, joyfully and completely trusting in the blessings that God will give us.

Update for Wednesday, March 8th

Dear Church family and friends,
It’s Wednesday, so we are close to Friday – which means Worship Night really isn’t that far away!
A good opportunity to invite friends and join together in praise with others, we look forward to seeing you there!

Update for Monday, March 6th

Dear Church family and friends,

It’s a packed week in Church this week, but before we delve into what’s coming up, here is the link to Pastor Buddy’s sermon from Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szRBKCw0kr4

On Tuesday, YABS will meet up in their respective groups and continue studying the word of God, praying together and enjoying a time of fellowship. If you feel that you are a Young Adult – YABS stands for ‘Young Adults’ Bible Study – and are free at 7pm, you are more than welcome to join in. To find out who is meeting where, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

Wednesdays could start and end with a Church related activity if you so wished. At 8am in the Prayer Room at the FTH facilities, a group of people will be convening for prayer. You don’t need to register an interest, so you can turn up spontaneously.
At 7pm in the evening the Zoom meeting starts for our Mid-Week Bible Study. We will be continuing our reading and discussions on the book of Philippians. You can get a link to the meeting by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org.

Worship Night returns on Friday evening! Join us at 7pm in the Chapel at the FTH facilities, for an extended time of worship featuring a mix of well-known praise songs and some new ones in English and German. There will also be an opportunity to partake in the Lord’s Table. We look forward to filling the room with people singing passionately for and to our great God!

Singers are also needed for the next cantata, which will perform at Easter. To find out more information, please contact Simone: simone.mueller@bot2.bio.uni-giessen.de . Rehearsals take place after the service on Sunday.

Have a brilliant week!

Update for Sunday, March 5th

Dear Church family and friends,

Just one more week and then it’s Worship Night at the IBC Giessen! Before then, there are some other Bible Studies and opportunities to gather in His Name. For more information on what happens during the week, stay tuned for our announcement on Monday!

There is a Sunday coming up first, though. As it is the first Sunday of the month, we will be celebrating the Lord’s Table as part of our service, which starts at 11am. If you are joining us via the livestream – please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org to request a link – you might like to get yourself organised with juice and some bread before the service starts. At Church everything will be provided, including a gluten free option if required.

The Easter choir will be rehearsing after the service and they are looking for more singers to join them! For more information, you are more than welcome to turn up on Sunday. If you won’t be there, but are still interested, please get in contact with Simone (simone.mueller@bot2.bio.uni-giessen.de).

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Update for Monday, February 27th

Dear Church family and friends,

Just before we ‘March’ into a new month, there’s one last YABS meeting for February happening tomorrow (Tues 28th) at 7pm. To find out what’s happening and where, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

As for our mid-week Bible Study, that will take place as usual on Wednesday (1st March) at 7pm. The format of this Bible Study has changed to online only at least until the end of the current topic. You can get a link to the Zoom meeting by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org, and then you can turn your Bibles to Philippians in preparation. To get into the Philippians mood, why not give Johannes’ sermon on chapter 2, verses 9 to 11 a listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaLKEn23Rlo . It’s a not a pre-requisite, but might help to cover some ideas already looked at in case Wednesday evening is your first time of joining.
The prayer meeting at 8am on the same day will, however, meet in person only in the Prayer Room at the FTH facilities.

As Easter occurs toward the beginning of April we are already getting ahead with our preparations. Simone is looking to put together a choir that will perform during our services to mark the occasion. Here’s what she has to say:

„Dear congregation, four people have announced their willingness and ability to sing on Easter [9th April] (and Maundy Thursday [6th April, evening service at 7pm]). =) =) =)

That makes for a quartet, but we would like to have a choir! So we hope for people to join us… If you are able and willing, please contact Simone at simone.mueller@bot2.bio.uni-giessen.de as soon as possible! Practice sessions will start next Sunday [5th March] after the service.”

We hope that you will forgive us for the pun at the beginning of this update, but also that it brought a smile to your face. February might be a short month, but it can feel as though it drags with its dark evenings and grey weather – we are all looking forward to lighter and sunnier times! Have a blessed week!

Update for Friday, February 24th

Dear Church family and friends,

There are just a couple of things that we need to remind you of for this weekend:

Firstly, if you are a man you are more than welcome to come along to our Men’s Breakfast tomorrow (Saturday 25th) at 9:30am in the student kitchen of the FTH facilities. We will come together, cook and eat, and listen to a short devotional. Bring your self, an appetite, a Bible and some breakfast foods. So that we can have an idea of who will be there, could you please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org if you plan on coming?

11am on the following day – Sunday 26th – we will have our usual service at the FTH facilities and streamed online, where Johannes will be bringing God’s word to us. You can get a link to our livestream by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

As part of our spring cleaning efforts in Church, we would like to update and refresh the Church Directory. If you have recently moved, or your contact details have changed we’d be very grateful if you could let us know as soon as possible. Maybe you have only recently started to visit our Church and have not yet been placed on the Church Directory – this is your chance! Your information will be held by us only and not forwarded on without your permission beforehand. Just e-mail directory@ibc-giessen.org or get in touch with Philipp.

Have a great weekend!

Update for Monday, February 20th

Dear Church family and friends,

You can smell it in the air and just about feel it in the milder temperatures – spring is coming!
In the spirit of change and new beginnings that come with the change in season, we are happy to introduce a new chance to meet together during the week. For the early birds out there, Wednesdays at 8am in the prayer room at the FTH facilities will be the place to be for meeting and praying together as a Church. This is in addition to the evening Bible Study, which will again take place via Zoom only at 7pm on the same day. For a link to the evening Bible Study, or more information on the Morning Prayer group, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org

Of course, YABS (Young Adults’ Bible Study) will be taking place on Tuesday evening at 7pm. yabs@ibc-giessen.org is your go-to e-mail address to find out where they are meeting and what they will be up to.

On Saturday (25th) the men will be meeting for breakfast in the student kitchen at 9:30am. So, if you are a man and interested in coming, please write to office@ibc-giessen.org and tell us what you plan on bringing with you.

For those who may have missed the sermon on Sunday, or would like to listen again, here is your opportunity to do so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjsgaHg4cx8 . You can find a wide variety of different sermons on this YouTube channel, starting with those recorded at the very beginning of the pandemic – so you have plenty to choose from if you wish to catch-up with them.

With the first signs of spring, we naturally turn our attention to Easter. Those interested in singing in the Easter choir are reminded to get in touch with either Pastor Buddy, Simone, or write to office@ibc-giessen.org : rehearsals will be starting soon!

Have a blessed week!

Update for Sunday, February 19th

Dear Church family and friends,

Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Pancake Day, Faschingsdienstag – however your culture names it, they are all the same day: the day before Lent. More often than not, this day is marked by over-indulgence before the forty days in which enjoying certain things is no longer allowed. Maybe this is where the world gets its view of a strict and authoritarian God from; whereas we know that that is far from the truth. God gives us the privilege of choice: give something up for Lent or not, it does not mean that God loves us any more or any less. It is our relationship to Him that counts more. A relationship only made possible because the Saviour, whose birth we celebrated at Christmas, chose to follow His Father’s calling and carry His cross and our sin, to die that we might live in communion with Him.

We also have the privilege of prayer – talking directly to and with God. In fact, there will be another opportunity to pray as part of our Church family with a new early-morning Prayer meeting starting this Wednesday (22nd) at 8am in the FTH.
Before we get to Wednesday, though, we have the joy of meeting together on Sunday. This week, we will be dedicating a baby during our service, affirming the parents and our commitment to this new child of God – that we will lift them up in prayer, help them and encourage them in their faith. To show your support, please join us at 11am on Sunday morning in the chapel of the FTH or online via a Zoom link which can be obtained by e-mailing office@ibc-giessen.org.  

Our lives are full of blessings, big and small, and we have every reason to be thankful for everything that is given to us freely by God. Choose to recognise the everyday blessings this week – and choose to be appreciative that we have so much choice!

Update for Monday, February 13th

Dear Church family and friends,

Pastor Buddy re-visited the concept of time in his sermon on Sunday (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24u0zMt5pKo) – but not in the sense of it being a measurement, rather an occurrence or moment. Think Mordecai’s “such a time as this” question to Queen Esther in Esther 4:14.

It is now ‘the time’ to start announcing our plans for Easter! We will be having our Maundy Thursday service at 7pm on the 6th April. Here, we will commemorate the life of Christ and remember the ultimate sacrifice that He made for us and our relationship with God: the taking of our sin with Him to His death on the cross.
Easter Sunday (9th April) sees the return of our Easter breakfast together as a Church family. This is for everyone, and we invite you to bring a dish to share. A Resurrection Sunday service will take place at the usual time of 11am, after the breakfast, with a performance by the Easter choir. Would you be interesting in singing with them? If so, please contact Pastor Buddy, Simone, or office @ibc-giessen.org and they’ll provide you with more information.

Has the mention of breakfast rung any alarm bells for any men reading this text? Good! You can look forward to your next morning gathering at the FTH student kitchen on Saturday 25th February.

On the menu this week at IBC Giessen are our small groups. YABS (Young Adults’ Bible Study) takes place on Tuesday evening, with a few different groups meeting in separate locations. To find out which group would suit you the best and where those meet-ups are, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
For a link to this week’s online only mid-week Bible Study on Philippians, you will need to write to office@ibc-giessen.org. This virtual get together will be on Wednesday at 7pm.

Lastly, our friends at the FEG in Talstrasse – around the corner from the FTH – will be holding a weekend of Bible Days based on the book of Romans this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday (17th-19th). All events are in German only, as is the website you can look at for more information: https://www.feg-giessen.de/angebot/bibeltage/

Have a blessed week!

Update for Sunday, February 12th

Dear Church family and friends,

Do you know what we haven’t had for a little while? A Worship Night. If you have time tomorrow (Saturday 11th) at 6pm, and are feeling spontaneous, you can join Johannes and a few others for a relaxed evening of singing and prayer in the chapel at the FTH. In case that’s a little too short notice for you, our next Worship Night will take place in a month’s time on Friday 10th March.

On Sunday at 11am, Pastor Buddy will continue his series on the life of Jesus, picking up in John 11. We will be livestreaming the service as usual – e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link – but those attending at the FTH are more than welcome to join us after the service for a time of fellowship in memory of a member of our Church family. Pizza and drinks will be provided – please do bring along some desserts and other snacks!

While we keep Pastor Buddy’s continued good recovery in our prayers, we do also acknowledge that there are others among us who are also unwell or facing difficulties. In particular we ask you to pray for a lady in our congregation who tested positive with coronavirus while still pregnant. Both mother and baby are still fighting the illness – we pray that God provides them the victory.

Regardless of whether the pandemic is over or not it is our duty to look after, help, and ultimately love one another. It’s never too late to start, and God always honours our efforts.

Update for Tuesday, February 7th

Dear Church family and friends,

We seem to have pressed “post” too soon on yesterday’s announcement:

Tomorrow’s Bible Study will be online only, not hybrid had been said initially. So, everyone will need a link! To get involved, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.

We look forward to seeing you at 7pm – albeit on a computer screen – tomorrow!

Update for Monday, February 6th

Dear Church family and friends,

After Pastor Buddy’s sermon on Acts 2:42 and the connections he made to his recent time in hospital (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vWXVMPaLCY) as well as the successful Business Meeting, it is hard not to feel uplifted and encouraged in this new week. The return to good health of our Pastor and the overwhelming agreement regarding last year’s and this year’s budget – we know that God is for us and not against us!

On Tuesday, there will be two things happening at roughly the same time. YABS will be meeting at their usual time of 7pm and continuing their programme. To find out what that is and where it takes place, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
At the Baptistengemeinde, Marburgerstrasse (EFG), doors will be opening at 7pm for a 7:30pm start for a talk on LGBTQ and the gospel given by Prof. Dr. Christoph Raedel. This will be held in German only – for more information, please get in contact with office@ibc-giessen.org.

In Wednesday’s Bible Study we will be searching for the unusual in the book of Philippians. This is a joint Bible Study, taking place both online and at the FTH at 7pm. So grab your Bibles and join us as we dive into God’s Word! To join in via Zoom, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

Looking forward to next Sunday, we will be having fellowship after the service. Further details will be given in Friday’s update, but get thinking about some desserts or snacks that you could bring along to share!

Have a brilliant, blessed, week!

Update for Sunday, February 5th

Dear Church family and friends,

Finally February and the last announcement for the Business Meeting this Sunday!
As you may be aware of by now, we are meeting after the service to take a slightly more detailed look at the finances and the proposed budget for this coming year. For members, there will be an opportunity to vote on this topic – but all are welcome to come and listen to what is said. It is part of our Church’s constitution to hold such a meeting once a year. Our livestream this Sunday will remain broadcasting after the service is over to accommodate anyone not able to come to the FTH, but still looking to attend the meeting.

The service itself starts at 11am; with Communion being celebrated as it is the first Sunday of the month. If you are joining us via the livestream, then it might be good to prepare some bread and juice to take along with us. For a link, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org. We are also looking forward to welcoming our Pastor back to Church this week, after his recent health issues. As he is still on the mend we need to keep him and his family in our prayers, but we are thankful for the recovery he has made so far and that he feels well enough to deliver a sermon during our service.

It will be a busy Sunday, but a good one – we look forward to seeing you either at the FTH or online!

Update for Monday, January 30th

Dear Church family and friends,

In our announcement for Sunday, we observed that our attempts to understand or organise the concept of time can be humbling. Since then we have (re-)learnt that technology has the same effect – just when you think you have it figured out, something else goes awry. Our livestream was hit with bandwidth problems just as we sorted out the audio issues, resulting in a very broken and frozen broadcast and recording. Unfortunately, this means we cannot provide a recording of Johannes’ sermon on Philippians 2:5-8 – on the subject of humility…

To join the last YABS of January, you can e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org and find out which groups are meeting where. All groups meet at 7pm on Tuesday evenings.

Concerning the return of the mid-week Bible Study, currently the plan is an online only meet-up on Wednesday (1st February) at 7pm. To take part you can e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for an invitation link. Should the meeting be cancelled, we will announce it on our website. You can find all updates here: http://www.ibc-giessen.org/church-news-and-updates.

Heading into February, we’d like to remind you of our Business Meeting after the service this coming Sunday (5th) and the lecture on LGBTQ+ and the gospel taking place in the Baptistengemeinde, Marburgerstrasse on the 7th. If you’d like more information on either of these, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org

With the end of January, we are past the “new” stage of the year. Nevertheless, we know that God has the power to make all things news, regardless of when and where. If you are still waiting for a renewal, fresh start, or simply a change to the normal, we pray that God provides that for you in this upcoming new month.   

Update for Sunday, January 29th

Dear Church family and friends,

No matter our age, time somehow remains a mystery. When we are waiting for something to happen or something dreadful has occurred, time can drag – yet it rushes by if we’re having fun or we are deeply involved in a task or project. Deadlines can suddenly appear that we had known about for months and sometimes a 5 minute task can take 5 hours. Trying to manage our time can be a truly humbling experience, especially when we have to take into consideration the action and priorities of other people. Often the phrase ‘God’s timing is perfect’ can cause frustration, but it holds true. David shows his trust in our Creator by saying:

“My times are in your hands” Psalm 31:15

Whether this week has felt long or short to you, if it has gone how you imagined it to or not, we have arrived again at Sunday, the Lord’s Day – a day when we can meet up, share with one another, worship together and listen to His Word. We will be doing all that during our service at 11am at the FTH facilities, with Johannes continuing his Philippians series. You can even be part of our service online, should you be at home ill or too far away to make it in time – all you need to do is write an e-mail to office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

Lastly, with the end of January approaching we’d like to remind you of some events coming up in February, starting with our Business Meeting next week (5th February) after the service. We will be discussing the budget, reflecting on the last year and praying for our Church and its development in this coming year.
Two days after that, on Tuesday 7th February, the EFG will be holding a talk on LGBTQ and the gospel. The doors at the Baptistengemeinde Marburgerstrasse will open at 7pm, but Prof. Dr. Christoph Raedel – a lecturer at the FTH – will be speaking on this topic from 7:30pm, in German only.

If you have questions about either of the last two items mentioned, or anything else related to our Church, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Update for Tuesday, January 24th

Dear Church family and friends,

For the past couple of weeks we have been reminding you that our mid-week Bible Study will be starting on the 25th January, which would be this coming Wednesday (tomorrow). In light of the ongoing recovery of our Pastor, the decision has been taken to postpone these mid-week sessions until he is fit enough to lead them. We are sorry for any disappointment this may have caused, and hope that you are able to join us when the Bible Study does start up again. In the meantime, you might like to catch-up with Harri’s sermon from Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21e1NrJIbFA

What will happen with the Men’s Breakfast is as yet unclear. The plan remains to meet at 9am on Saturday 28th January in the student kitchen at the FTH, but we are looking for someone who is willing and able to organise and lead in Pastor Buddy’s place. Could you be that man of the moment? If so, please get in contact with us via office@ibc-giessen.org!

YABS will still meet this evening (Tuesday) at 7pm. To find out where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

Our Business Meeting after the service on 5th February will definitely be taking place. We are looking forward to seeing as many attendees as possible, as we talk about and pray over the direction and plans we have for our Church this coming year. As previously mentioned, you are only eligible to vote if you are a member – but anyone can come and sit, listen and ask questions in the meeting. If you are interested in becoming a member, though, please talk to Johannes or write to office@ibc-giessen.org .

Have a blessed week!  

Update for Sunday, January 22nd

Dear Church family and friends,

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42

It’s good to be reminded of this year’s verse of the year for our Church. We are pleased to report that Pastor Buddy will be released from hospital feeling better after some medical intervention, and that he feels uplifted and encouraged by our and your prayers for him. As always, we are thankful for the level of devotion that our fellowship has for one another and the running of the Church.

One such act of devotion is Harri stepping in to preach God’s Word for us this Sunday. Our service will start at the usual time of 11am in the FTH facilities, with the livestream running alongside for those who cannot attend in person. If you would like to join us virtually, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org

Perhaps you have been visiting our Church for a while and would like to get involved or have an idea on how you could use your talents and experience to serve with us. The Business Meeting on 5th February is a good opportunity to discuss any suggestions that you may have, so feel free to join us after the service in two weeks’ time. If you don’t want to wait so long, or fear that you may have forgotten your idea by then, you can get in contact with us by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org . You do not need to be a member of our Church to serve or take part in our Business Meeting. Should you be interested in becoming a member, though, please talk to Johannes or e-mail the address given above.

Thank you for your prayers until this point – we would appreciate if they could continue while our Pastor is still on the road to complete recovery, and while we as IBC Giessen navigate the next few weeks. Be blessed as we are, safe in the knowledge that God is listening to our concerns and requests.

Be blessed as we are, safe in the knowledge that God is listening to our concerns and requests.

See you on Sunday!

Update for Monday, January 16th

Dear Church family and friends,

While Pastor Buddy is in hospital, we will try our best to continue with Church life as much as we can. This will mean that there will be a different preacher for a short time, starting with Johannes preaching during yesterday’s service (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyzGbLud29Y).

Of course, YABS will be going ahead this week, meeting on their usual day and time of Tuesday at 7pm. If you would like more information, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giesssen.org

A little further off, we are looking to re-start the monthly Men’s Breakfast. Traditionally held on the 4th Saturday of the month, the men’s first breakfast together since lockdown will be on Saturday 28th January 2023 at 9am in the student kitchen. All men who are interested in joining the group should bring something tasty!

Looking to February, we will be having our Business Meeting after the service on the 5th, as previously mentioned. We must announce this a couple of weeks in advance to be in compliance with our Church constitution. All are welcome to join us as we discuss Church matters, but only members are eligible to vote when the opportunity arises. It is a good time to get to know the Church better as we look back on the last year and plan for the year ahead with His guidance.

Remaining on the topic of formalities, we would like to remind all members and regular visitors of our Church to update their contact details – especially if they have recently moved. Please could you send any changes of address to office@ibc-giessen.org or talk to Philipp the next time you see him in Church.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Raedel – a lecturer at the FTH, where we meet – will be holding a lecture on “The Gospel and Sexual Orientation” in the EFG Giessen (Baptistengemeinde, Marburgerstrasse) on Tuesday 7th February 2023 at 7:30pm. What can be a sensitive yet hotly debated topic will be discussed by Professor Raedel in German only.

Please join us as we pray for the continued recovery of our Pastor and for the well-being of his family at this time as they await further developments. We should mention that it is not an emergency situation. Nevertheless, we pray that God the Healer and Comforter will do what we know He can do.

Have a blessed week!

Update for Sunday, January 15th

Dear Church family and friends,

It’s the middle of January already! We are making our way into the New Year nicely, yet are still at its beginning. Whether you feel that it has gone quickly or slowly: progress is progress.

Johannes will be moving us forward in his series on Philippians this Sunday, when he will preach on chapter 2, verses 3 and 4 of the book. You can listen to this next instalment by being part of our congregation on Sunday morning at 11am, in the FTH facilities. Watching our livestream is also an option, should you be ill or unable to make it for any other reason: just e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Update for Monday, January 9th

Dear Church family and friends,

Among the announcements made in Sunday’s service, two items that are happening in February were mentioned: a lecture in the FEG given by a professor at the FTH, and our Business Meeting. As we have barely made it to the middle of January, it seems a little early to go into any great detail on those yet. Don’t worry, we’ll keep you informed!

For the moment let’s focus on this week, starting with the link to Pastor Buddy’s sermon from yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzFG74Ij-qA

As mentioned last week, this week we are hosting an Allianz-Gebetswoche (Prayer Week) service at the FTH facilities on Thursday at 7:30pm. All services and meetings taking part in the Gebetswoche will be held in German, as is the website on which you can find all the details (https://ev-allianz-giessen.de/allianz-gebetswoche-2023/) . Even if you are not so comfortable speaking German, all are welcome to join and fellowship with other Christians in the area.

While the mid-week Bible Study is still on its break until the 25th January, YABS are continuing to meet on Tuesday evenings at 7pm. There’s a time to talk, pray for one another and learn from God’s teachings. YABS meets in a few smaller sized groups; to find one that suits you, please e-mail yabs@ibc-giessen.org

Even though many have already returned to work and their day-to-day lives, for some this week may feel like the ‘proper’ first week of January as they head back to school. Go with God’s blessings in this new week, and make the most of all opportunities to learn from Him!

Update for Sunday, January 8th

Dear Church family and friends,

Family is often the focus of Christmas celebrations. If you can, you meet with your wider family and spend time in each other’s company over the festive period. It seems to be something we make a particular point of at Christmas – a reminder that we are all part of something wider than our own individual households. At church we can sometimes forget that we are part of a larger family too. So concentrated on our own events and ways of doing things that we can run the risk of creating our own “island”, with other churches being foreign lands. One way of re-connecting with other Christian communities is via the Allianz Gebetswoche which will be happening this week. There will be several different services – held in German – shared among the various churches in the Giessen Allianz this coming week. In fact, IBC Giessen will be hosting a service on Thursday 12th January, at 7:30pm at the FTH facilities. Each day corresponds to the overall theme of joy. For more information, please visit this website https://ev-allianz-giessen.de/allianz-gebetswoche-2023/ , which, again, is in German only.

As followers of Christ we are told to break bread and drink wine together in commemoration of what Jesus had done at the Passover meal before his crucifixion. By partaking in this together, we also join our brothers and sisters across the globe as they remember His sacrifice in our name. This Sunday will be the first Lord’s Table of 2023 at IBC Giessen: using juice rather than wine, with a gluten free option for the bread available on request. Whether you have visited our Church many times, or this Sunday will be your first, then so long as you know Jesus Christ to be your saviour, you are more than welcome to take part in this act of worship and remembrance with us. Our Church service starts at 11am and is held in the Kapelle of the FTH facilities. If you can’t make it, be sure to gather some juice and bread for yourself and be part of our virtual congregation. For a link to our livestream, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org

It is encouraging and comforting to know that beyond the four walls of our Church building, there are others worshipping, praising and praying. Let us revel in that encouragement and pass it on by praying for, and fellowshipping with, others!

Update for Monday, January 2nd

Dear Church family and friends,

Happy New Year one and all! If you have managed to get some more time off before heading back to work or school, we are happy for you and pray that you use that time well, whether that means getting some things sorted for the year ahead or just enjoying the holiday feeling a little longer. Should you have already re-started work, then we pray that re-entry into day-to-day life hasn’t been too difficult. There are of course some who must work through Christmas and New Year. We are thankful for your service and your sacrifice.

On Sunday (New Year’s Day) Pastor Buddy continued looking at the Christmas story, specifically, what happened after Jesus’ birth and Simeon’s part in it. This sermon will be continued next week with particular focus on the others involved. To listen to the first part, please click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWuSVe4TAs0

While our mid-week Bible Study may not start until the 25th January, YABS will be meeting this week. If you would like to join them tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd January) at 7pm, you can write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org to find out what they are up to and where they will meet.

During the service on Sunday, Pastor Buddy introduced us to the Church’s verse of the year. He also set us a challenge: each day in 2023, at two minutes past an hour of your choosing, read, pray and meditate on the following verse.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”  
Acts 2:42

Let’s set ourselves up for a better knowledge and relationship with God this year!

Update for Sunday, January 1st

Dear Church family and friends,

The old year is slowly ending – it is strange to think that our Christmas Day service was the last for 2022! 2023, however, starts on Sunday and we will be meeting as usual, starting the year properly: together, listening to God’s Word and praising Him.    

Should you still be celebrating with family and friends away from Giessen and therefore unable to make it to the FTH facilities, we hope that you are having a brilliant time. To have a feeling of “home away from home”, you can join us on our livestream at the usual time of 11am. Please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link to watch along.

While it’s still in the correct season – Christmas doesn’t ‘end’ until the 6th January – perhaps you would like to re-listen to Pastor Buddy’s sermon from Christmas Day. It can be found, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2OZ9QlqD80 

We wish you all a very happy and Blessed New Year!

Older information and online sermons are available in our archive: Update Archive