Update for Monday, January 8th

Update for Monday, January 8th

Dear Church family and friends,

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Proverbs 1:7

… and we’re off on a new topic of the year! Every first Sunday of the month’s sermon will be dedicated to this short Bible verse, each focussing on a different aspect. To listen to yesterday’s introductory sermon, please click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUuJ4w6Cw64

This week in Church…

Some YABS groups might be meeting on Tuesday evening (tomorrow) at 7pm. To find out which ones, and where they’ll take place, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.

Ladies, your first King’s Daughters event of 2024 is here! Even though the event time is 10am, a sit-down breakfast is not planned – although you are more than welcome to bring along snacks if you wish – a time of togetherness reflecting on the last year is. Maybe you have a couple of Bible verses that have challenged you or guided you in 2023 that you would like to share. Otherwise, the plan is to get painting! Don’t worry if you don’t have any painting skills or materials, they will be provided – but feel free to bring acrylic paints and brushes with you on Saturday should you have them. Just let us know if you plan on joining in (office@ibc-giessen.org)!

To round up the week, we have our Church service on Sunday at 11am. As always, our livestream is there for people who need it: you can get a link by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

Next week and beyond…

While we are still waiting for news on when the Mid-Week Bible Studies will start, we can tell you that next Wednesday (17th) IBC Giessen will be hosting an event for the Allianzgebetswoche. There will be several such events during the week, all taking part in Giessen in churches who are part of the Allianz organisation. Our particular evening is entitled “Pray and see Gebetsabend” and will be held in German, starting at 7:30pm. For more information on the Gebetswoche and what else is taking place where, take a look at this website: https://ev-allianz-giessen.de/allianz-gebetswoche-2024/

Men’s Breakfast will definitely be returning this year, with the kick-off being on 27th January. Gentleman, consider this advance notice to save the date!

Be blessed!

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