Our Church
Who We Are
The IBC Giessen is a New Testament body of believers in Christ, a member of the “Bund Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden in Deutschland” (the German Baptist Union) and affiliated with the “International Baptist Convention”. The Bible is our guide and standard for ministry; it is the means through which God reveals Himself. We desire that all become acquainted with the Triune God – the Father, His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
This IBC Giessen was started as a mission’s project in 1963 by “Bethel Baptist Church” in Frankfurt. The Church was formed to serve the US military in the areas of Butzbach, Wetzlar and Giessen. At that time the Church members consisted mainly of the US Military and their dependents. After the US Army was drawn down, this changed. This church transitioned to serving mostly to local people and to expatriates in the Giessen area.
Our Convention
The International Baptist Convention
The International Baptist Convention (IBC) is a fellowship of English-language churches in Europe and throughout the world. This convention is comprised of more than 60 English-language churches located in 22 countries. These churches voluntarily cooperate with each other to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 28:18-20. This Commission calls believers to be witnesses for Christ locally and throughout the world.
For more information: http://www.ibc-churches.org
The Bund Evangelisch Freikirchlicher Gemeinden in Deutschland
Die Baptisten gehören zum Bund Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden in Deutschland (BEFG). Er ist mit 88.000 Mitgliedern in 900 Gemeinden die größte Freikirche. Als Freikirche ist der BEFG unabhängig vom Staat. Es wird keine Kirchensteuer erhoben. Sämtliche Aufwendungen – von den Gehältern der Pastoren, über den Bau und Unterhalt der Kirchen und Gemeindehäuser bis zur Unterstützung für Menschen in Not – werden aus Spenden und freiwilligen Beiträgen der Mitglieder bestritten. Viele geben zehn Prozent ihres Einkommens und mehr. Verbindliche Richtschnur für alle Aktivitäten ist die Bibel.
For more information: http://www.baptisten.org