Update for Monday, July 8th
Dear Church family and friends,
What can fear make you do? Run, be brave, flinch, stand completely still, shout or go quiet. It can also make you obedient, as Pastor Buddy explained in the newest instalment of his sermon series on our verse of the year. To listen again, just click this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edyjFlgyGpY
This Week in Church…
YABS split off into their different groups for this Tuesday’s meeting. These smaller units meet across Giessen, but all at the same time of 7pm. To find out who meets where, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.
On Wednesday evening, Mid-Week Bible Study continues its study of the book of Amos. This meeting is held online – you can get a link to it by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org – and starts at 7pm.
The King’s Daughters will be having their picnic at the FTH this Saturday (13th), starting at 12:30pm. All women interested in going should register by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org. This picnic lunch is a bring-and-share style meal, so please bring a contribution! During the devotional time, there will be an input on the subject of modesty.
On Sunday, not only will we have our regular Church service at 11am in the Chapel Room of the FTH – with a livestream link being sent to those who contact office@ibc-giessen.org – but we will also be having our long-awaited BBQ! If you haven’t done so already, please get in touch with us via the a-aforementioned e-mail address so that we may order enough sausages, bread rolls and get enough for everyone to drink. Don’t forget to bring along your favourite side, salad or dessert too!
Worship Night
A rather spontaneous addition to our calendar is a Worship Night which will take place on the 19th July – a week this Friday – at 7pm in the FTH. Please join us for an extended time of worship, singing and prayer!

Have a blessed week!