Update for Monday, September 30th

Update for Monday, September 30th

Dear Church family and friends,

… and just like that we are back to our regular schedule! We’ve even brought three treats with us:

Both Lucas and Pastor Johannes finished their respective sermon series on the 15th and 22nd. To hear the conclusion to the Habakkuk series click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPnJxm_hXZc; and for the last of the Philippians, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TwB95UUqpo

As for yesterday’s sermon, Kennedy gave us some insight on what it is to be a child of God. His thoughts can be heard here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgBLlW8Pht0

This Week in Church…

On Tuesday evening the YABS groups will be meeting together in various places around Giessen. Everyone meets at 7pm, but at different locations. To find out which is nearest to you, or which one is the English speaking group, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org.  

October seems to have come upon us quickly. This Sunday will be the first Sunday service of the month, and as such we will be celebrating the Lord’s Table together. If you are unable to make it for whatever reason, you are more than welcome to join us on our livestream – a link to which can be requested by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

Upcoming Events…
To mark one year since the attacks on Israel, an Act of Remembrance (Mahnwache) is being held on Monday 7th October at 6:30pm at the Kirchenplatz in Giessen. This is being organised by the Jüdische Gemeinde Giessen, German-Israel Society, Giessen-Netanya Twin City Partnership and the Christlich-Jüdische Gesellschaft Giessen-Wetzlar – and is designed to be an event for people of all faiths to show their respect and solidarity.

Mid-Week Bible Study – this time on the book of Galatians – returns in a hybrid form on Wednesday 9th October at 7pm. There will be a group meeting physically at the FTH, but if you are unable to be there you can participate via Zoom. More details will come in next week’s announcement.

To celebrate their one year anniversary, the King’s Daughters will be going on a hike together on 12th October. There will be more information on that in our next announcement, but if you are already interested in joining, or would like to have more information about King’s Daughters, please drop us a line at office@ibc-giessen.org.

The August-Hermann-Francke-Schule on Talstrasse is the venue for the next Adonia concert. Free to attend on 16th October at 7:30pm, this year’s musical performance given by the teenagers is on the life of Peter. It is held in German.

A little further afield – Christmas is coming! Simone is looking to build a choir for this year’s Cantata which will be performed on the 3rd Advent Sunday. If you’d like to join in, please contact Simone soon, so that plans can be made! You can reach her by using the office@ibc-giessen.org address, and we will forward on the message.  

One last thing: Thursday 3rd October is a Bank Holiday! You will find schools are closed and shops are shut as Germany celebrates the anniversary of its two halves being re-unified!

May God bless you richly this week!

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