Update for Monday, October 14th

Update for Monday, October 14th

Dear Church family and friends,

With the King’s Daughters’ most recent event hiking to Burg Gleiberg, and Pastor Johannes talking about doing a similar activity during his holiday – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hma1kkllwxs – we can safely say that we are an active Church that enjoys spending time in God’s creation! For those not so keen on being so sporty, don’t worry, we also have plenty of other ways of getting involved…

This Week in Church…

Young Adults’ Bible Study will be meeting at 6:30pm on Tuesday evening in the Student Kitchen at the FTH for their latest ‘Big YABS’ session. As always there will be a bring-and-share style dinner, worship, prayer and an input. This is the perfect opportunity to get to know YABS and find out what they’re all about. If you’d like to attend, especially for the first time, please get in touch with yabs@ibc-giessen.org.  

Wednesday evening at 7pm sees the Mid-Week Bible Study’s second session on the book of Galatians. There’s no need to have been at last week’s study session to be involved with this one. Those planning on turning up at the FTH should head toward the Israel Room, whereas those joining in online should write to office@ibc-giessen.org asking for a link, so that they may take part at home.  

Sunday, of course, is not just the last day of the week, but also when we celebrate our service together! We gather together in the Chapel Room at the FTH at 11am for a time of worship, prayer and listening to God’s Word. If for whatever reason you are unable to be there, but would still like to be part of the congregation, then you are more than welcome to join us online. You can access the livestream by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org and asking for a link.

Another thing going on this week…

… is the Adonia concert on the life of Peter. The concert itself is in German, but it is free to attend. It takes place in the August-Hermann-Francke-Schule on Talstrasse – which is not all that far from IBC Giessen – on Wednesday 16th October at 7:30pm.

Other dates for your diary…

Gentlemen, your second-to-last breakfast of 2024 takes place on 26th October 2024 at 9:30am in the Student Kitchen at the FTH. Be sure to sign-up if you plan on going and tell us what you’ll bringing with you!

Everybody is invited to our annual pot-luck lunch after the service on 3rd November 2024. There is a sign-up sheet at the back of Church on Sunday, but if you think you’ll forget to put your name down, then sending us a quick e-mail (office@ibc-giessen.org) is a good back-up option!

The ladies, on-the-other-hand, have two further events to look forward to in November: a King’s Daughters event on 9th, and the Christmas Brunch on 30th. Again, for the Brunch there will be a sign-up sheet at Church for the next couple of weeks, but an e-mail will also be accepted. We would just like to know how many women we need to set a place for.

May God bless you richly this week!

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