Update for Monday, December 16th 2024

Dear Church family and friends,

High expectations can ruin what is supposed to be a special occasion – and that is especially true of Christmas. Consciously or not we put so much pressure on ourselves to achieve certain things before we wind down for Christmas that our focus becomes blurred. Maybe you are trying to finish a project at work, or have the desperate urge to make everything in your home as clean as possible: Christmas, just like any other day will come and go. Our Saviour, however, will remain. Pastor Buddy and Kathy’s Christmas will look a little different this year, as he explains here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc3gdfjQ36E

This Week in Church…

There is a rumour that the Young Adults will be meeting at the Christmas Market in Giessen tomorrow evening. To find out precisely where they will gather and at what time, please write to yabs@ibc-giessen.org

On Sunday, the last one of Advent, we will meet for a Church service at our regular time of 11am. If you are already travelling, or have come down with a seasonal illness, you are more than welcome to join us on our livestream. You can get a link to it by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

On Christmas Eve…

… we will celebrate the birth of the Child for whom we have waited this whole Advent long with a Church service starting at 5pm. There will be songs, a sermonette, and of course the lighting of the Christ Candle. The service will be around an hour in length and, much like the Carol service, we will meet afterward for finger foods and fellowship. As always, we are looking for contributions to the buffet, whether sweet or savoury – we look forward to both your food and your company!

There will not be a Christmas Day Service and there will be no New Year’s Eve/Day Service either. We will however have a service on Sunday 29th December at 11am.

May God bless you richly this week!

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