Update for Monday, December 30th 2024

Dear Church family and friends,

Over the last couple of weeks we’ve all thought a lot about that first Christmas, the individual perspectives of those involved – Pastor Buddy described that of the angels in his Christmas Eve sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k1qCQ4VrGU – and how ultimately the baby’s birth changed their and our world. Let’s zoom out on that picture a little though, and view the scene as a whole. That group of people come from different social backgrounds, have different educational levels, and would have likely never met one another had it not been for the baby in the manger. Everyone brought what they could: Mary her humility and faithfulness to God; Joseph his humanity, but ultimate support of Mary and her purpose; the shepherds their time and the wise men their gifts. Each had their own input; each contributed willingly what they could. All of them looked on in hope and wonder at the infant, believing him to be their Saviour.
While we know that Pentecost is the official beginning of the Church, does that nativity scene not have a similarity to a Church, a family of believers? A mixed group of people, all bringing what they can to God in praise and worship.   

In our service on Sunday, Pastor Johannes explored 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-21 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G4FGeewZFw). Verse 21 specifically is the verse of the year as chosen by the Herrenhuter Gemeinde. Those who have been at IBC Giessen for a while will know that Christoph often refers to their daily readings during the Scripture Reading section when he leads the service. Whether this is also our own Verse of the Year, with its own dedicated sermon every first Sunday of the month remains to be seen. This coming Sunday is indeed the 5th January, so both the first Sunday of the month and the New Year – so we will likely find out then! We look forward to seeing you there at 11am! If not, make sure to be part of our online congregation via our livestream. You can get a link to it by writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

It’s another shorter announcement this week, as all the groups are starting up next week. The King’s Daughters, for  example will meet for a chat and reflect on the closing year on Saturday 11th at 3pm. If you are a lady and would like to join in then you can tell us by either leaving a thumbs up in the King’s Daughters WhatsApp group or writing to office@ibc-giessen.org.

May God bless you in this New Year!

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