Updates from March 2021

Updates for Tuesday (March 30th) and Wednesday (March 31st)

Dear Church family and friends,
It’s a busy week this week!

On Tuesday, March 30th, at 7pm, Pastor Buddy will be taking part in the first episode of a new chat show “Beit Midrasch”. He, along with two other theologians will be discussing Jesus’ fulfilment of the role of the Passover Lamb. Their discussion will be held in German. If you are interested in watching, you can find it here:

On Wednesday (31st) at 7pm, we will have our weekly Bible Study on Zoom. This week we will share communion together. If you would like to take part you will need to e-mail Pastor Buddy (or office@ibc-giessen.org) and be ready with some bread and grape/red juice.

We will have a reflection on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, but we will post those links separately.

Keep safe and be blessed!

Update for Sunday, March 28th

Dear Church family and friends,
A lot can change in a week.
On that first Palm Sunday all those years ago, Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem was met with great celebration and crowds gathering to see the King. By the end of the week, though, their cries went from “Hail Him” to “Nail Him”. Pastor Buddy continues to explore the events of that day and the lead up to Christ’s resurrection in his sermon this week:

We will also be meeting this Palm Sunday to continue our journey into Passion Week. The Church service is at the same time and place as usual – 11am at the FTH facilities – but please be aware that the clocks will go forward by an hour early on Sunday morning. Make sure that you’ve changed your watch/alarm clock before you go to bed – unless it does it automatically, of course!

This week’s news regarding potential Church closures over Easter may have left you wondering how we will celebrate this year. We are pleased to say that, as long as we continue to adhere to the regulations for meeting – keeping physical distance and wearing a FFP2/surgical mask at all times – we will meet on Resurrection Sunday morning.
There will be no Maundy Thursday evening service and no Easter Morning Breakfast (as last year). There will, however, be a guide through Passion Week and several online devotionals. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and website as we will update these with all the relevant links and texts.

We can still celebrate Easter – perhaps not all together with special events as we would have liked and are used to – but we can still take the time to reflect and rejoice in what Christ did for us on the cross.

Blessings to you.

Tuesday, March 23rd

Dear Church family and friends,
We just wanted to remind you – or inform you if you didn’t know already! – that we will have our weekly Bible Study on Wednesday via Zoom at 7pm. We have just started to look at the book of Revelation.

If you would like to join us, then please e-mail Pastor Buddy or office@ibc-giessen.org for the invitation link.

See you tomorrow evening!

Update for Sunday, March 21st

Dear Church family and friends,
Even though it may not feel like it outside, spring starts on Saturday (20th). Don’t worry though, this doesn’t mean that you have to put your clocks forward an hour just yet – that’s next week (28th)!

Next Sunday is also Palm Sunday, the start of Passion or Holy Week, when Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem as King. In this week’s online sermon, Pastor Buddy begins to look at all that occurred on that day:

We look forward to greeting those who can make it to Church on Sunday at 11am. We will be meeting as usual at the FTH facilities, with FFP2 or surgical masks on and maintaining physical distancing.

Many blessings for the upcoming week!

Update for Sunday, March 14th

Dear Church family and friends,
This week we mark a milestone – it has been one year since we had to initially cancel services and life as we knew it changed because of coronavirus restrictions. Over the summer, we were able to meet and worship outside, and as the weather grew colder we have been allowed to retreat indoors, where we will also meet this Sunday (14th) at 11am.

Life now revolves around wearing masks (FFP2/surgical masks) and keeping physically distant from one another – including in our services – and a heavier reliance on technology. This week’s online sermon can be found here:

Let’s not forget that we’re all going through this together; so continue to pray for one another, to make that phone-call or send that message. It is not God’s intention for us to be alone.

On a different note: if you are eligible to vote in the local elections on Sunday, we encourage you to do so. We won’t tell you for whom you should vote, but strongly suggest that you use this opportunity to have your say.

Prayers and blessings for this upcoming week – we look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Update for Sunday, March 7th

Dear Church family and friends,
The new rules on potential relaxations of current restrictions are a little long-winded and confusing – so we’ll keep this short and simple!

On Sunday (7th) there will be a Church service at 11am at the FTH facilities. In order to attend you will need to wear a FFP2 or medical mask at all times, and maintain physical distancing.

As usual, a sermon has been pre-recorded so that those who are unable, or do not feel comfortable attending Church at this time, may still be a part of our congregation – from the safety of their own homes. Just follow this link:

Have a safe, blessed, week!

Older information and online sermons are available here:
Updates from February 2021
Updates from January 2021
Updates from December 2020
Updates from November 2020
Updates from October 2020
Updates from September 2020
Updates from August 2020
Updates from July 2020
Updates from June 2020
Updates from May 2020
Updates from April 2020
Updates from March 2020

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