Update for Wednesday (April 28th)
Dear Church family and friends,
There are two reminders this week:
The first is for our weekly Bible Study that takes place on Zoom at 7pm on Wednesday (tomorrow) evening. If you would like to take part in our exploration of the book of Revelation and pray with others, please get in contact with Pastor Buddy or e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for an invitation link.
Secondly, this coming Saturday (1st May) is a Bank Holiday. Perhaps a Bank Holiday in lockdown isn’t entirely different from any other day as the shops are shut anyway – but on Saturday the supermarkets will remain closed as well. If that’s your usual shopping day, you will need to re-think!
Look after yourselves and one another – we hope to see some of you tomorrow at our Zoom Bible Study! – and God bless the remainder of your week.
Update for Sunday, April 25th
Dear Church family and friends,
With the arrival of spring we had all hoped that the coronavirus health and safety restrictions would start to be relaxed a little – unfortunately this week’s news has given us precisely the opposite of that.
For some, it may mean that their job and source of income remains insecure; for others it might mean a return to trying to convince their children to do their school work at home. Whatever your circumstance, please know that we are praying for you and that we are here to help should you need it.
Even though we may all have our own pandemic-based issues, we should not forget to look after and encourage one another.
That said, we completely agree with Andrew’s opening sentiments in his video sermon, too! We look forward to the day when everyone can return safely and joyfully to our Church service!
In the meantime, we will continue to have a video sermon and meet up as best as we can on a Sunday morning.
Our next Church service will be on Sunday morning at 11am at the FTH facilities. To attend, you will need to wear a FFP2 or surgical mask, and maintain physical distancing. Please only attend if you are fit and well to do so.
As this new week begins, we hope that you remain safe and healthy, and that you may find peace in the knowledge that God has a plan.
Be blessed!
Update Wednesday (April 21st)
Dear Church family and friends,
We hope that your week has started well and that those with children are coping with the sudden return of home-schooling. As usual, if anyone needs help with anything during these strange times, please do not hesitate to get in contact. The Creator made lots of us so that we may help one another.
This evening at 7pm, our midweek Bible Study and Prayer Meeting will continue its exploration of the book of Revelation. If you would like more information or the link to the meeting – as it is held via Zoom – please write to either Pastor Buddy for office@ibc-giessen.org.
On a different note: who likes mangoes?
There will be a Mango Day in aid of a youth project in Burkina Faso on 16th May 2021 at the Baptistengemeinde Marburgerstrasse. Caleb has made a video giving more details, but it is in German. If you would like information in English, he has included his e-mail address at the end.
Many blessings to you for the remainder of the week!
Update for Sunday, April 18th
Dear Church family and friends,
We’ve been getting used to a different type of invitation over this past year or so. No big parties or events, but Zoom meeting invites and conference or phone call meet-ups have become somewhat normal. Where we can physically meet we have to be careful about where we stand and how many people there are nearby. Even the concept of a guest-list has taken on a new form: at Church we have to take the names and addresses of all who attend. Being invited to something these days feels even more special than before lockdown started.
This is your invitation to join us in Church on Sunday at 11am, in the FTH facilities! We will be looking at the kinds of people that Jesus would invite to join him, and asking ourselves whether we reflect those choices in our own lives.
A pre-recorded sermon on the same subject has already been prepared for those who do not feel that can comply with the restrictions – maintaining physical distancing and wearing a FFP2/surgical mask – or are otherwise unable to attend:
We look forward to your reply – see you on Sunday!
Update for Wednesday (April 14th)
Dear Church family and friends,
Tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 7pm we will continue our study of the book of Revelations. If you would like to get involved, please e-mail Pastor Buddy or office@ibc-giessen.org for an invite-link to the Zoom meeting.
Update for Sunday, April 11th
Dear Church family and friends,
After the excitement and hope of last week’s Easter celebrations, we continue this week through our exploration of the book of Luke. This week though, instead of Pastor Buddy preaching, it is the turn of Ayo, FTH student and member of our congregation.
He will be preaching at Church on Sunday morning (11am in the FTH facilities), but has also already prepared an online sermon for those who cannot attend:
If you would like to see him in action, you are more than welcome to join us on Sunday so long as you are in good health, wearing a FFP2/surgical mask and maintain physical distancing.
Until then, keep safe and be blessed!
Update Wednesday (April 7th)
Dear Church family and friends,
we just wanted to remind you of our Prayer Meeting on Zoom at 7pm this evening. If you would like to join us, please e-mail Pastor Buddy or office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
Be blessed!
Update for Easter Sunday (April 4th)
Dear Church family and friends,
While this may be our second Easter under lockdown conditions – this year we are allowed to meet together!
We will not be having our traditional Easter Breakfast with the Easter Egg hunt for the children, but there will be a Resurrection Day service at the usual time of 11am in the FTH buildings. FFP2 or surgical masks will of course need to be worn, and physical distancing maintained.
Pastor Buddy has prepared two videos for this Sunday – the first is an Easter greeting from him and his wife, Kathy:
The second is a sermon for those who feel unable to come to Church because they are ill or for any other reason:
Additionally, we have news from our missionary in The Netherlands, Felix Henrichs.
Among the many things that he has been doing over the last few weeks, he was interviewed by Richard Moore (American missionary planting churches in South Germany) about his work with the seamen he serves at the port of Rotterdam. You can see the interview here:
Happy Easter everyone – His is risen! He is risen indeed!
Update for Good Friday (April 2nd)
Dear Church family and friends,
This Good Friday, Pastor Buddy has prepared a short devotional video. He reflects upon the worst kind of evil taken on for the best kind of good. Jesus, an innocent man, dying on the cross for our freedom from sin and guilt, so that we may live and have a relationship with God
Additionally, a playlist has been collated so that you may dedicate some time to prayer and worship.
After Jesus died, He was taken down from the cross and put into a sealed tomb. A time of waiting started for His disciples and associates. They were waiting for something that we know to be true – his promise and his prophecy would be fulfilled.
Let’s wait together, confident of the celebration that happens on Sunday!
Update for Maundy Thursday (April 1st)
Dear Church family and friends,
Instead of meeting together for our traditional Maundy Thursday evening service, a playlist has been created and a sermon recorded for you to commemorate Jesus’ last evening whilst remaining at home.
During the online sermon, Pastor Buddy and his wife Kathy take communion to remember Jesus’ last supper. Feel free to find some bread and grape juice so that you may join them in this act of remembrance.
If you would like to read more about the events of Maundy Thursday – or Passion Week as a whole – you can find our reading guide through Passion Week here: Passion Week: Welcome to Passion Week 2021!
Tomorrow, we will see the prophecies of Jesus’ life on earth fulfilled. Until then, be blessed and remain hopeful – Easter is coming!
Older information and online sermons are available here:
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