Update for Sunday, February 27th
Dear Church family and friends,
The ending of this month gives way not only to the next, but also to the beginning of Lent. While Advent is the period of waiting and contemplation for the events of Christmas, Lent is its counterpart for Easter; yet we don’t really treat them with the same regard. There is a higher level of excitement and anticipation around Advent, but Lent seems overlooked. Perhaps it has to do with what it leads to: the death of Christ on the cross. For believers that shouldn’t be as morbid or miserable as the world may make out – we know that He rose again and that He lives!
Something to look forward to this Sunday, though, is our service at 11am. We will meet as usual, masks on and physically distant, in the FTH facilities. For those who are ill, away, or otherwise unable to attend, you can join our livestream and be part of our congregation in that way – please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link.
Whether you choose to mark the beginning of Lent, give something up or start something new, we hope that you have a blessed run-up to Easter and keep its messages of the hope, renewal and freedom that we gain through Jesus’ death and resurrection close to your heart.
Update for Wednesday, February 23rd
Dear Church family and friends,
With the late posting last week, we’re not entirely sure whether everyone has had a chance to hear Pastor Buddy’s sermon from the 13th. If you’ve been searching for the correct YouTube link, it’s this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0SGlXt1q2Q
For Sunday 20th’s sermon, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPOfo13zAD8
Beyond that, we would like to remind you of our mid-week Bible Study. It takes place, as always, on Wednesday at 7pm via Zoom. If you would like to spend some time reading and learning about Revelation as well as praying with others from our Church, just e-mail Pastor Buddy or office@ibc-giessen.org for an invite.
We pray that you are having a blessed week, and that you’ve experienced minimal storm damage or disruption!
Update for Sunday, February 20th
Dear Church family and friends,
Often in Church we talk about being thankful and living in gratitude for what God has blessed us with. What happens though, when we are expecting a thank you but never get it? Or when we encounter people who are serially ungrateful for any good in their lives, no matter how big or small it may be? At 11am on Sunday morning you’ll hear Pastor Buddy’s ideas on how to answer these questions with help from the Book of Luke, chapter 17, verse 15-19.
You can join us at the FTH facilities wearing a FFP2 and maintaining physical distancing, or be part of our online congregation this Sunday. For a link to the latter, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org
We pray that you are staying safe and well covered from the storm, and we look forward to seeing you one way or another at our service on Sunday!
Update on Thursday, February 17th
Dear Church family and friends,
This is the very late mid-week update: we did hold our mid-week Bible Study this week – as we do every Wednesday at 7pm via Zoom. If you would like to participate in future sessions, please get in touch with Pastor Buddy or e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org
In the meantime, you can listen again to Sunday’s sermon by following this link:
Stay safe from the wind and rain this week!
Update for Sunday, February 13th
Dear Church family and friends,
It seems a little silly to remind you that on Monday (14th) it is St. Valentine’s Day. There are adverts everywhere making sure that you don’t forget, and, more importantly, that you buy your loved ones the perfect gift. As it is weekend now, last minute purchases aren’t possible, but love can be shown in many ways: a promise kept, a listening ear and practical (wanted) help being just few examples. God’s love isn’t grand gestures of undesired material things – and it certainly isn’t confined to being expressed on just one day of the year!
We look forward to spending time worshipping God with you this Sunday at Church! Our service starts at 11am and will, as usual, take place at the FTH facilities. Please remember to sign in on arrival, wear the appropriate mask and maintain physical distancing to one another.
If you are not comfortable with wearing a mask for that length of time, or are unable to attend in person for any other reason, you are more than welcome to join us via our livestream. Please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org for a link and mute your microphone when joining the meeting.
At this mid-point in February, we pray that you are able to feel God’s presence and His love in your lives, and remain secure in the knowledge of His presence in your lives. Be blessed!
Update on Wednesday, February 9th
Dear Church family and friends,
Just a few mid-week reminders:
If you weren’t able to make either our livestream or be part of the congregation at the FTH facilities on Sunday, you can catch-up with the sermon here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qVfYpROstU
Lastly, for those who celebrate the occasion – or for those who believe that their significant other wants to – we would like to remind you that St. Valentine’s Day is coming up on Monday. We will mention it again for Sunday’s post, however, by then it is a little late to go looking for gifts…
We pray that your week is going well, and that all preparations for anything that you have planned are blessed!
Update for Sunday, February 6th
Dear Church family and friends,
How are your New Year’s Resolutions and goals going? Long forgotten or are you remaining determined and focussed on achieving what you set out to do? One month into the year, we can sometimes lose sight of the fact that we can’t do everything all at once and that it’s perfectly fine to have “off” days so long as we can pick ourselves up, reflect on what happened and continue. We can easily fall into the trap of feeling like a failure, or unworthy – and “Unworthy Servant” just so happens to be Pastor Buddy’s sermon title this Sunday.
Our service starts at the usual time of 11am, and will be both online and face-to-face. For those who are unable to attend physically, may watch along on our Zoom livestream. To get hold of a link, please e-mail office@ibc-giessen.org
If you will be able to come to the FTH facilities, please remember to sign in on arrival, to wear your mask and keep physically distant from one another. We look forward to seeing you!
Whether you’ve long surpassed your original aim, or are struggling with motivation – we encourage you to keep going and keep your eyes on His will. Have a blessed week!
Update for Wednesday, February 2nd
Dear Church family and friends,
Thank you to all who attended our Business Meeting on Sunday. We had a good turn out, and feel that it was overall a resounding success. We look forward to what God has in store for the future of our Church, so keep watching this space! Should you have any further questions, please contact office@ibc-giessen.org
On the subject of Sunday, if you would like to re-cap on the sermon that Pastor Buddy gave, you can find a link to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iuk78qr3dhs.
Pastor Buddy will continue leading us on our exploration through the Book of Revelation on Wednesday. The mid-week Bible Study is open to everyone, and you don’t need to have joined in previous sessions to attend this week’s. You just need to be free at 7pm this Wednesday and have a Zoom capable device. For a link to the Zoom meeting, please write to Pastor Buddy or office@ibc-giessen.org
We hope that you have had a brilliant start to this new month in the year. Be blessed!
Older information and online sermons are available here:
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